
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Today's picture walk....

Good Sunday morning friends and fellow Stitcher's....


Spring has about finished popping out here in the Carolina's~ Pollen is settling some (finally!).... I wanted to share a few photos of recent finishes and indulge you in a few photos of the recent Primitive Stitcher's Retreat in Marietta GA.... I was fortunate enough to be a teacher at this years retreat and so humbled to be called on to instruct others.... We all had the times of our lives! Our community of Stitcher's, designers, needleworkers and artisans is bursting at the seams with commradery .....


Here is the 2016 PSS Retreat exclusive design by Lori Brechlin of Notforgotten Farm... I chose to sew my stitch into a project bag so each time I reach for it, I'll remember the good times....

This is the Retreat size which is 8 X 9" size....

I lightly stained my stitch once I was completely finished with the cross stitching...

The Retreat size bag is a perfect size to hold Lori's charts...


And.... Here is a glimpse of last years commemorative design by Nan Lewis of Threadwork Primitives....




I have also been getting back in swing of finishing for others....

These are the accessories for the Azulejo Sewing Casket by Guilia Punti Antichi.... They are beautifully stitched which makes my finishing easier to manage....

Scissor pocket, fob and Needlebook....


Front and back of Needlebook... Custom cording~

Inside felt insert
I love making cording and tassels....

My customer was thrilled to add these pieces to her stitched Casket.... Stitching needs to be displayed and enjoyed!


Many of you have already seen so many photos of the retreat....

Here is a glimpse of my table in the Merchandise Mall.... I was a vendor in addition to being a retreat teacher....

The classroom set up was very nice.... My assistant, Linda Page, and I were able to hold classes teaching 34 people in each class.....


We wanted to present each attendee with a complete kit nicely packaged with all materials included....


This is what I taught others to make... AND, each person was able to complete the project in class! Inside were all supplies to make this.....
They learned how to make the candle mat, wool strawberry attaching a metal end cap, applique and embellishing the tiny "x's" on the seams....
I also included the rusty oval tin to use in their display... This class was well received and I hope to teach it again.... Every person went home with enough crushed walnut shells to make another wool strawberry once home~ ** Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing a oval tin or metal end caps... I have some left and am happy to let them be put to use!****
As a thank you gift for participating in the retreat, I was presented by Terri of Dixie Sampler and Ridgely a BEAUTIFUL stained box with the 2016 stitch on its top..... It's truly stunning!
Lined with a nice complimentary fabric.... Look at some of the wonderful goodies everyone received in their Retreat goodie bag... Can you believe it??!

The top drawers come out for more storage below.... I LOVE this box and will actually use it daily... Thanks SO much from the bottom of my heart!

So, I'll stop here for now.. I hope everyone has a fantastic week~ My precious First Graders are beginning to wind down their school year... Soon we will be in End of Year testing mode.... It's so hard to believe! As I say each year, I have had a wonderful class of 20 darling children with eager minds who touch my heart daily with hugs, love and laughter~


Many blessings~ Faye