
Friday, March 30, 2012

...I am going to need to practice.....

How's that for a mysterious title??.... Well, I have a few finishes and no, I didn't stitch them all up TODAY..!  I did however complete the stitching on one of them today and now that I have a "collection" of drum pinkeep finishes to do. I think I  need to master that technique before I delve into finishing these lovelies..... Take a look....
I did complete the piece on the bottom, let's review.... (sounding like a teacher??)

A collaboration set with Little House Needleworks
32 ct Porcelain
Overdye thread pack which came kitted-
will be finished into a elongated drum....

The accompanying "A Stitchers Heart" by LHN will be the next stitch for me as they use the same threads and linen....Some of the softest color combination you will ever see...

Stacy Nash Primitives
35 ct Straw
specified overdyes

I fell in love with this little fellow.....
I can see him pawing the ground as I reach for a treat....


Stacy Nash Primitives
32 ct natural
specified DMC threads

So.....I will more than likely practice on some homespun scraps until I feel comfortable tackling the actual stitched pieces... I would love to perfect this finish and add it to my "finish library" so I can actually finish for others.... Will keep you posted on my progress...

So, signing out for now....It is heavenly where I am right now and will be for a couple more weeks...
I'll let you take a guess....

Blessings my friends....



  1. You have been busy! Are your needles smoking?

    Looking forward to seeing your finishes--I know they will be great

  2. Hello, Faye:
    They are all beautiful pieces, I like Netty's sampler the most. They are going to be fabulous when finished.

  3. Beautiful pieces, the colours are so wonderfully soft and romantic!

  4. They are beautiful stitchings & will look lovely finished!

  5. beautiful pieces. Seashells by the seashore lol.

  6. Those are beautiful pieces Faye. I was wondering how the SP piece would look as I wasn't excited by the cover but now that I've seen yours I just love it. All them are so pretty.

  7. Oh Faye, I love them all! I can't wait to see them as drums. Now, I am off to find the patterns...enabler! LOL Enjoy your vacation with the shells! Teehee

  8. Such pretty pieces! Looking forward to seeing your finishes.

  9. I like all three of the pieces, but I really LOVE the SB one - the colors really are lovely.

    Enjoy MB - I will be there in three weeks!!

  10. Oh, they're all gorgeous! Can't wait to see them all finished!

  11. Wow!! These pieces are so beautiful!!!! It is going to be a gorgeous drum when finished!!! I can't wait!!

  12. Beautiful finishes and I'm looking forward to seeing them finished.

  13. A drum finish??? Now there is a finish I have yet to see anyone do. Good Luck with those! All those pieces are really pretty.


  14. All are so beautiful Faye!! I want to get my SN patterns out and get to stitching on me some Pin Drums! I love that Summer one with the Horse.. Was it special class on or is there a pattern to purchase? I may have to hunt it down!! lol

  15. gorgeous, love the colors

  16. Gorgeous, can't wait to see your finishes!


  17. Beautiful finishes :-)

    I don't think I've see a drum pinkeep, i'm intrigued

  18. Nice stitching as always. Looking forward to seeing your drum pinkeep finishes.

  19. ooooo while you are at it take some photos so we can see how to too
    love the stitching pieces you've done for them I'm awaiting my charts to come for the LHN and SP :) love mouse xxxxx

  20. Well, all your finishes are just beautiful, Faye! I have no doubt that your final finishing of them will be perfection, as it always is!

    Mmmm... sand and sea - sounds pretty good to me right now. Have fun!

  21. Faye, your pieces are beautiful. I really love those soft colors. Can't wait to see them finished - your work is always so marvelous! Enjoy the beach :)

  22. Beautiful stitches! I've started the SN Summer Pinkeep Drum... I'm super chicken about the finish! Soooo, keep us updated on your trials? ;-)

  23. Beautiful stitching and surroundings! Enjoy the time away.

  24. Great stitches Faye! I'm sure you will perfect the finish very quickly:)

    Have fun at the beach!

  25. Beautiful work Faye!! I'll see you next week. Can't wait to do some running around and find some new places with different fabrics than what we have here around our area:) See you soon, have fun!

  26. They are all beautiful!! Can't wait to see the final finishes. Have a good weekend...

  27. They are all beautiful!! Can't wait to see the final finishes. Have a good weekend...

  28. Faye your stitching is so beautiful. love the colours.
    Thanks for sharing.

  29. My heart is beating faster after reading this post! Such beautiful stitching!!! I was lucky enough to see a Stacy Nash trunk show last night and bought 6 new charts!!!!! I am going to be on a SN kick!!! Have a great weekend!

  30. How soft and pretty, Faye--I'm sure your drum pinkeep finishes will be fabulous!

    Oh, you must be at the beach--lucky girl! Enjoy :)

  31. What lovely finishes! Let's see: where you are is maybe Sanibel? If so, pick up enough shells for a beautiful sailor's valentine!

  32. Oh Faye! These are absolutely gorgeous! The colors and fabrics are so soft and pretty! And seeing as I have just recently bought those patterns, I look forward to see what your actual finishes. Such inspiration!

  33. Lovely Faye! "Summer Gathering" is one of my favorites. You keep us posted on your pinkeep progress...I'm sure we can keep you busy!

  34. Wow! They are all so lovely... can`t wait to see how you going to finish them!

  35. I took a drum pinkeep class from Stacy Nash. They're not difficult at all and intended to be primitive - she generally stains her post stitching with walnut crystals. Fun! You're a beautiful finisher and I doubt that you'll have any problems at all.

  36. Beautiful beautiful stitching - just my sort of designs xx

  37. So many lovely finishes. Gentle Stitches is gorgeous.
    Good luck with the pinkeep drum finishing.

  38. Beautiful stitches!!!
    Greetings from Italy

  39. Beautiful pieces! I would love to do the lhn heart piece and companion bolster also.

    You lucky girl, you must be at the beach!

    I loved loved loved South Carolina when we were there last year on vacation.

  40. Looks like you are someplace marvelous! Enjoy!

    Beautiful designs! Why is it that one can see a design and think "pretty" and pass it by, then see it stitched and think, "what was I thinking, I have to order the pattern right now?" I'm off to shop. LOL! Thank you for the inspiration! Can't wait to see your finishes!

  41. How many beautiful patterns! I can't choose the best!

  42. Great finishes! What a coincidence, I've just assembled my first pin drum - it's a little fiddly, but not too difficult (just don't mistake a needle for a pin as I did...)

  43. I love them all and am sure you will have that finish down pat in no time. Enjoy the beach!

  44. Can't wait to see your finishes!!! All the pieces are just so pretty.

  45. Beautiful drum pieces, FAye! The colors are really pretty.

  46. Beautiful stitching!
    I so admire those drums, so can't wait to see them finished
    Take Care!

  47. Beautiful finishes, Faye! I hope you enjoy your vacation!!!

  48. I love Stacy Nash - Gorgeous work ;)

  49. I just finished 2 of Netty's pinkeep drums. They were gifts and I had deadlines so I dove right in. Not the easiest to do; but they turned out lovely. I will have to post on my blog. I haven't posted in over a year. I need to try again. Summer pinkeep is in my to do pile. Yours is lovely. Have a blessed Easter!


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