
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Meet my friend, Fredricka~~~

I don't know if she looks sassy, or perhaps a little stuffy, but I do I LOVE the colors that Carriage House Samplings put together in creating this beautiful design, Fredricka~~~In typical CHS fashion, the fallish colors of the NPI silk lays perfectly on the Pearled Barley 40 ct Lakeside linen..... I know she is not one of their new patterns, but she is a classic...And, Fredrick will be also~~ I am going to dig him out of my basket and stitch him up in either Sept or Oct....we will see....

Fredricka~~~ Carriage House Samplings
(all photos are clickable...)

Here she is up close..... I think she is grinning at us.....

And, here is that pretty flower up close....If that doesn't screen Autumn, I don't know what does~~

That's it for now friends.....Time to take a look at some of my upcoming exchange deadlines and get myself busy!~~~

Until later,


Sunday, August 28, 2011

~~We are still here.....~~

Wow, needless to say, no pictures to post but I did want to say, we SURVIVED Irene!~~~  As she slammed the Carolinas, I was here and my husband was at the condo at the beach....praying....  We came out with minimal damage at both locations....

Irene remains a major threat to the US and for all of those people north of me who have endured her wrath, or are in the process of getting pounded right now, I pray for your safety....Homes and posessions can be replaced but lives are too precious to risk~ Stay in and soon the sun will be out again and calm will overcome...

Happy stitching everyone and soon I hope to have a Fredricka update.........

Until then,  ((Hugs)) from the carolinastitcher....


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Meet new BFF~~~

After MANY months of hanging out in my WIP basket, I had promised Fredricka she would be one of my "up for a challenge" finishes for 2011...... Once I got her back out, I couldn't imagine why in the world she was ever put down! It wasn't the 40 ct Flax Newcastle linen....It certainly wasn't the luscious NPI silk threads....I know it wasn't the beautiful fallish shades...hmmmm....

Well, the good news is, she more than likely will be my next finish!

From this.......

To this....

Carriage House Samplings
40 ct Flax Newcastle linen
specified NPI silks

She has been my current project since finishing Anniversaries of the Heart.... And, thanks so very very much for all the kind words you guys passed on to me about that finish! I appreciate every single one of you and your words of inspiration.....I may not have gotton to reply via email to all of you, but just know how much I appreciate the time you take to visit my little corner of the world~~~

Well, here's hoping Hurricaine Irene passes by the Carolina coastline....on out at sea of course!
Just to be safe, I need to get my emergency kit in order in case we lose power or water.... Let's see, that would be linen, threads, kitted up projects and my basket of WIP's .....  just kidding!

Take care and ((hugs)) from me to you~~~


Monday, August 15, 2011

My latest finish...Anniversaries of the Heart by Blackbird Designs....

Like many of you out there, I have been chipping away monthly at the Blackbird Designs Anniversaries of the Heart series............ After many months of stitching  those beautiful "traditional" BBD colors, I have completed one of my largest ongoing projects....

I will show you a few of the 15 blocks.....

Here is the last block in the series which I personalized with information about myself...

The entire bottom row are designs out of the final chart....

I personalized my blocks in ways that were special to me.... like....

Dedicating block one to my husband..and block two to our wedding date...

Two blocks in honor of our boys....

This building actually reminded me of one of the School of Textiles classroom buildings I took classes in at NCSU... I couldn't help but stitch this block to honor my love for textiles, design and all things that inspire my creativity.....

The total design size on 36 ct linen ended up being 25inches by 13 inches....I cannot wait to have this one framed!!

And, finally, I will end my post with a closer look at one of my favorite motifs in the entire piece...Its the large urn of flowers as shown in the last block....The soft pinks and reds are muted together so beautifully........

Enjoy the rest of your week....


PS: Keep up the great work LindaP~All  your hard work with the physical therapists WILL pay off~~ I am glad to have visited with you these last couple weeks and just know we are all out here giving you a thumbs up~~~~

Friday, August 5, 2011

Penny America....

Most of you might know that I have the great opportunity of working with twenty 6 year old First Graders who attend school on the Year Round calendar.....I love the schedule and I love them~~ Hugs galore..... BUT, in this intense heat and everyone having been back at school a measly 3 weeks now, days can be tiring, we all get a little cranky and basically at the end of our school day, worn out.  Not complaining, mind you, as I feel so fortunate to have a job I LOVE and can actually see the fruits of my labor blossom right in front of my eyes as these children learn..... the end of the day, I so look forward to my precious time in the craft room after dinner is prepared and I settle into my theraputic stitching time..........  This week's time was devoted to
 Penny America as it was entirely impossible to put down~~ Addictive to me... Might as well been named "Faye's Penny America" Myra so hilariously emailed me to say....

Penny America
Tree of Life Samplings
36 ct Macadamia Nut linen by Tree of Life Samplings
Weeks overdyes as specified

Jan Alexander is offering this beautiful line of designs and linens that are truly captivating~~~ Keep up the great work Jan!


I am thinking that might be a wrap up for me and all my Americana stitching for a while....I am starting to feel like some of those fallish shades are speaking to me.....Will I pick up something Halloweeny to stitch?? Or, perhaps get back into my beloved WIP basket of to-dos as promised in my "up for a challenge" project...?...  I just know that with this heat, its too hot to do much outside, so bring on the linen and thread~~~

Have a great weekend everyone~~
