Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010.....

Rarely does it snow in the Pinehurst area of North Carolina.....Much less in December...
Here is what I will be looking at today once I get into my craft room.........Pretty isn't it?
And, here are a few snaps from family....

Once I get the crock pot loaded, find me in my stitching chair.....
Loving my snowy day,


Jan said...

Enjoy that prettiness, Faye!!! We got ours on Christmas Eve and it was so lovely coming down. Great photos of the family!

You enjoy your Stitchy Snowy day to the max!

Myra said...

Isn't the snow pretty? Lovely family pics you have there. Stitch away!

Carol said...

Same here in VA! 10 inches so far and no signs of stopping! Merry Christmas Faye and Happy Stitching!

Jackie's Stitches said...

You have a beautiful family! Enjoy your warm and cozy day stitching looking at that beautiful view. Life is good!

Nancy said...

It's beautiful! We had a white Christmas in South Carolina. That is unheard of and a dream come true for me. Enjoy your cozy day!

Margaret said...

Nice to see pics of your family! Enjoy the snow!

Julianne said...


Enjoy your day in the craft room and stay warm :)

Deb said...

That picture looks like something out of a magazine. Beautiful. Be careful in the snow. Hopefully it won't stick around long!!

Elizabeth MacGregor-Kirkcaldy said...

Oh, how lovely, Faye! We got snow as well last night and this morning and more on the way they say... and it's heading your way! :) Lovely pics of your family! And as always I'm loving all your stitchy finishes... just beautiful! I'm off to join you in my stitching chair... enjoying this lovely snowy, stitchy day...

Blessings always in stitches...

Robin in Virginia said...

Enjoy your snow day, Faye! Lovely family pictures!

Stay warm and safe!

Sherry said...

We have snow too! Enjoy your day of stitching!

Colleen said...

Your family pictures are beautiful,as your furry friends are cuties. Enjoy your snowy stitching day. Cold, windy & no sun here in SW Florida. Freeze warnings tonight. I'll be stitching right along with you. ENJOY

Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

Faye, so glad you got the snow you were hoping for. Here in Philadelphia we are bracing for 10 to 14. YIKES!!! I really wanted to do a lot of stitching today, but I guess I will have shovel in hand rather than needle.

BrendaS said...

Enjoy your Snowy Day! Hope you get lots of stitching done:)))

Tricia said...

Oh, how beautiful!!! Enjoy it, Faye!!!

Siobhán said...

Everything looks so peaceful! Great family pics, too. Enjoy your hunker down time, Faye!

Gail said...

Wishing you a Merry, Snowy, Day -after- Christmas, full of stitching!! I'm watching the snow, still floating down, like manna from heaven!
I'm furiously knitting to finish 2 felted bags for the girlfriends by Wed.! Thinking of you and your family this Christmastime.

Wrought By LaDonna said...

I love the snow right after it has fallen and everything is covered in white. Everything looks so clean and fresh! It has just started to snow here. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family and you are able to enjoy you hunker down time.

Lesleyanne said...

Lovely photos. Hope you managed to stitch.

Lynn said...

That picture is like a postcard! Enjoy your time stitching. I've yet to get to that point. My sons are only arriving here tomorrow so we have yet to celebrate our Christmas. I've spent the entire day cooking.

Glenna said...

Merry, happy snow day (and Christmas)! What cute pictures of the pups and their humans!

Jackie said...

Very Beautiful Faye and you have a beautiful family.

DaisyGirl said...

Merry Christmas Faye! Enjoy your stitching time!

Karen said...

Great looking family....glad you had a good Christmas. We did get snow but missed most of it since we were away visiting family! Hope you had a good stitching day!

Stay warm....

Karol said...

Hope you had a Merry Christmas! The snow is lovely especially when you get to look out the window and stitch.

Sue said...

The winter pictures are pretty. We're getting slammed with a blizzard in New Hampshire tonight.

PegC said...

Faye thank you for sharing the lovely pics of Pinehurst and family

Carol said...

I'm amazed at how much snow you southern stitchers got. Doesn't it look so calm and peaceful (as long as you don't have to go out in it!!)? We were spared here in western PA...just had some light sprinklings of the white stuff.

Glad your Christmas was merry, Faye, and I wish you and your family a happy and healthy 2011!

Nan said...

I'm sure that beautiful view from your craft room will inspire you to create something wonderful. Enjoy the snow!
Happy New Year!