What can I say?? I am feeling like a queen here at Cherry Grove Beach! And this LHN design is oh so fitting as my DH is constantly saying me and/or the beagle are the queens of the house....I love putting together the LHN designs as they are fairly quick and cute. This one is done on 32 ct flax linen using specified CC flosses. I put it into a scissor case with matching scissor fob. The pinks,golds and black are vibrant and its a piece that will make you smile. Who knows...maybe it is mine to keep or someone elses in an upcoming exchange...will have to wait and see!!
Heres hoping all of you queen bees out there are enjoying your summer. With only a month left before school resumes, I hope to fit more stitching and sunning into my relaxing schedule! Enjoy!
Thanks for your comforting comments you left on my blog regarding my dad. It is comforting to know he is at peace and out of pain.
Yes, that Liberty piece is Lizzie Kate's. It is the July Block Flip-It. I love these ones. You can do so much with them.
Have a great day!
Love the scissors pocket and the fob is precious. Beautiful job!
Gorgeous stitching and finishing :)
I love this one! It's a great idea for finishing too, I may have to steal the idea from you and do one myself :)
Well, if you're at Cherry Grove (one of my all time favorite places at the beach), then you're doing well. Your finishes are adorable - love them both!
I love your finish! I think that I'm going to have to buy this chart! The colors are so sweet!
Love both of your finishes, Faye!! Enjoy your sun and stitching!
I love everything I have seen on your blog. I think I will have to buy this LHN chart because it is just gorgeous and my friend Deb calls me Queenie anyway but Gracie my Yorkshire Terrier is really the Queen at our house. I have linked your blog to mine and thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog. Lots of Love Patti xxx
Hi FayeRaye, thanks for entering my giveaway. It is always fun to find new stitchers in the blog "arena". I, too, just recently purchased the Queen Bee pattern from LHN and hope to start on it this summer. I read you have a beagle; I am so jealous! I have three cats, so a dog wouldn't fit in with my cat's personalities. Anyway, I had the opportunity to spend some time with an absolutely adorable beagle last summer named "Copper". (Just writing about him brings tears to my eyes). He was a very special friend who adored me as much as I adored him. He had such a free spirit and loved to be loved, but his owners couldn't keep him in their yard (he was always at mine)so they "sold" him. I cried for days...and to this day I wish I had the opportunity to "adopt" him. Good luck to you on my giveaway!!! Love your blog. Jolene
How bee wonderful is this??? Your finishing is fantastic!
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