
Saturday, November 5, 2011

A few ornies done at the retreat...and more....

Greetings everyone~~~ I hope your weekend is going well and you've all settled down to watch your favorite team...The Tarheels are playing an away game, so we are home on Saturday for once!!

Thanks for all the compliments on my recent posts were I stained/painted/Briwaxed my boxes...It was fun and I did want to mention that all my supplies come from Michaels or Hobby Lobby... I did order some of the paper mache boxes from Sunshine Crafts also...just an fyi~~

As promised, I wanted to show you the 4 ornaments I was able to stitch up at the PALS retreat...
Many of us stuck with smaller projects so to be more transportable...

I love stitching ornaments out the of the Just Cross Stitch Magazines..

This is the Blackbird Designs chart in the JCS 2010 issue..
40 ct Days Gone By
converted to BelleSoie silks except the red
which is NPI Northern Lights Old Gringko

 JBW Designs
40 ct creme linen
converted to Belle Soie Silks

My Big Toe
 40 ct Exemplar Lakeside Linen
converted to Belle Soie silks except
urn is Gloriana Charcoal

Little by Little
40 ct flax linen
converted to Belle Soie silks

  I also was able to stitch a little on my new larger project....Aren't the colors gorgeous?

Sarah Elizabeth Brooke 1842
by Scarlett House
I am stitching Sarah on 40 ct Vintage Meadow Rue by Lakeside Linen with specified Belle Soie silks.  It will be a pretty good size project for me...But I just love a sampler with a pretty house on it....More to come on this project!! (Nicole is much further along than me....see her progress here...)

I also was able to come home and stitch up one of Tanya's new ornaments...When I saw how Vonna had finished it off with the rusty bell and pretty rick rack trim, it set  my mind in motion....I did not have the specified "Swamp" linen by PTP...But I DID have some LL Woodsmoke on hand, so, I took a chance and here is the outcome....... The Victorian Motto Faded Red rick rack was a perfect match....I hope to get to my finishing desk this week and finish off many of these stitched finished pieces...

Jingle all the Way
Scarlett House
40 ct Woodsmoke linen
RedFox and Icing by BS

Last, but not least, I leave you with a snap of a cute design my dear friend LindaP stitched for my birthday....I failed to post it earlier with all the goodies she gave to me for my birthday....Not because I don't cherish it, but because I had set it aside... Linda and I hope to create a "Blue Basket" in 2012...Mostly because we are LOVING the new Moda Blueberry Crumb Cake fabric.....And, we think we will incorporate alot of that Moda in our finishing...So, why not have a blue basket of stitched goodies??!!  Linda wanted to stitch me the first for the basket....

What's not to love with a pretty bird in the design???
Thanks so much Linda!!! Double thumbs up~~!

Alrighty....I'm outta here....Hope your day is great and your hands stay busy stitching....



  1. Wow Faye...that's an impressive amount of stitching! They're all so lovely :)

  2. love love love all the ornaments! can't wait to see how you finish them all. I have my Belle Soie for the Little by Little ornie to stitch up and just love the colors you chose and can't wait to do mine now too. :) oooh, a blue basket, might have to find something to stitch for ya! I am promising myself to make an orange basket (orange is the awareness color for MS).

  3. Everything is just gorgeous! You are really on a roll.

  4. Faye, everything is just do such nice work. Can't wait to see how you finish each one. Happy Weekend!

  5. Nicely done... can't wait to see their finishes - know they'll be divine!

  6. You stitched up some really fabulous ornaments, I think my favorite is the Jingle All the Way.

    Your start on Sarah is stunning. I keep trying to resist the chart for that one, but I'm sure I'll give in eventually.

  7. Wow - four finishes from PALS retreat! I am impressed. Each is beautiful.

    Love the idea of a 'blue basket' I too like Blueberry Crumb and haven't figured out what to do with it yet. But now my wheels are spinning. Thanks.

  8. Great projects Faye! Can't wait to see how you finish them off!

  9. Lots of cool stuff from you as always. Your ornaments are awesome...beautiful thread choices.


  10. Wow! You certainly have been busy. A beautiful collection. I love the blue bird your friend Linda stitched you.

  11. I love all the ornaments Faye!
    I know that your finishing will be beautiful.
    The new sampler start is looking great.

  12. Wow they are all lovely - well done. I adore the Little by Little Joy one what lovely colours xx

  13. What lovely finishes Faye! Also the sampler is coming along quite nicely and I look forward to more progress pictures. I also go Jingle and will be pulling it out soon for a toss! Am thinking of doing it on red fabric, a reversal. We shall see! A Blue Basket in 2012! Nice idea! Hugs.

  14. Wow! You accomplished a lot at the retreat. I love them all! I think a blue basket is a fabulous idea - can't wait to see all your additions.

  15. Each one is just prettier than the next, and that sampler is going to have to see my needle and thread someday. I adore that brick house!!

    I just love it when your needle is 'busy'! :) Hugs!

  16. I am so loving Sarah. All the ornaments are beautiful colors and designs.

  17. Oh my! Such a droolworthy post! I love all the ornies, I love Sarah Elizabeth, I love how Jingle came out -- I love it all! And your present from your friend too! Thanks for the eye candy!

  18. Love all the ornaments you made! Your stitching looks great! I will be watching and waiting to see how you finish all of them. Thanks for sharing!

  19. ohhh lovely finishes ... and cute one from your friend too :) we can't get those boxes over here at least I haven't found them yet :( can't wait to see the finished finishes :) love mouse xxxx

  20. Wow, beautiful! Love all your ornaments, can't wait to see your finishing!

    Love your start on Sarah too!


  21. Beautiful ornaments Faye! The BS conversions are lovely.

  22. Oh, delicious eye candy, Faye ~ such lovely, lovely ornaments and I can't wait to see how you "finish" them ~ And Sarah Elizabeth Brooke is at the very TOP of my wish list... I so LOVE it and yours is just Gorgeous ~ and I love it on the Meadow Rue ~ and Jingle All the Way is beautiful... love your wee blue bird from Linda ~ a blue basket... how lovely and cheerful that will be~ Blessings always in stitches...

  23. BEEutiful stitching dear Faye! I love each one :)

  24. Fabulous finishes! Your stitching is always such a treat!
    Your blue basket sounds interesting and I can't wait to see what goes into it next.

  25. Very beautiful, elegant and stylish embroidery!

  26. Great stitching Faye you have been a busy girl.
    Have a great weekend.


  28. Ahhhh what gorgeous ornies. Love all the 40 ct work but it scares me badly lol. I still have Shores sat there waiting to be stitched but untouched as its 40ct. I need to get a grip. Love your Jingle design. How do I order it as I can't find it on her Etsy? Xx

  29. That's a fantastic choice of designs for your ornies. They would also be on my list if I stitched ornaments. Maybe I should start one year as I have all the JCS Ornament issues ready for use here and I never stitched anything out of them.

  30. What a bunch of beauties, Faye--each and every one is adorable. And I love that new sampler that you've started--look forward to watching your progress :)

  31. You are the woman!!! I LOVE your ornaments! Sarah looks fantastic, too--I can't wait to get started on mine. The bird that Linda stitched for you is absolutely gorgeous. A blue basket and BBD's fabrics--oh. my. gosh.

  32. Wow, that's a lot of stitching you've been doing recently. I think the Blackbird Designs piece is my favourite. Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend. Best wishes.

  33. Go Faye!! Your ornies are just wonderful!! I have peeked at your recent posts...amazing! I look forward to seeing your progress on Scarlet.

  34. Lovely stitching from your retreat.

  35. Your ornaments are all so lovely! I love your choice of linen colors too. Beautiful start on Sarah Elizabeth Brooke.

  36. All your ornaments are gorgeous, but I have a real soft spot for Sarah Elizabeth (love that sampler! it has one of the best verses in samplerdom...) - great start!

  37. very beautiful ornement !

    have a good day my friend

  38. Beautiful finishes Faye and great progress on Sarah!! I need to get back to her! :)

  39. Love your Jingle...looks great on that fabric. Can't wait to see your ornaments all finished. You certainly have a great haul to show for your beach trip!

    happy stitching...

  40. Great work on all the ornaments, looking forward to seeing them finished.

  41. You are quite the busy bee, and I love that two are mine :)
    Love what you are doing with Jingle. BTW, I have the same little paperweight as you, but of course mine is a T.
    Still trying to get that email written to you. You should be getting mail from me tomorrow.

  42. Faye --
    It's always fun coming to your blog to see what you've done. Your ornaments are GORGEOUS and can't wait to see how you finish them!

    Nice start on your Scarlett House sampler. The colors look very nice!

    Have a good week:)

  43. All of your projects are absolutely lovely Faye. I look forward to seeing how you finish the ornaments. I can not wait to see more of that "Sarah" project. Those colors are gorgeous.

    Beautiful work :)


  44. What a lovely bunch of stitching! You are so productive...makes me feel like a slug, LOL! I only just picked up my needle yesterday after a month-long haitus :o(

    Linda did a great job on your first "blue" that birdie!!

  45. WOW! Look at all the ornies! Saw you joined the cottages too!

  46. Don't you just love retreats for getting things done?! Looks great!

  47. Gorgeous ornaments Faye!! I really love the Jingle All the Way!! Can't wait to see them all done up Faye style :D


  48. Everything is gorgeous! I love all the ornaments and your Sarah Elizabeth is looking fantastic! She's on my to stitch list! I love what you did with Jingle All the Way too - so cute!

  49. These are just beautiful, Faye! I can't wait to see more of your stitching!

  50. Beautiful finishes! I have to go back through my JCS and find those - they look so much better than the magazine photo!

  51. Hi Faye, I am a new follower because I love cross stitching. Its too bad work gets in the way! I had not picked up up a JCS magazine in a while but I went to Joanns and bought the ornament one and cant wait to get started. you are an inspiration to me and your work is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  52. Very, very pretty work! I love the ornaments. I guess "smalls" are my favorite things to stitch. I can't wait to see how you finish "jingle all the way". That's in my stash to do as well. Good job, Carolina girl!

  53. Great ornies Faye. They are all fantastic! Can't wait to see your Jingle All the Way finish. Lovely bluebird from Linda too...the colors are so bright and fun. Great start on Sarah.

  54. Such beautiful stitching! I am always inspired by your ornaments, smalls, and finishing. :) Looking forward to see what blue goodies you will be stitching and finishing for your basket. Also love, love, love Sarah!

  55. Beautiful ornaments! And I just love their gentle, calm colours!



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