Monday, December 20, 2010

Blonde moment.....but laughing about it!~~

Last night was an event of taking two steps forward, and three steps back............... I THOUGHT I was on a roll.........Had 2 more finishes finished.....Took the photos..... When I stepped back and said to myself "Somethings not quite right......."
I the above photo looks pretty a-ok..........but when you look at the framed LHN you will see the poor poinsetta had shed all its leaves on the right side and a few on the left....... OMG....I had just framed a piece that was not finished~~~grrrrr........
SO....I had to unframe and finish it so it could get in the mail today.....
Whew! That was a close one~~~ Do you ever feel like you are moving a little too fast?? I ususally dont, but I will stop and pause a little more now~~ My stitchy friend would have gotton a kick out of that unfinished gift...! No??
So, I am headed out the door to get these 2 in the mail........Hoping they arrive to their new home in time for Christmas...And, if not, they will have a goodie for next years decorating~~
Take care and stay warm~~~ Faye


Patty C. said...

I am so glad you found the missing stitches - It looks beautiful - That was from the LHN Poinsettia House wasn't it - Great adaptation !!!

Tricia said...

Oh, that is *so* something that I would do!!!!! Glad you're laughing and sharing. It really is funny - although I know how tragic it would have felt had you actually sent it. :-)

Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

I know what you mean. I always feel like I'm going a million miles an hour. I have to make myself slow down. They really do look beautiful and I'm glad you caught it in time. It does make you go GRRRR though :D

BrendaS said...

Great finishes. At least you were able to catch it before it went in the mail:)))

Have a Merry Christmas

gracie said...

Beautiful gifts for 2 lucky people....

Bertie said...

Oh how gorgeous are your ornament and framed flower pot!! just so Christmassy:))
Happy Christmas Faye.

Kajsa said...

I have done that! Pretty finishes!

Julianne said...


It took me some time to see it. My excuse? No morning coffee and up at 6:30 with my restless greyhound.

Both of the finishes are really perfect. I hope you have a perfect Christmas :)

Margaret said...

lol! I think we all have those moments. At least you caught it and fixed it before sending it out! Love your finishes! Have a great Christmas!

Lesleyanne said...

Thank you for sharing. Both of your finishes are gorgeous.

Berit said...

They are beautiful, Faye! I especially like the ribbon you used for the hanger.

Also, I think it was kinda cute with it's missing leaves! ;)

Hazel said...

Still Lovely. xxx

Anonymous said...

Oops! At least it was easy enough to fix :) They're both beautiful!

JOLENE said...

What a great story, if you can't giggle at yourself then who will? It would have made a fabulous conversation piece. LOL It's beautiful, I am sure the recipient will love this one!! Smiles...and Happy Holidays to you and yours....

Cole said...

Oops! I think we've all done something similar to that! Glad you could fix it easily enough :)

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

I know I and I probably will again tonight...
Faye, I wish you a Very Merry Christmas and one stitch of a 2011.
Be always in stitches.

Myra said...

LOL Faye, I think we have all done something like that before. It is amazing that you don't see it until you take the picture, isn't it? Those are so pretty.

Meadows08 said...

Too funny! Good thing you caught it though! Take a deep breath and slow down. I find if I try to rush it actually makes me slower for some reason.

Merry Christmas

Deb said...

Glad that you caught it in time! But your post made me laugh - I'm always in a hurry to get things done and one year I was working on the Weeping Tree Sampler and forgot to put the bird's legs on that were sitting on the right side of the tree. Even the framer didn't notice it. It is hanging to this day in the kitchen with the birds sans legs!

Have a wonderful Christmas Faye!

Denise said...

Oh, Faye, that's too funny! So glad you shared your oops! At least you caught it!

I'm sure your friend would have loved it anyway!

Merry Christmas!

Patricia Lessell said...

Oh Faye I love them both. Now if you would have left the Poinsettia without the leaves on the right hand flower it would have truly been a Faye original and that would have been WONDERFUL. I love the ornie too though. Have a GREAT Christmas and a very happy and healthy New Year.
Lots of Love
Patricia (I've decided I'm grown up now and need a grown up name) xxx

CalamityJr said...

It's so nice when someone is willing to own up and make the rest of us feel human! Your finishes are beautiful, and I'm sure will be loved by their new owner.

Nan said...

I'll laugh with you on this one. I've done the same before. Just glad you caught it in time.
Merry Christmas!

Joy said...

Faye, hon you are not alone! I have done this least we caught ourselves! LOL Your gifts are lovely and the frames are really nice. Where did you get them? Wishing you a wonderful Christmas. Hugs & Stitches!!

Kathy said...

I've done this. I'm glad you caught it in time and could laugh about it. They are wonderful gifts.

Catherine said...

Been there, done that! Beautiful pieces! You are going to bring a smile to someone for sure!

Merry Christmas!

Hopblogger said...

I think that we all have made small minor MISHAPS. LOL's. They give each piece character. It is still very pretty!
Merry Christmas & a happy New Year!

Lynn said...

That is just too funny, although it may not have seemed that way at the time! I find that at this time of year we have so much on our minds that sometimes you just can't see the obvious.
In any case, all's well that ends well and you've done a marvellous job!
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2011.

Sue said...

Oh, that is too funny. I give you credit for taking it apart and reframing it :)

Carol R said...

Both pieces look beautiful! It's too funny that you forgot to stitch the leaves on the poinsettia! I have a Darlene O'Steen sampler on the wall right alongside me that has just one missing stitch off the H and my eyes are drawn to it when I look at this sampler but I'm afraid it will have to remain as it is!

SnowySticher said...

beautiful ornaments. That's always a fear of mine that I will finish and frame a picture and then find some stitching missing

Lynn said...

What beautiful finishes you have posted. I especially like the pointsettia.

Your work is lovely.

Merry Christmas, Lynn

Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm glad you noticed and that it was easily fixed! I'm sure the recipient will be thankful for them both. Happy Holidays!

Blu said...

At least you caught it before it went out! There's nothing like getting to the framer and have them ask "why is that spot blank" to make you really feel silly.
And they both look lovely!

stitchin schoolmarm said...

When someone graduates I always do the Precious Moments grad and then have it framed with the recipient's senior pic. Well, once I got to the framers only to realize my cross-stitched boy only had one ear!