
Friday, August 3, 2012

Prim Sisters Club and Reflet de Soie

Thanks so much for the nice comments about my framed stitches....I had quite a few emails about the unique moulding used on AoTH and it is actually a discontinued moulding....I just got really lucky I guess...It really does lend itself perfectly to the piece....Thanks again for everyone's nice words..

I wanted to share the latest design of Prim Sisters Club from Country Sampler of WI...I am SO loving this kitted club and since the designs received so far are mid-sized, they are a fairly quick stitch....I have managed to stitch each of the three sent out so far this year....

Lori of Notforgotten Farms designed the July/Aug kit....
The Sowing Sampler
Notforgotten Farms
Prim Sisters Club
30 count Weeks Tin Roof linen
GAST overdyed threads
The overdyes are gorgeous autumnal shades....The verse is just perfect..
"my linen is my soil, my needle is my plow,
my threads are my seeds, and my words I do sow."

I look forward to the Sept/Oct Prim Sisters Club kit to be announced...
Now, all I need to do is finish this one~~~

Also, I have fallen head over heels in love with my new Adam & Eve Sampler sent to me from France by Marylin....She I have become dear friends over the course of time...Each putting thought into a special little something for the other....I recently made up a Patriotic box and sent to her....She adores everything American.... And, she knows of my love for samplers....

I just HAD to put the first stitches in Hannah Jackson 1826...take a look...
Hannah Jackson 1826
Reflets de Soie
36 ct French Vanilla Edinburgh
Au Ver A Soie silk threads

Marylin also included several Sajou goodies.... I LOVE the petite scissors!!
Take a look at those darling thread winders and beautiful pins...
Thank you so very much Marylin for showering me with these wonderful French finds!

I leave you with one more close up of the border in the Hannah Jackson sampler...

Here's hoping everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!



  1. Lovely gifts and Hannah is looking wonderful!

  2. Love your prim finish and the new sampler you started is beautiful! Marilyn definitely knows how to spoil, doesn't she!?

  3. Faye--you do such beautiful stitching! Your new sampler is already going to be a work of art! Congrats on your exchange goodies from France--all very nice things! Hugs!

  4. Great stitching Faye. It is really nice to have friens who spoil you. Marty

  5. The Prim club design is absolutely perfect. You sure got a good start on the new sampler. What a generous friend - such lovely gifts!

  6. Wow, both pieces are wonderful! And the Sajou goodies -- love them! Looking forward to seeing more of Hannah. :D

  7. Love your prim finish! The new sampler is going to be gorgeous, just love the border!

    Enjoy your goodies, they are wonderful!


  8. Congrats on your Prim Sisters finish. Lovely gifts from your friend and I love the Hannah sampler.

  9. I'm a new follower! Your work is beautiful! Wonderful job!

  10. Love your Prim Sister piece. It is really lovely. Oh your Hannah is really lovely. Love your Sajou pieces. They are very special.

  11. Ciao Faye, molto carino il primo sampler, davvero simpatico, complimenti per tutti i tuoi lavori che trovo sempre molto interessanti.

  12. Wonderful stitching Faye , Oh lovely french goodies I am a big fan of them, hugs.

  13. Great stitching Faye,

    its always a great pleasure to come and see what you've done


  14. Lovely gifts. Prim Sisters is so unique, love the verse.

  15. You've done a great job with the Prim Sisters' Designs. And now you'll be enticing us with Hannah - she is so lovely, with all those nice colors... You and Marilyn are great stitching pen pals - such a nice friendship to have. Enjoy the weekend - stitching away.

  16. Gosh Faye, that is going to be such a gorgeous sampler!! Marilyn did send you some wonderful french are more than deserving!!

    I LOVE the new Prim Sister design that Lori did..I have it here and need to get it stitched! Looking forward to seeing your finish of it.

    Have a super great weekend!

  17. OMGosh
    I love your Sowing Sampler, I started mine last night, now I have to get it done, pronto!
    Marilyn sent you some fab goodies

  18. What lovely gifts from Marilyn! Your new start on Hannah is wonderful and the latest from the Prim Sister Club is so cute!

    Love all your latest framing in your last post! You must be enjoying a great stitchy summer!

  19. Hello my friend, you love France as much as I love the USA, thank you for your friendship, I am filled, glad you like it all, and as I say if you want other things, just ask c is a joy, I would like to be in the package that turns to you, to be, breathe and see the most beautiful country in the world you live! I kiss you sincerely

  20. Wow that Hannah sampler is so beautiful and the prim sisters design is adorable! Love those Sajou scissors!! Enjoy them!!

  21. Faye, your Prim Sisters finish is amazing! LOVE IT! And your Hannah sampler is so the colors.

  22. Prim Sisters Club! I ove Country Sampler's taste a lot, but keep missing signing up for their fun club. Yours looks fabulous and very tempting! A&E sampler is looking very pretty, too. I guess it's about a time for me to get back with stitchng after seeing all the good looking stuff!

  23. Lovely stitching, and lovely gifts! I have those mini scissors too, I agree, they're awesome.

  24. Your stitching is beautiful!
    Lovely exchange goodies too.

  25. Oh my GOSH I love that Hannah sampler! It's so pretty! Love your prim finish, too.

  26. Beautiful gifts! Such a sweet gesture. I LOVE the new sampler you started!

  27. Lovely gifts and your Hannah is looking very pretty. Your Prim Sisters looks very pretty too.

  28. faye your framed samplers in the previous post were just stunning - WOW - gorgeous ! What a wonderful gift - I love Isa's samplers but I don't believe I've seen Hannah Jackson before - lovely gifts from France - you are one lucky gal to have such a great friend in Marilyn. Enjoy ! Melody

  29. Beautiful work as always Faye :)


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