
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

...Stitching with and for Friends....

First I would like to thank those who have nominated me for blogger awards here lately~ I am truly humbled by your support and your votes of confidence~ I will graciously extend the Beautiful Blogger award to all my followers and those of you that support this wonderful hobby of cross stitching... Thank you again~~

Don't you just love this pattern?? My friend Sara made this for me as a thank you gift for finishing off her original stitchery into a little pillow....I love how she put out initials in the one above....Thanks Sara, you didn't have to do that~ I enjoyed making your little pillow ornie.... Here it is finished off with its little scissors charm....

And, as they say, one good deed deserves another....When Amy said there was going to be a little retreat in Manning last Saturday, I knew I wanted to make her up the pincushion in the new Honeysuckle Manor book by BBD....So here it is....stuffed with walnut shells and mounted in a small stained box...I even had fun making the ruffle~~ Thanks again Amy for a great day with good friends....(Her blog has some pretty cool photos of all the gals..) Nicole, Karen SC, Lorrie, and many others were able to come...check out their incriminating photos too...The fellowship is what it is all about~

I must definitely be going through a BBD phase....Here is the new pattern by BBD done in Cranberry Belle Soie and that is what I worked on at the retreat.....I can see me doing this one several times in different colors...

And my last little finish is from the Joyeux Noel BBD book.....I had some faded red Victorian Motto thread that I thought would look good on this 36 ct R&R fabric.... I envision a prim pincushion being made....
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter....We are approaching Spring Break...Yeah!~~....I may pause from posting for a week or so...but rest assured, my fingers will not be pausing from stitching~~~ Love and stitches everyone~ Faye

Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Adam~~~~

My wonderful sons
26 years ago today, I became a mother..... Wow, like we all know, it seems like yesterday~ Here is Adam (blue shirt) today with his "baby" brother, Phillip... We will all celebrate this coming Easter weekend but make it a wonderful day Adam~~~
I love you!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Another giveaway~~~

Well,.....Deb at Thread Gatherer is having a most generous giveaway....but shhh....I want to win it!!!!~~ Go check it out~~~

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Linderella's Rocks!~~~

Like many of you, I LOVE beautiful fabrics!!! So, yesterday I decided to take a class at my local quilt shop, Linderella's!!! I had the most fun meeting 4 new ladies in my community who are true quilters. Dores, Kathy, Mimi and Linda had all taken classes together and I was the newbie....There is something about us crafters though....We know no strangers and love to share ideas....
This is the product of the class.....It is the Manhattan Handbag and it is going to be my wonderful MIL 92nd birthday gift in May!! The Moda fabrics blended well together and I think she will love it....Its not professional mind you, but I sure did have alot of fun making it for her.....Now I know how those magnetic snap closures go into bags!!!Cool........
So, short post today everyone....If you are ever in the central part of North Carolina and happen to be near Pinehurst NC, go by and check out Linderellas Quilt Shop.... Carl and Linda are the awesome owners and are absolutely wonderul at helping you with your quilting supply needs~~~ Happy stitching (and quilting) everyone~~~ Faye

Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy Weekend and a Giveaway~~

Ahhhh....Fresh air!!~~Here's hoping everyone is going to have an awesome weekend!~! Tomorrow is the first day of spring and I CANNOT wait~~ And, for a chance and a very cool giveaway, go see Terrie's blog....You'll be glad you did~~~

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Warm fuzzies....

Oops!~~ Tommye's blog is called I'd Rather Be Stitching but it can be found here!~~~
Happy Stitching~~ Faye
I would like to say a big ole "Thank You!" to Tommye for passing this Sunshine Award to me! This is the infamous Tommye of "I'd Rather be Stitching" in the blog world and TJB Designs in the design world.... I appreciate your kind words of encouragement!!!
Now, the deal is that I should nominate many others and link to them and such.....but, my dilema is that ALL of you in this amazing world of crafty blogs should be nominated! So, here's to ya~ Pat yourselves on your back for all you do in your own little ways to find enjoyment in the craft you are pursing! I salute you all and hope that you find as much enjoyment and relaxation, whether its beading, knitting, stitching or whatever as I do!~~ Peace and hugs, Faye

Lucky St. Patrick's Day to You~~

Lucky for me......It started out looking like this...hmmm.....decisions, decisions.... do you sometimes wonder how things will end up looking when finished??? I know I do....

Hares' Lucky Day
Plum Street Samplers
DMC flosses on 36 ct linen

And then poof!~~ some trim, buttons and a snippet of fabric seemed to inspire me... I was happy to run across this celtic looking button.... Dont you just love how Paulette Stewart of Plum Street Samplers continues to inspire us all???

Eat Your Carrots

The Sampler Girl

Celery & Haystack GAST, Pistachio WDW, Pumpkin Harvest CC

And, not to push St. Patrick's Day out of the way too quickly...and while the creative juices were flowing... I spotted pins, the tinest of seed beads and rick-rack for this little Easter pinkeep to evolve... The Sampler Girl's "Eat Your Carrots" design energized me to finish him off also....

Happy St. Patricks Day to you all and may you have the luckiest day ever~~ ((**Faye**))

Monday, March 15, 2010

My friend Jill made my day!~

Oh yeah.....Most of you know the wonderfully talented Jill and I was awestruck when I received my Friends Stitching Through the Seasons Exchange package from her today~~~ She loaded me up~~~ Between pretty pink pins, adorable spring socks, a springtime hand towel, some Lizbeth cotton thread, a pastel studded butterfly charm, these cute cute cute hot pink gardening gloves AND and gorgeously stitched pillow....Whew!!~~~ Let me tell you, I was blown away~~~

This pillow is so pretty! The picture really doesnt do it justice...The buttons and beads just set the design off..... I love the finish and the look you went with Jill..... It certainly will have a prominent spot on my Spring tree in the craft room~~~Thanks again so very much for making my day!!! Faye

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thank you for the recognition~~

I would like to sincerely thank Tracey for this special Blogger Award!! It means so much to have this recognition~ I still consider myself relatively new to the blog world so to be spotlighted like this has truly touched my heart~

The rules go like this:

1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Paste the award to your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you.
4. Tell 7 unique things about yourself.
5. Nominate 7 blogs and post links.
6. Leave a comment on your nominated blogs to let them know.

Here are few things about me that you might consider unique.

1. I once won a dance contest at a disco club....omg.
2. I married a UNC man and I am a NCSU graduate. (arch-rivals)
3. My childrens initials are APR and PAR.
4. I once popped the contact lense out of my eye while traveling down the highway with the top down on my convertible. ( I blonde moment!)
5. Children at my school often call me Mrs Ribbie because they cant say Riggsbee.
6. I love the ocean and have a place at the beach.
7. Last but not least, I have been known to be multi-tasking on as many as 10 samplers at one time....Now, that's gotta stop~~

So, that a little scoop on me...and here are my nomintaions in no particular order....

1. Karen SC
2. Myra
3. Kellie
4. Charlene
5. Jackie
6. Ranae
7. Deb

These ladies all are awesome stitchers and bloggers so I would love to nominate them for this recognition~ Again, I appreciate everyone who reads my blog and takes the time to comment to me. I truly love stitching and am thankful blogging has come into my life. It has brought new ideas, creativity and a host of friendships~ Thanks, Faye

Monday, March 8, 2010

My exchange to Karen has arrived...

Friends Stitching through the Seasons Exchange
Cinnamon Heart Needleworks
Rabbit Garden
R & R Sea Fog linen with specified overdyed threads

Dear sweet Karen AZ has let me know that the exchange I mailed to her has arrived...So, here it is.... Another bunny of course~~~ Karen, I hope these goodies put you in the mood for a little spring-fever~~~ Enjoy~ Faye

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring Finishes~~

My craft room tree has been transformed~~~ Out with the red Valentine stitches and in with some new spring ones!~~
You might recognize some that arent so new...They have been in my basket to be finished into pillows, ornaments or pinkeeps....

I have a thing for bunnies as you can see....

And, I evidently have a thing for buttons to use as my embellishments...

I thought these Primitive Bettys freebies turned out nice with my prim safety pins and hemp drawstringed bag.. I even made the LHN pillow prim to go with the collection....

And here some of them are laid out ready to be placed on the tree....
I sure do hope everyone is enjoying the spring-like weekend~ Its beautiful in NC today...With DH down at the condo at the beach, I have the house to myself~~~ Its been heaven~~~~
Happy stitching everyone and I will post my exchange piece once it is received by my exchange partner..... ((~~Hugs~~)) from Faye