Monday, January 25, 2010

I am SO blessed!~~

Imagine if you having a long, crazy, turned upside down with 18 first graders hanging on you kinda Monday...Well, that was me until I pulled in the driveway, walked myself down to the mailbox and low and behold there was this package perched up on top of the bills for ME! Now, mind you, I wasn't expecting anything in the mail...My exchanges are caught up... I had actually just come from the post office myself putting something special in the post...So, I looked again and yes, it was for ME!!! So of course this perked me up a little.... I trotted on up into the house...couldn't even walk the dog yet because by now I am noticing my very special friend, Karen SC, had sent me something..... And, here it is!~~~~
Her sweet note (hand made card by her also~~) said "I saw your Valentine tree and wanted to share an ornament with you!"...Now, if you know Karen, you know what kind of wonderful and giving person she is....But, wasn't that the sweetest thing???? Karen, you absolute made my day..probably my week.... Thank you so very much and I will find a special spot for this beautiful prim ornament on my tree tonight. ( I LOVE the cute prim pins you put in it!!omg>>) So, thanks again!~ You are the best!!! **(( Hugs from North Carolina everyone))** Faye


BrendaS said...

What a thoughtful gift and so perfect for your little tree.

It would make my week too!


Natasha said...

Wow what a beautiful gift to come home to on a Monday :)

Valerie said...

Isn't it wonderful to have your faith in humanity restored? And isn't it wonderful to have such a thoughtful friend? The ornament is lovely and can't wait for pics of the Valentine tree!

Nancy said...

Such a sweet and thoughtful gesture, and it's so beautiful!

Kim B said...

What a sweet gift!

Carolyn NC said...

It's beautiful and definitely something to treasure! Couldn't have happened to a nicer person!

doris said...

Very cute. Surprises are the best gifts.

Jackie's Stitches said...

The homespun fabric showcases the stitching perfectly! What a nice surprise to get in the mail!

staci said...

What a wonderful surprise! And it sounds like it couldn't have come on a better day :)

Myra said...

How sweet is that? Karen did a great job on the pin pillow - just lovely.

Tanya Marie said...

You sure are! That is lovely :)

Karen said...

how sweet! and the pillow is darling! lucky girl!

Sharon said...

How lovely!

Deb said...

What a great gift FayeRaye!!! That would definitely put a smile on my face after a long day with first graders!!

Catherine said...

What a lovely surprise! Angels are among us!

Meadows08 said...

What a lovely surprise! It's so pretty.

Tracey said...

What a sweet and beautiful gift! :)

Kellie said...

How sweet and pretty!! What a fun way to end the hectic day at work. :)

Michelle said...

What a beautiful and thoughtful gift - I can believe it made your week!

Shelleen said...

what a great gift.

SnowySticher said...

What a sweet and thoughtful gift.

Siobhán said...

Oh my goodness! What a perfect little gift, made even more special because it was unexpected. :)

Barbara said...

Faye, what a sweet little gift your friend sent to you, and how very thoughtful of her. I looked through your Blog and really enjoyed seeing your stitching, very beautiful. I also like Quaker items. Your Valentine tree is loverly, is that a word? Oh well, it is now! I have you bookmarked.


Annie Bee said...

What a beautiful little surprise in the mail.

Marion said...

What a wonderful surprise to find in your mailbox!!!