
Saturday, September 18, 2010


Well....My fall themed tree has come together~~~Finally!! I just had to show you how great this beautiful exchange piece from Berit looks on my tree....I can hang it on a cupboard door knob or have it showcased in my tree......LOVE IT!
Here is the full length view of the four foot decorated tree...... I still have room for a few more ornies, so I may work on a couple more fall-ish goodies....
I did end up putting the La~D~Da Letters & Leaves ditty bag at the top of the tree...I like how the foliage pops out of the top of the bag as my tree topper....
You know Homespun Elegance is one of my all time favorite designers so I had to put my new little "Boo" ornie front and center!!
Then at the foot of the tree, I have placed several goodies that needed a flat surface.... I think these fill the space quite well....

And, then next to my tree is a basket filled with a few more things that make me smile.... Do you know I have a thing for birds??? Ironically there is a bird on each item in this basket~~

So, there you have it.....It is a glimpse of my corner of the world...I sit in my craft room "Happy Chair", stitch and gaze up at my tree when I get in from work.......At night, with the clear lights glowing on the tree, it is really quite relaxing....
I hope everyone has a great day....We are headed to Chapel Hill for a big-time football game between North Carolina and Georgia Tech.... The men left out at 545 this morning to get the grills and tents set up...........We feed a crowd!!~~~ So, go Tarheels and hope you have a super great day~~~


  1. College Football is the best! Have fun today!
    Now, about that tree... Can you come up to Ohio and do that for me? It is so beautiful! All of your stitched items out where you can see...sigh. Mommy like!

    Smiles - Denise

  2. It looks really nice and all the ornies are so pretty. I can understand how relaxing and fulfilling it must be to sit and see your gorgeous tree. Happy Fall.

  3. I adore your tree. The ornaments just make this tree. Thanks for sharing. Dianntha

  4. It's just wonderful! I love it so much -- love how you keep the tree up and just decorate it for each season. Fantastic!

  5. The tree is beautiful! I bet that it is relaxing!

  6. That tree is just way too cool!! What a wonderful way to celebrate the seasons and your beautiful handwork. W would love to have something like that, but then I would have to be much more productive like you - LOL!!

    Enjoy your football game!

  7. Wow, really gorgeous!!!! Love it :-).

  8. How warm and cozy your tree makes the room! It's beautiful! All your ornies come together for a great theme. Love the pumpkin, too!

  9. Oh my! Your tree is just so gorgeous!!! It is really beautiful and very inspirational!!!!

  10. Your Autumn tree is just gorgeous, and so is your gift from Berit! I can just imagine the feeling this creates at night. Looks like you are all ready for the new season!

  11. Love the tree! It's beautiful. I must say that you have inspired me to more small things and maybe I will have a gorgeous tree someday.

  12. Such a beautiful tree. Have you shown a photograph of the wall behind your tree. The glimpse of your framed stitching is beautiful, too.

    Have a great tailgate!

  13. I love your ornament tree, what a great way to display all your Autumn pieces. Have fun at the football!

  14. AAAHHH!! It's so darling, I'm gonna DIE!

  15. I love your Autumn tree! It is so pretty! :)

  16. I love your tree, it's gorgeous! What a great idea.

  17. What a wonderful idea, your tree is beautiful!!

  18. Wow ~ Adorable and inspiring! Thank you for sharing!

  19. Love your Fall's beautiful. How wonderful to have all those autumn ornies and decorations!

  20. Faye it is ever so charming!! Love everything about your fall tree and the decorations..the fall leaves really add to the charm! Oh and I love the tree topper too, just perfect for this size tree! One of these days, going to have to break down and do a seasonal tree for my office. Looks like yours is great fun and brings you mucho joy!! Oh and I have to say, I love birds too...will really pull me in, if a design has at least one bird on it!

    Have a super wonderful weekend and best of luck to NC!!!

  21. Lovely tree! You have some gorgeous pieces on display.
    LISA V

  22. LOVE IT!!! :)

    I will (someday) have a seasonal tree of my own. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  23. Whooo-hooo!!!! Fantastic job Faye! Love it, love it, love it!

  24. So pretty. I really like all of the fall colors. You did a great job.

  25. looks great - you did a marvelous job! College ball on as I type - big game in Michigan this weekend - MSU v. Notre Dame....ND not winning right the fall sounds of football!

  26. Ohhhh I love your tree !!! All the stitched items in your room are so cute !!! Oh and by the way ! ROLL TIDE !!!

  27. What an awesome, inspiring, beautiful Autumn tree Faye!! I love it so much! Keep looking at it over and over...just gorgeous!

  28. Love your fall tree. Fancy - you could have a tree up all year round. Now that would be nice. x

  29. Your tree is just gorgeous, Faye--and I love seeing all of your samplers on the wall in the background, too!

  30. LOVE your tree! Might just need to make one for myself!!

  31. Your tree is gorgeous! And filled with so many pretty ornies.

  32. How cute! Your tree is beautiful with so many fall goodies. Love all of your finishes.

    Hope you had fun at the game....seems like it was a good one!

  33. Your fall tree is gorgeous! I love the cattails coming out the top and the leaves are a perfect touch.

  34. LOVE your tree. Everything looks just beautiful. I know what you mean about coming home for work and going to your stitching chair and then everything just seems right with the world.

    Hope you had a good time at your football game. I LOVE college football season!!!! We're going to the Big House next week and I can hardly wait.

  35. Sounds like your corner is so special - looks lovely! Hope you had a great time at the game with your crowd. :)

  36. Faye, oh my gosh! That is SOOOOOOOOO pretty!! I am in awe. Wow. I have been feeling rather blah-ish about stitching lately and seeing your pics has really given me a kick up the backside. Thanks! Great job!

  37. Beautiful tree, Faye. Everything is unique and special for the season. Lucky you to sit in your "happy corner" and admire your lovely work and the kind treats from others too.
    I especially like your tree topper in the bag:)

  38. I just love your seasonal tree...and this one is no exception! Now if only I stitched and finished things as quickly, beautifully and creatively as you!

  39. Oh, how gorgeous! :o My favorite part of Christmas is just hanging out with the lighted tree--they are so relaxing with their warm lights! I'm loath to put it away each year.

    I did not know that you are a particular Homespun Elegance fan--but I am so happy that you are, too!

    I think my favorite part of this tree might be the Jenny Bean and other goodies laid out beneath--just wonderful, Faye!

  40. Faye it seems this is the first year I've gotten plugged into the fall theme--your tree and arrangements are so lovely--thanks for giving me such wonderful ideas.

  41. What a great idea having a Fall tree! Why didn't I think of that? Because I'm not as smart as you that's why. The exchange you received from Berit is just gorgeous and looks stunning on your Fall Tree.
    Lots of Love
    Patti xxx

  42. Your tree is really lovely and I love seeing your samplers behind it. - Sandra.

  43. oh I love your embroiderings they are marvellous, you have a lot of talent,
    best regards marylin

  44. Love all the fall blessings you have. Beautiful.

  45. It's just beautiful Faye!! You do such amazing work!!


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