
Sunday, October 30, 2011

~~ A Halloween Eve post...~~~ Boo!!

I know I posted earlier today, but just had to send out a Halloween eve evening post also...

This little project has been done for a couple weeks, just needed that last coat of Briwax...
I have been in Blackbird state of mind here lately....

Cast a Spell
Blackbird Designs
30 ct Weeks Straw
Specified overdyes

I just had to stitch up one of the bonus patterns included in this chart....

It is nestled in my fall smalls in the dough bowl on my kitchen table....

The glass lid will protect the stitching....I might drop more Halloween trinkets in the smaller sections...Or, perhaps I will pop out the Halloween stitcheries and re-use the box for a Chrismas creation.......I'll let my imagination decide.....


Earlier I posted about a Blackbird Designs gift I had made....If you emailed me about the containers in the box, those 6 little containers come with the box!! Paper mache box that I painted black, then brown, then distressed and finally Briwaxed....Inside the containers I put buttons, charms and that kind of thing for Nan.... It truly was a fun project!!!

She really seemed  happy to get this gift~~


My dear friend Charlene, needed a little pick-me-up, so I found a Blackbird designs pattern that fit into a little wooden lid I had and I stitched her initial into a small pincushion....She loves red like I do, so this was made to put a smile on her face....And, it did.....

Lastly, I wanted to make a few fobs to share with friends...The crowned fob went to Paulette of course....because she IS a queen!!!  The "Bloom where you're planted" went to Jennifer because I know nature will take its course and blessings bloom in good time...... The others have a  little fish attached to honor our time spent together at the PALS beach retreat 2011...the beads really did look like something you'd expect from the ocean waters.....

Oh..... I wanted to show a super up close look at the darling bat trim the Michele attached to the cute Witch pillow she gave me............Isn't it just perfect???  Just like her!!  Love ya Michele!!

OK....enough for tonight....Hope you get lots of treats and no tricks tomorrow everyone....

Soon I will post photos of the 4 ornaments I stitched at the retreat and my latest new project...the start of a most wonderful sampler............


~~Happy Sunday~~(photo heavy..)

Greetings friends!!! Here's a quick snap of a recent finish...more details to follow in an upcoming post.... First, I wanted to share a few snaps about the retreat in Myrtle Beach...

Morning Star
Blackbird Designs
specified threads~40 ct Lakeside Pearled Barley
Victorian Motto Sampler Hand-dyed chenille trim~ Faded Red


Wow. What a week! Can you believe I am still unpacking from last weekends retreat to Myrtle Beach?  Had hoped to come home and immediately put out a post, but between work and my schools Fall Festival Friday here I am now....

We all had the best time at the PALS retreat last weekend! Lots of us were able to reconnect with old friends.....

And, of course there was those WONDERFUL guest designers that we all were dying to meet for the first time...... Wow, what a treat to have them in come and mingle with all of us....Bottom line- they are just normal people like all of us!  I have no idea where my picture of Marie of
 Blackberry Lane Designs went, but she and her wonderful wares were there....

And....this fantastic lady came....

And, another icon was in attendance....

And, there were MANY that just cut up and had BIG fun while stitching.....

Needless to say, we all shared goodies and here's a few I was lucky enough to recieve.... I was so spoiled, I tell ya!!

 Beth was so sweet to give a goodie bag filled with lovelies....

Another total highlight for me, was finally getting to meet Jennifer!!!!  Jennifer is my exchange partner in the Friends Stitching through the Seasons exchange...Throughout 2011 Jennifer has sent me seasonal goodies...Check out my Fall package! omg....It was loaded!!!!

Okay, next post I will reveal more details about the gifts I took for friends....and no telling what else!

Have a great Sunday everyone~~~


Monday, October 17, 2011

French Birthday gifts~~~

How excited was I when I arrived home from work today when I saw an envelope in the mail marked from France.....!  Knowing I am celebrating my birthday all month long... Party like a rock star~~~~
This could only be a good thing!!!

I immediately opened the envelope and out popped this nicely wrapped gift...

Yes~~~ A sweet gift from my good friend Marylin in France~~~

She had made me a darling needlebook!! And had sent gorgeous verigated red threads also~~~ AND, a necklace with bracelet set with charms of France dangling.... Eiffel Tower and more!

I just had to show you a close up of the beautiful French fabric she chose to line the needlebook with...
 And, the back even had beautiful stitching...

This is some of the prettiest ribbon trim I have ever seen....So intricate...
Thanks so very much Marylin for taking the time to send me this lovely gift!! I truly love it and it looks great in my pink basket~~~Merci mon amie~~

Now you say....What in the world have you been stitching lately Faye???  Well, I can show a couple....Others I cannot....I have made a couple personal gifts that I will be carrying with me to the
Pals Fall Retreat Thursday....It is an annual event with lots of old friends gathering from all corners of the world.... (see you soon Fiona~~)...and many new friendships will be made...A true stitchy butt heavenly embraced hen party with food fun fellowship and merriment abound....All in a lovingly positive way.........MY highlight will be getting to meet Tanya from Scarlett House and Paulette from Plum Street Samplers......... So, get ready world! There will be a trillion photos showing up next week from all us PALS nuts...

What I CAN show you is a couple stitched finishes that I need to sew up or finish off....

Loved the Halloween vibe on this one by Blackbird Designs.....

And, there is this lovely from NotForgotton Farms....Don't you just love how Lori  takes things down to such a simplistic level??? I sure do! This was a freebie a couple months back to honor her 800th post..

Well...time to sign off..finish up a few things then settle on what projects to carry with me to the retreat to work on...I have been in an ornament kitting phase here lately after reading my friend Tommye has been cranking them out...she is one smart cookie, I tell ya!  So, it may be a long weekend of ornie stitching bliss for me~~~

Ya'll have a good one!!!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Birthday Greetings~~

Oh...What a great day I have had~~~

Today was my birthday and it was just perfect!! My family let me "do as I wanted"...Sometimes thats a gift in itself!!  I truly have relaxed, been pampered and done very little.... Couldn't have asked for a better day than that!!!

I must share with you a couple birthday gifts I received this week to kick off my special day.........

My good friend Karen really is super crafty.... Check out what she sent me!~~

My clever stitching/sewing friend, Myra, made me the cutest item....I had to take a second look to see exactly what she had made... perplexed???.....

See if you can guess what this ingenious thing turns into....

She's a genius! Its a fold-up travelling ort container!!! Smart. smart, smart I tell ya!!
Thanks so much Myra!! It is being put to excellent use as we speak!!

So, that's a wrap from beautiful North Carolina this fine fall evening....

Thanks to those who emailed me, sent those beautiful e-cards (Thanks so much Marylin and CharleneSC!!!)  Well wishes to you all....

I leave you with this departing picture of one of my fall displays....smalls perched in an old bread bowl on my kitchen table.....


Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Quaker Christmas by ByGone Stitches~~

Greetings this late Saturday night~~~

I just had to show my completed red Quaker!! It is LARGE and full of beautifully shaded red threads..
It has been a wonderful journey with this design spanning about 20 months...

36 ct coffee dyed linen
Victorian Motto dyed thread

(all photos are clickable...)

In comparison to the designers orignal, you will see I omitted the Christmas words and substitued family initals and additional numbers...Just a slight adjustment....

Here are a few of my favorite motifs.........

This is my 10th finish this year of BAP WIPS that normally would probably been still sitting in my "to finish" basket had it not been for getting involved with the "Up for a Challenge"... I am pleased with the motivation this challenge blog has given me and still hope to finish up a couple  lingering projects  before years end...

Next on my list, probably a few fallish designs....or maybe another Christmas ornament...Oh, yeah, there is that large sampler I still want to start...but, then...SO-- Who knows what I will pull to work on next... It just may be something I purchase myself for my upcoming birthday.....hmmmmm...October is going to be FUN~~

Have a great rest of your weekend everyone!
