
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mary Dewit Dansers Sampler

When school girl Mary Dewit Danser began her detailed sampler, she must have been wanting to impress her teacher by deciding to incorporate many intricate stitches! After completion she would have tucked within her piece many Algerian eye, eyelet, satin, chain, four sided, long armed and cross stitches. That was back in 1834....Now, today I am presenting a replecation of what this young child had stitched and I will say I thoroughly enjoyed stitching it! Althouch I will admit I was somewhat bothered that she did not fill in the flowers in the lower left hand basket nor did she chose to complete the band of Algerian eye stitches (two-thirds down)...But after all, she was a mere child and I am more than four times her you Edna Medlin of Threads of Gold for recreating this lovely sampler into print many years ago...I dedicate this finish to you Edna.
Now...My Quaker Lady has spoken to me once again....and she wasn't very nice about how I had tossed her aside and neglected finishing her....The pure nerve of me she said!~ Well!~ Since the snow and ice (grrrr......) has invaded N.Carolina, I will put serious attention to you next...just hoping my GAST Dark Chocolate and Holly Berry hold out to get you done!~
Happy stitching everyone and please be safe if you must venture out on the icey roads...As for me, put another K-cup on, I am happily stitching here in my craft room!~~ ((Hugs)) Faye

Monday, January 25, 2010

I am SO blessed!~~

Imagine if you having a long, crazy, turned upside down with 18 first graders hanging on you kinda Monday...Well, that was me until I pulled in the driveway, walked myself down to the mailbox and low and behold there was this package perched up on top of the bills for ME! Now, mind you, I wasn't expecting anything in the mail...My exchanges are caught up... I had actually just come from the post office myself putting something special in the post...So, I looked again and yes, it was for ME!!! So of course this perked me up a little.... I trotted on up into the house...couldn't even walk the dog yet because by now I am noticing my very special friend, Karen SC, had sent me something..... And, here it is!~~~~
Her sweet note (hand made card by her also~~) said "I saw your Valentine tree and wanted to share an ornament with you!"...Now, if you know Karen, you know what kind of wonderful and giving person she is....But, wasn't that the sweetest thing???? Karen, you absolute made my day..probably my week.... Thank you so very much and I will find a special spot for this beautiful prim ornament on my tree tonight. ( I LOVE the cute prim pins you put in it!!omg>>) So, thanks again!~ You are the best!!! **(( Hugs from North Carolina everyone))** Faye

Friday, January 22, 2010

Suggestions Anyone????

***((( Edit: Between comments on this post and 22 emails, the vote is in!!! Finish Mary DeWitt first...SO, I will keep you all posted..!~ Thanks so much everyone for your awesome comments and suggestions! Faye)))***

I need everyone's input of what WIP I should go to next!!! I am stumped and somewhat ashamed of the age on a couple of these!!! First I must apologize for the dark photos...Rainy in NC today....Listed above is a reproductive sampler by Thread of Gold called Mary DeWitt Dansers Sampler. Its not nearly as washed out as it appears, rather antiquey shades..Lets just say I started it over 10 yrs ago and I think she needs finishing...Don't you?? or....
How about my other sampler by Threads of Gold...This one is 1738 Scottish Sampler and I think what drew me to this one was the variations in alphabets...done with DMC and on a vintage 32ct.. Below you see what the entire piece looks like...I'd say I am about half done or so.... is the Quaker Lady....I like this one because you know me a Quakers....but for some reason the thrill wore off on getting this one finished...But hey, she's got her hands on her hips and I think she is sending me a message...Maybe you think I should put it the top of the pile .....I am just not sure....
Or, perhaps my Rosewood Manors Quaker and Diamonds....I know it looks vibrant in this awful dark photo...but the Valdani flosses are lending themselves nice on this 28 ct Picture this Plus fabric...I have ALOT to go on this one and honestly I am not used to working on 28ct...but maybe you say, go for it and chip away on this one next....

Of course tomorrow I will also get some valuable input from my resident experts, the Tarheels Stitchers...They might tell me what to work on next.... I'm pretty sure each will have an opinion!.lol....So, let me hear from you guys!~

Headed back to the craft room....holler back~~ Faye

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quaker Harmony and a wonderful exchange!~~

Yippee!!! Quaker Harmony is complete!!!...Let me tell you, if you haven't done anything by My Big Toe, you are missing out! Their charts are easy to follow, accurate and just fun to do! Here is my finished piece...I used the specified overdyes on 32 ct flax linen...Yeah!~ Another one is out of the WIP basket!~~
AND, isn't this the cutest pinkeep you have ever seen??? Angela of sent this to me as part of our LHN exchange...Thanks so very much Angela! Your finishing is impeccable and I love the pale green 28ct Water Lily Lugana. You will see she spoiled me by including a couple overdye flosses, a calendar, a magnet and the sweetest note. Anything handmade by others is truly special to me...So, thank you my friend! I love it!~

Here's hoping everyone has a great week. With all the chaos in this world today, take time to be respectful of others, to give a hand to others in need and in the Quaker spirit, live in harmony.

Hugs from N.Carolina, Faye

Monday, January 11, 2010

New ornament recieved and a WIP~~

I recieved this cute LHN ornament in the mail today from Julianne in the Christmas Ornament Swap!!...I love the 32 ct vintage linen and the muted overdyes... Thanks Julianne! You did a wonderful job!~ I love it!

For any of you out there who LOVE Quaker like I do, you might recognize my WIP called Quaker Harmony by My Big Toe....I have neglected it and it really is about half done! No sense in not finishing this one on off! So, with any luck, I hope to get some major stitch time in and do just that~~ Will keep you posted!

I would like to pause a moment and thank so many of you that frequent my blog and take the time to post comments. I truly am humbled by all of your kind words. I still consider myself a newbie at blogging having started in May'09, but know that I am so enriched with many of your friendships now through our blogs. Again, thanks for your support and here's hoping you all get some restful stitching time this week! Love to all, Faye

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Valentine Tree~~~

With Valentines Day approaching, I thought I would convert my Christmas tree in the craft room to a Valentine's tree....Here are a few pinkeeps I made...
And, here are some of the ornaments I have made.... I love the pinks, reds and creamy shades put together...

Some I have put bead borders around and others I have slip stitches together plainly to not take away from the stitching....

A few are non-traditional designs like this Quaker stocking done up in overdye pinks....

And this is what the pile of goodies lookes like before I dressed the tree....

So, good-bye my Chrismas ornies...Until next Christmas...I have packed you away...
Here's hoping everyone who is socked in by bad weather is staying warm and stitching their little fingers busily...We are very cold here in the Carolinas but fortunately have no snow...
I am off to hopefully finish up a WIP before I start something new....Will it be another block of SoHRH or my Quaker piece by My Big Toe or possibly my Quakers and Diamonds??? Happy stitching everyone!!! Faye