
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Red is the Rose

Good morning everyone!~~ I was the lucky recipient of the new sampler chart Red is the Rose,by Sherri Hager of The Berri Patch last week!~ (Go check out her etsy!) I wanted to show you this pretty band sampler and the progress I have made on it... I am using 32ct linen (the closest shade I had to the specified mushroom lugana) and the dmc flosses it called for...I must admit I was surprised when I gathered my dmc to see the pink and turquoise shades...but now that I am into the piece I see how Sherri's selection of colors is perfect!~ I willpost a little more in the next few days.....If you are looking for a fun and quick stitch, this sampler is for you!~ Happy stitching everyone!~ Faye


  1. That is gorgeous!! You have made a lot of progress in a short amount of time. :) Love those turquoise swirls!

  2. Your sampler looks beautiful! I love the gorgeous colors.

  3. What a pretty sampler and what great progress you have made. Love the colors on this one.

    Merry Christmas

  4. What a pretty sampler! Those swirls are such a lovely colour.

  5. WOW! You are a stitching machine, girl. Love it. Loved it when Sherri showed it too. I'm jealous.

  6. That is so pretty!!! I think you do stitch in your are so fast! Love the sampler and can't wait to see the finish product.

  7. Beautiful! What is her etsy under? I looked under her name and the Berri Patch but it didn't find anything.. thanks!

  8. Hello everyone!! Find Sherri's etsy at

    Hope this helps!~~ Faye

  9. So, so pretty. It looks like the perfect during-the-holidays project.

  10. Love this - so pretty! Hope you have a wonderful, blessed Christmas!

  11. Wow Faye, you have been doing some gorgeous stitching! Thankyou for the tip about the freebie from Plum Street Samplers, I am going over there right now.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  12. What a gorgeous piece, Faye! It looks lovely.


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