
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Some sharing and a "Day of Caring"

First off, happy nearly TGIF!~~~ Whew! It has been a week and once this weekend is behind me (moving all mil's belongings into storage), maybe I will be able to breathe a little~~~

I did manage to put together a couple things the last few nights and here they are...I just love ANYTHING Primitive Bettys puts out and here is the little "Crow" freebie design done up with a key charm attached and some of my old ball fringe as trim....
Crow freebie
Primitive Bettys designs

Secondly, I hear Becky SC has received my Autumn Exchange....Funny story behind this one.. I had planned on sending Becky both the LHN "Blessed are the Peacemakers" pinkeep and a pin pillow.... With everything going on in my life lately, I failed to remember I had let myself run out of crushed walnut shells!! So, what was a girl to do??? I mailed off the pinkeep so I wouldn't miss the deadline....So that was Part 1...Then of course they called me to say the walnut shells had come in...(drawback of living in a small town...) So............

Little House Needleworks
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Specified thread pack
Part 2 of the exchange will be going out tomorrow.........If you are reading this Becky, be on the look out!!! I actually made the one on the right for Becky and the one on the left will be going out to Nancy of Victorian Motto Sampler Threads...
Nancy has a wonderful ebay business selling hand dyed threads and she has never let me down with my orders.....I thought it was time to send her a little goodie.........

Pin pillows with homemade pins

For many years now my husband has served on the board of United Way of Moore County. It is something he thoroughly enjoys and tomorrow is their "Day of Caring".... Community leaders will actually visit the facilities who are recipients of those United Way donations... They roll up their sleeves and do what they can to help out, whether it is serving food, stocking the pantry, handing out donated clothing or the like... I just wanted to say thanks, not only to him, but to all my fellow bloggers who support the organization or cause of their chosing to help make the lives of others a little brighter in their time of need.....That's what its all about!
For now, I am headed to the kitchen to put together the supper meal!~
Take care, Faye


  1. Lovely pieces for your exchanges and gifts! Hope your weekend goes smoothly and easily.

  2. Gorgeous finises!!!! Those pin pillows are so unique~~~~

  3. Your pillows are beautiful! Good luck moving everything of MIL. Hope it goes well.

    Smiles -Denise

  4. Its amazing how much stitching you have done. The pinkeep and pillows are adorable.

  5. Love your Crow! I just finished stitching it and need to get it finished. Love the ball fringe...too cute!!!!

    As always...your pin cushions are so cute and I know they will enjoy them.

    Good luck getting everything moved this weekend...hopefully you will get some stitching in!

  6. As always your finishes are so adorable. I especially love the key on the crow finish.


  7. I love all the finishes and exchanges. The crow piece is so cool!

  8. All the finishes are great/ i love how you finished the crow piece.

  9. Love all your little pincushions! That little primitive Betty one is darling!
    Kudos to your husband. We need more people like him in the world.

  10. great finishes!!! WTG to your hubby!

    I got a wonderful package today in the mail from you! i LOVE the stocking and pincushion and pins and fabric, floss, etc. I will get pics tomorrow and put them up on my blog. Thank you soooo much!!!! hugs

  11. Great finishes,I have the crow design in my stash and of course I love all LHN. I searched and found my walnut shells at Petsmart. It is a ten pound bag, lol. At the rate I stitch it should last a while.

  12. All of your finishes look fantastic!

    What your husband does is wonderful - if only more took the time to do such things the world would be better off.

  13. Beautiful, as always! Congrats and appreciation to all those who care!!

  14. Love your finish! We all need to "roll up our sleeves" and care...happy weekend.

  15. Your finishes are fabulous. Simply gorgeous! The Crow one is just darling.

    Have a great weekend.

  16. Your finishes are wonderful, I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  17. love your finishes, faye! i, as one of your commentors above stated, had to buy a 10# bag - have yet to used the shells...still have to figure that all out. have a great weekend!


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