
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

~~~The America Pillow~~~

When I saw this Patriotic design by Mary Riggs of Handwork Primitives, I knew it would need to be stitched and added to my Patriotic display..... I started it and put it down in early 2010...  Sitting in my WIP basket patiently, I figured I needed to devote time to finishing it so I would have enough time to sew it into a pillow for summer 2011....

The America Pillow
Handiwork Primitives
32 ct Autumn Fields Belfast Linen
specified overdyes except I used GAST Midnight
instead of Black Crow in the border

I had put of few stitches in the border using the specified GAST Black Crow, but it seemed a little dark to me....So, I tried using my GAST Midnight and it had the look I wanted... 

The vine trails throughout the border just beautifully..... And, I love how the GAST Buckeye Scarlett pops against the darker colors.....

So, I will searching for the perfect complimenting fabric to sew up something creative using this colorful piece....  Makes me want to stand up and say the Pledge of Allegiance....

Hope everyone has a great evening~~

Hugs from North Carolina,



  1. Another gorgeous finish Faye!! Congrats!! You are on a roll! YGG! :)

  2. Just lovely, I too love any thing Patriotic. I really like the border.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  3. Nice! Nice! Nice! Another wonderful finish! You are one fast stitcher! Hugs.

  4. Awesome finish, Faye! I love your Midnight Blue border!

    Robin in Virginia

  5. I found this chart in my stash last summer when I was looking for something "small" and patriotic - it's not very small but very patriotic. I love your finish - mine is languishing in the pile but now that Mary Riggs is retiring - I'm sure glad I have it and so many more of her designs. Melody

  6. Oh my goodness! It's absolutely gorgeous! I love the color sub you used too. I really need to get this chart now! lol! Good thing I'm going to my LNS soon!

  7. Really pretty, Faye and I love your color swaps! I can't wait to see your pillow finish - I know it'll be spectacular.

  8. Oh Beautiful Faye, striking colours!! and a lovely design:)

  9. What a fantastic finish, Faye! Great job. I love the colors in it.

  10. So pretty....I just love the "brightness" of the blue! Great job on another challenge finish....

    happy stitching....

  11. It is perfectly wonderful! I love those Americana colors and it will make a gorgeous pillow to display!
    YOU are ROCKING on your challenges...I am STINKING on mine ;)

  12. Beautiful finish! I so enjoyed stitching this one, it's finally a pillow..need to post that version of it soon.

  13. You made a perfect choice on the border - it really looks fantastic!! I can't wait to see how you finish it.

  14. It's really wonderful when a color substitute works really well! Nice finish and you're doing a great job on your WIPs.

  15. Have you stolen nicole's smokin needles girl?! You are just flying through your projects! i bow down to you. :) great job, i really like it! :)

  16. Gorgeous! Is this an old pattern? I tried to find it online with no luck. Do you remember where you picked it up? I'd love to buy it. My guest room is decorated in Americana and this would be such a great addition. Thanks.

  17. Oh, my, Faye--what a stunner! And I love the color you chose for the border. Wonderful, wonderful finish :)

  18. This is gorgeous!!!! I love the blue border~~

  19. I hadn't seen this design before. Very pretty!

  20. Such a beautiful flower! Good luck in fabric finding!

    Best wishes,

  21. Cutie, cute, cute!
    One of these days I'm going to have to see that WIP basket. The things you are pulling out of it are FAB! What else ya got in there?
    Enjoy your break!

  22. This is just beautiful! Congratulations on your finish.

  23. Beautiful finish Faye. The Midnight thread makes the piece much more patriotic then the black thread.

    Can't wait to see the fabric you find for it.

  24. It's beautiful!! I love the bright blue!

  25. Beautiful finish Faye. I look forward to seeing what you match up with it. Just lovely!

  26. Oh wow! and how this blue wonder! I ordered a silk thread "beautiful"silk like you in blue to surprise a friend! I hope you will soon receive a surprise that I made for you and sent over a week now!
    I embrace you my friend

  27. You know, you just have to see something in kind of real life to know that you just have to do that piece one of these days. It's gorgeous - such wonderful colors! It's wonderful Faye!

  28. I've been over there twice to buy this chart, then said I'd wait to see how yours turned out. I'm glad I did cause changing black crow to midnight made the whole thing come together even better. I'm gonna' steal your idea assuming I ever stitch it. It's beautiful, Faye. happy dancing for you,

  29. Oh, my! What a labor-intensive yet gorgeous border! :o

  30. Gorgeous finish! I love how the blue has such a subtle variation close-up.

  31. I love this design, it's so unique!! Such gorgeous rich colours too. I can't wait to see it finished.

  32. Hi Faye, my name is Cathy I live in Rio Rancho, NM and happened upon your blog!! You have been stitching up a storm. I just happened to find your blog, and I am enjoying going back to look at your many stitched pieces. You have certainly finished a lot of gorgeous designs!!! I love that American pillow you have a finished photo of it yet? I'd love to see what you did. I also loved the view of the ocean from your porch! Oh my!! What a gorgeous way to spend an afternoon stitching with that for a view! Again, congrats on so many lovely finished designs. I'm with you on the red samplers. I just love them!

  33. Faye - I have a friend who is desperately searching for the pattern for The American Pillow - are you interested in selling yours or know of anyone who has this chart they would like to sell?


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