
Sunday, August 28, 2011

~~We are still here.....~~

Wow, needless to say, no pictures to post but I did want to say, we SURVIVED Irene!~~~  As she slammed the Carolinas, I was here and my husband was at the condo at the beach....praying....  We came out with minimal damage at both locations....

Irene remains a major threat to the US and for all of those people north of me who have endured her wrath, or are in the process of getting pounded right now, I pray for your safety....Homes and posessions can be replaced but lives are too precious to risk~ Stay in and soon the sun will be out again and calm will overcome...

Happy stitching everyone and soon I hope to have a Fredricka update.........

Until then,  ((Hugs)) from the carolinastitcher....



  1. Faye -

    So glad you made it through in pretty good shape.

    Lots of clean up and grief for many. Glad it wasn't worse than it was.


  2. We are here in NJ, and also have a home on the Jersey shore. Our main home survived with minimal damage -- we hope to get to our beach house tomorrow to check on things. Our town there had a mandatory evacuation -- and we do not have any idea what the damage might be.... I'm happy to hear that things were okay at both of your locations.... it is scary not knowing what to expect.

    I, too, pray for everyone who has been in her path....

  3. glad to read you are gamily is back in Rhode Island and they are without electricity but okay. My sis just wants a hot cup of coffee!!!

  4. Glad to hear you and your family are safe hun...

    Hugs, Shar

  5. Glad to hear you survived with minimal damage!! Prayers continue to those affected by Irene!

  6. Glad to hear you are safe. Have been thinking about you and wondering. Now I know:)

  7. Glad you are all ok Faye! We made it through here as well, damage in town but none here at home thankfully!

  8. Good to hear from you and glad to hear all is well!

  9. Good to hear you are safe. Take care.

  10. So glad that Mother Nature didn't knock you for a loop this time around.
    Breathing a sigh of relief....

  11. Hi Faye, So glad everything turned out okay for you.


  12. Thanks so much for letting us know that you are okay! So glad that you and yours made it through the storm safely!

  13. So glad you were able to let us know that all is well. Blessings to all of you!

  14. Blessed.
    Glad you and yours are well. I was thinking of you.

  15. So glad to hear all is well!

    : )


  16. Glad you and your family made it through safely!

  17. Glad things are calm now for you... I wondered if you may have lost power.

    Have a good stitchy week... can't wait to Miss Fredericka....

  18. So happy to hear that you and your family are safe and sound.

  19. Wonderful to hear you and your family are safe - thinking any praying for everyone affected by it x

  20. So glad to hear that you and your family came through it safe and well.

  21. Thanks for checking in!! I'm glad to hear that both properties are fine but most especially, that you & yours came through it w/o a problem!

  22. Ouf Dieu a entendu mes prières !!!
    bisous bisous

  23. Glad to hear you and yours are all safe and sound. xxx

  24. Glad to know y'all are safe, and hope for the same for everyone else up the coast!

  25. So very glad to hear you're all good Faye, I look forward to seeing your stitching update.

  26. Faye, SO very grateful you are ok, even with the minimal damage, like you say, if everyone is safe and unhurt, that is the real blessing! Praise God!!

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your Fredericka! I do need to find to stitch both her and her significant other/brother/friend Fred!!

    xoxo Stay Safe!!

  27. Glad to hear you are safe with minimal damage to hearth and home! So many are in need now.

  28. I am delighted to hear that you came through the horrid storm safely! Wishing you and yours sunshine days...

  29. ((((Faye)))) Glad both of your properties (and you and your dh) made it through Irene!!

  30. I'm so glad that you are safe and with not too much damage. The edge of the hurricane past over our area yesterday. We had heavy rains and high winds but fortunately no flooding. Lots of flooding though where my son lives in eastern Quebec.

  31. Glad you guys made it through Irene, was thinking about you!

  32. Glad you are OK Faye. Thanks for keeping us updated.

    Take care

  33. So glad you are ok. Irene certainly was nasty. We woke this morning to all kinds of damage here in upstate NY.

  34. Glad to hear you made it thru the storm!


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