
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Friends and more friends.....(photo heavy...)

Many of us had a grand ole time at the French Hen in Manning SC yesterday....
Nothing better than food, fellowship and mingling with wonderful stitch friends!!

Nicole, Karen, Amy and myself had agreed to do a Prairie Schooler "Friendship" exchange back in June 2010...We all picked our favorites, made out a list to follow and took the last 12 months to stitch up wonderful squares to give back to each other....

Yesterday was the big reveal..........

Everyone's stitched!

This project is not really done though!!! Everyone will now stitch one for themselves..of course, Karen has already stitched her own piece!~ YGG... And THEN is when the creativity kicks in to see how everyone finishes off this project.............Can't wait to see how it all that turns out!!! Stay tuned....

Of course, there were many NC and SC stitchers attending the festivities yesterday.....

Frick and frack, cutting up~~~

could we be sisters or what????

Well.....Maybe tomorrow I will show you what I stitched on at the stitch-in....

Have a great Sunday everyone!!!!



  1. What fun to have friends near by who love to stitch. I wish someone near me enjoyed x-stitching.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  2. How beautiful! I know you all had a wonderful time stitching and laughing and visiting!

  3. Looks like you all had a fun time!

  4. What a great idea for an exchange. Be sure to let us see how they're finished!

  5. It was a great day, wasn't it? Glad blogger is getting its act back together!

  6. Lovely exchange of frienship samplers, they are gorgeous:))
    And having a good time together too, fabulous.

  7. love love love your PS exchanges! Can't wait to see them all finished :)

    Love all the smiling faces! Miss you guys!

  8. It sounds like a fun time! I'm looking forward to seeing what you all decide to do with your exchange pieces.

  9. What beautiful stitching and exchange between friends. Beautiful. Sounds you all had a grand of a time.

  10. Those friendship squares are just delightful - can't wait to see how everyone finishes them. It looks like ya'll had a great time.

  11. I so wish I could have been there yesterday. We need to get together soon. Seems like every time one is planned, it just doesn't work out with my schedule. Thanks for sharing pictures and the PS exchange pieces are just lovely! Happy summer and big hugs!

  12. Had a wonderful time with y'all yesterday... need to get my squares out and take a look!

    Hope you are staying cool...happy stitching....

  13. What a fun time, Faye--and to receive all those PS beauties on top of meeting up with your friends! Sounds like a perfect day :)

  14. Looks like everyone had a great time:))

    Love the PS pieces and can't wait to see how you all finish them!

    Have a good week

  15. Those friendship block are awesome!!!!! Looks alike you all had a great time at the gathering~~

  16. Your PS exchange pieces look so great! I love the designs you chose. Looks like you all had fun too!

  17. you look like you had a fantastic time and your stitching to each other is a lovely thought .. can't wait to see what you do with them :) love mouse xxxx

  18. What a wonderful exchange Faye! Can't wait to see what you do with yours.

    Looks like an awesome time you had with all your stitching friends!

  19. You girls look like you had a lot of fun. All the PS squares look GREAT!

  20. Everyone's pieces look great! Glad y'all had such a fun time. Maybe one of these weekends I can make it down too!

  21. Looks like everyone had a great time. I always wish I lived closer when you all get together for stitch ins. I will jsut have to do with MB in October. The Friendship RR looks fantastic, looking forward to seeing them all finished.

  22. What a fun time!!!! One of these days I'm gonna jump in my car and drive to SC for a French Hen day.....Bahahaha!
    Love your exchange idea. They are all lovely!

  23. Looks like such a fun time! Your friendship exchange turned out awesome!!!

  24. Faye looks like you had a wonderful time. Can't wait to see what you stitched. Love the friendship exchange you are doing with the girls.. It will be nice to see how you finish it!!!

  25. That meeting looks like you all had SO much fun together. It's lovely to be able to meet up with other stitchers. Love all your and your friends PS pieces. What a nice way to cherish each others friendship.

  26. love the PS pieces, you guys did great work! can't wait to see them all finished up. ;) and miss those smiling faces! hopefully will see you all in Oct at PALS in MB! I'm working on it!

  27. So many beautiful Prairie Schooler squares, and such wonderful, happy pictures of stitching friends!

  28. Oh, fun! The PS squares look great. I envy you that group of fun and talented women that you are a part of!

  29. What beautiful work! I hope we will get to see photos of the finishing as well.

  30. Hated missing seeing all of you - hopefully next time. Lovely, lovely stitching and pictures!

  31. Very nice!!! Love the PS squares and what a fun day :-).

  32. Looks like such a wonderful time~ Thanks for sharing!

  33. Completely forgot all about it! Looks like y'all had a lot of fun like always!

  34. Oh I love your stitches !

    very lovely pictures

    bisous de France

  35. It was great to see you Faye!! Can't wait until the next time!!!

  36. Love all the pictures - both of the people and the stitching. Love those stitches pieces, and loved putting faces to some names! Looks like it was a wonderful time!

  37. How wonderful that you have such a great group of ladies to get together with and stitch! Stitching is great but stitching with friends is fantastic!!
    I love all the PS designs you stitched for each other. I had never seen this particular PS chart. I imagine it's OOP which is why I've missed it.


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