
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Emma Rose Freedom and a little Adam and Eve update....

Greetings this glorious Sunday morning!~~~

I am so happy to report that Emma Rose Freedom is now complete and happy to have her flag flapping in the wind....

Emma Rose Freedom
Tree of Life Samplings
40 ct Confederate Gray Weeks linen
specified GAST overdye threads

Her willow tree managed to come into full bloom this week....

Her banner was completed to accentuate that it TRULY "tis a gift to be free!"

So, Emma now awaits her final finishing....Civil War reproduction fabrics will adorn and compliment her toned down patriotic shades....In a few weeks, I will be showing you the final result as the ideas are already swirling in my head...


I had the chance to visit Raleigh yesterday with my dear friend Linda...She had discovered a shop at the NCState Flea Market that is loaded with the most heaveny goodies!
Lone Star Mercantile is chocked full of prim goodness.... Hand-dyed wools, overdye threads, linen, wonderful fabrics including flannels and silk matka's.... Lisa has tons of baskets, boxes and trays overflowing with prim goodies....Faded and worn items....New treasures that have the look of time worn goodness.... You really MUST visit the Lone Star Mercantile if/when you come to
Raleigh NC~~

Lets just say, I will not get into ALL the retail therapy I endulged in...But, I did come home with this lovely design...Which if I had not seen stitched up in person, I really may have not craved it like I do!
with thy Needle and Thread~~~A Stitchers Purse

When I saw the pinkeep model stitched up, it was heaven at first sight!! Also, check out the hand dyed silk ribbon she has at the shop....perfect for the rouching....I managed to come home with MANY yards of the taupes and grays....gorgeous stuff!


Lastly, I do want share with you my progress on the Adam and Eve Sampler... Terri, Marylin and myself are forging along with the SAL.... I am pleased with my progress, however hope to devote all of my stitching time to it once school is over THIS FRIDAY...Can I get a Woo-Hoo?~~~

Adam and Eve Sampler
Cross Stitch and Needlework Magazine
May 2009 edition
36 count linen

Adam and Eve finally arrived to the scene....

I'll let the photos speak for themselves....

More progress will follow on our next update in 2 Sundays....

Here's hoping everyone has a peaceful day...full of fun, fellowship and rest....

Many blessings....



  1. Adorables vos avancées de broderies !

    Bisous de France my dear, ...

  2. Great stitching again, you have been a busy bee, all looks so beautiful, hugs.

  3. GREAT progress! The little dog reminds me of Abbie. ;)

    Your A & E is looking awesome!


  4. Emma Rose is awesome--I have just discovered Confederate Gray and really like it. I am starting to stitch more Adam and Eves

    Isn't retail therapy just the best?

  5. Emma Rose looks beautiful Faye. I can't wait to see how you do the final finishing.

    Nice progress on Adam and Eve too:))

    Have a great Sunday!

  6. Emma Rose is wonderful! I love how you accentuated the verse. You're making great progress on A&E!

  7. Lovely stitching, Faye! You get an amazing amount done when school is in session. Woo Hoo for school is out soon!

  8. Waw, how many wonderful up-dates!!! I love very much little Adam and Eva and the new pattern!

  9. Beautiful stitching! The shop you visited sounds heavenly. Glad you enjoyed it. :)


  10. Love your Emma Rose sampler. Adam and Eve sampler is beautiful. You have been busy indeed. Love all your photos Faye. Have a great weekend.

  11. Just wonderful! I love that little dog. :)

  12. Congrats on the finish Faye. It turned out great. I really like that piece.


  13. Emma looks wonderful and your A&E WIP looks wonderful too!

  14. Congrats on finishing Emma Rose - she's charming! - and nice progress on the A&E sampler.

  15. Whoo Hoo! Emma is wonderful on the gray linen. The A& E looks pretty marvy too!

  16. Emma Rose is so sweet - I love the yellow house and willow tree. Your SAL is coming along nicely. I love seeing the different approaches to stitching the same piece. You all are doing the same piece in different ways and that's what I love about SAL's!

    Hope your last days of school go well and go quickly.

  17. Oh...I can only imagine the "trouble" you and Linda were able to get into..... your goodies look great!

    Love your newest finish too...can't wait to see what you finish!

    happy stitching....

  18. Here's a "woohoo" for the end of the school year! Congratulations on Emma Rose - that piece turned out so beautifully and is a real inspiration. I can't wait to see it in truly finished form!

  19. Congrats on the Emma Rose finish. Can't see what she turns into...she is a beauty.


  20. Faye
    Your stitching with Emma Rose is eye candy! I finished getting the fabric ready today...sure hope I can have it finished for July 4th...we'll see what happens. The colors are wonderful.
    Your jaunt with Linda sounds awesome...I must check out that website!
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart
    P.S. Enjoy the count down to Friday...I remember those days!

  21. Thank you, thank you! I live in Greenville and went to the Raleigh flea market 1-2 years ago and remember a primitive stitching store ther. 1-2 years later and I am redecorating my house, getting back into cros stitching and Lazy Daisy was closed when I went a couple of months ago! What was I to do but order on line! Then you revealed the name of the shop and tell us it is still at the Raleigh Flea Market. I am saving some money and going as soon as I can Yipee! Thank you!

  22. Your finished stitching is lovely, cant wait to see how you finish it off.

  23. I know your finish of little Emma Rose will be as lovely as your stitching, Faye--can't wait to see what you have in store for us :)

  24. Adam and Eve are looking wonderful. I'm still anxious to see what you do with Emma Rose!

  25. Loved your wonderful stitching!! Can't wait to see them all finished!! You found so many wonderful things!!

  26. Beautiful finish Faye! I can't wait to see the finishing on it.
    It sounds like I will have to put the Lone Start Mercantile on my to do list. I am loving your A&E progress.
    I hope that you have a great week. Is this the last week of school?

  27. Love Emma and your A&E piece is really coming along!!! Sounds like fun retail therapy too :-).

  28. Le sal avec Marylin est vraiment joli, je le suis chez elle aussi....bonnes broderies

  29. Beautiful finish and great progress on your A&E, Faye!! I love them both!!

  30. Emma is adorable - can't wait to see what swirls out into your finish :-).

    Oh, such pretty ribbons... what a dainty little thimble purse it will be... I need to get myself to Raleigh!

    And you A&E SAL is coming along so quickly. Woo Hoo!! It'll be done in short order now.

    Take it easy for this last week - think of all the fun to come!

  31. oooo she is gorgeous and love the fabric you have near her too ... can't wait to see the finished result ....
    the shop sounds fab and love your purchase and ribbon ahhhhhhh bliss ...
    well done on your sal progress too and whoop whoop for the time to devote to stitching again :)
    enjoy :)
    love mouse xxxx

  32. Congratulations Faye! Emma Rose is beautiful! I love the yellow house. :) Lovely progress on your A&E too!

  33. Great finish! Can't wait to see how you finish it off.

    Don't you love Lone Star? I found them last September, and I'm so glad I did. Great fabrics and little treasures.

  34. Lovely stitching and great stash!

  35. As always, your stitches are beautiful! Looking forward to seeing how you finish Emma Rose.

  36. Congratulations on finishing Emma Rose, she's absolutely adorable. Your A&E sampler is looking amazing as well.

  37. Your stitching is an art form! So pretty!!

  38. Congratulations on your Emma Rose Freedom finish! I would have not thought the yellow house would have been so attractive but I LOVE it.

  39. Emma Rose Freedom looks wonderful with all its little details. Congratulations on finishing it.
    Your SAL sampler will be another beauty and now that school's over you'll have so much time to devote to stitching. I still have to wait until the end of July before our summer break will start. Can't wait ...


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