Monday, December 27, 2010

winding down...and gearing up....

Are you feeling blue???.......

Or, perhaps, seeing red??.....

Or, just full of life and color.....

Whatever you mood is, I hope you are having a GREAT day!! It is still snowy here in North Carolina with about 6-7 inches on the ground.....such a beautiful sight.....

It has been somewhat of an organizing morning for me.... Earlier in December, I made the decision to participate in the "up for a challenge" blog.......It seemed to fit my needs...finish 15 current WIP's in 2011.... I have a few photos to show you of what I plan on finishing in 2011..

La D Da
Live Love Laugh

Threads of Gold
E. Davies sampler

Handwork Primitives
The America Pillow

Ewe and Eye and Friends
The Heart that Gives

Rosewood Manor
Quaker Diamonds

There are 5 of my 15......I will share all the others in time to come.... I have mostly large projects in my wip basket....I guess I have just been enjoying stitching all the smalls in 2010 and neglected my larger projects..... A couple are huge actually, like Shores of Hawk Run Hollow and Anniversaries of the Heart series ..... But, I will get to all of them (hopefully) throughout the year...

I leave you with my current project......I hope to finish it today....

Have a great Monday everyone and if it is cold where you are....stay warm~~~~
Take care, Faye


Teresa S. said...

I love seeing your projects, Faye. The America pillow catches my eye, but I will enjoy following your progress!

Deb said...

I love the projects you have lined up to finish up this year. I'm hoping to do the same thing. Maybe not finish off 15, but a good portion of them. But then again, I see a couple on your "to finish" list that I'd like to start next year!!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I have no doubt you'll be successful! I'm looking forward to seeing where you are on the other 10. Happy New Year!

Michelle said...

You've chosen some great WIPs to finish! Lovely!! And I think it's always nice to do a bit of organizing at the end of the year - fresh start in January!

Tricia said...

How fun to see your projects! I'm looking forward to watching your progress. :-)

Lee Albrecht said...

Oh! ainda bem que todas as bordadeiras tem muitos projetos começ também tenho vários...
Um abraço

Jan said...

Faye, oh dear, we have such similar taste..if I haven't started these and some I have, they are definitely in my stash for future stitching. Lovely, just lovely, your progresses!! And you are getting so organized, me here, so jealous! lol I just got my list posted at up for a challenge today. If I can finish just a few of them, I will be over the moon thrilled with that!

Best of luck and have fun, dear one!

Karyn said...

I love your WIPs, Faye, and I am excited about the challenge....YGG! We totally do this.

Stay warm


Karen said...

Hello to Southern Pines and Pinehurst area. We too are snowed under here and loving it. It put me in the mood to try to finish Shepherd's Bush stocking for my grandson. I am so tempted to get out small ones but I'll think I'll hang in there for the long haul! Happy New Year to you!

BrendaS said...

All your WIP's look great. I'm not participaing in the challenge but I'm going to cheer on all of you who do:))))

Stay warm!

Chris said...

Hi Faye!
It looks like you are ready for the challenge. You have some beautiful projects to finish.

Lesleyanne said...

Lovely projects. Look forward to seeing your progress on them.

Jennifer Ann Fox said...

Girl, I wish I could set deadlines like this but I can't promise a number of projects to finish with a full time job too.
Your WIPS are lovely. I've wanted to stitch Quaker Diamonds for so long. But as I'm going through my studio today, a snowed in day, I can't believe or can't admit how many starts and kitted up items I have......many.

My one goal this year is to be more organized which would equal more stitching time!

Hope you are having a great holiday and happy new year!


Siobhán said...

What beautiful projects, all of them!! You have great taste in samplers, Faye! I can't wait to see you cross each one off your list. Here's to a wonderful 2011!

Annie Bee said...

Great projects that you are going to be working on. I am doing the challenge but a little differently. I find I don't do SAL things well as I just like to plod along. Good luck with your challange.

Peggy Lee said...

I love your choices for 2011 WIP's. I don't dare set any goals for myself because then it feels more like work...and when it starts to feel like work, know the rest!!

We got about 4 inches of very dry snow.
I'm all about "blue" in the Winter time. Wish I could shake it but I guess I should get used to it by now.

Karen said...

Looking good...can't wait to see all of these finished by the end of the year!!!!

Love your threads...especially the have quite the collection! Stay warm my friend...

Shelleen said...

I have also joined the challenge. You have some beautiful pieces for the challenge.

Myra said...

It looks like you are off to a great start Faye. I'll look forward to watching your progress. I did a little organizing in my sewing room today too. I am preparing to start Shores myself. (gulp)

Lana said...

I'm looking forward to watching all those beautiful WIP's become beloved finishes, and I'll be stitching right along with you at up for a challenge!! Hope you have a wonderful New Year holiday and a wonderful 2011!!

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

Oh Faye, I just love that border on Threads of Gold, it is so pretty, as are all of the other pieces you have shown us here. Oh, and have fun with that snow....
Be always in stitches

Kellie said...

The threads are so pretty, as are your WIPs. Looking forward to seeing the rest. As fast as you stitch, you will knock out the 15 in no time. :)

Katrina said...

Love the threads!!!! And what great projects :-). The America piece is so pretty.

Catherine said...

I just want to come and play with all your threads!! Lovely colors!

All your pieces look great - it will be fun to see each one as your finish them!

Margaret said...

Oh gosh, what gorgeous projects on your list!!! Oh my my! I'm so happy looking at everything. lol! Have a wonderful New Year!

Sue said...

Wow, I love the 5 WIP's you showed us. We'll cheer you on this year to get them finished :)

Maggee said...

Great list so far Faye! I am still working on mine! Hopefully will post and be ready for the new year. I look forward to seeing everyone's progress next year! Hugs!

Riet said...

What a nice works and a great idea to finish all these works. I have still one WIP, but 5 new projects for 2011. I hope to receive te threads today and than everything is complete to start.
Also in Holland we have a lot of snow!
Regards Riet.

Andrea said...

I'm looking forward to seeing you finish 1 or 2 of these beauties in 2011.

PegC said...

Faye you're giving me new "start" ideas in your "finish" pic--OH NO! Hope your power didn't go out--I'm hearing all sorts of wheather reports so we had to call a friend to check the house in Raleigh (while I'm away) to make sure there's no snow damage.

pj said...

Faye, you are such an inspiration to others! Looks like you have alot to do in 2011 and I will be watching for your finishes! It will be fun to have those completed and seeing your flying needle!!!!

Wishing you the best in 2011! I so enjoy your blog....pam in iowa

Joanie said...

Gorgeous Wips to turn into gorgeous finishes! I love all that you've chosen so far. All the best in 2011. I enjoy reading your blog!

Mary said...

Looks like you're all set for the New Year, Faye. These are beautiful projects.

We will all be following your progress:)

Isn't it fun to kit everything up and start anew? Ahh, the threads alone are inspiring!

Julianne said...


You certainly have a lovely collection of threads. The pictures are enough to make any thread lover become a drooling fool :).

I wish you well in completing some of those lovely projects. Enjoy.

Natalia said...

Good luck with your challenge, Faye !!! I love your projects and I can't wait to see you finish them... You guys are so brave !!

Carol said...

Gosh, Faye--you sure do have an amazing collection of threads! Each and every one of your WIPs is fabulous--I'm sure you'll be successful in finishing them...

You have more snow on the ground than we do up here in western PA! Too funny--enjoy it--it sure is beautiful :) And may 2011 bring you and your family much good health and happiness!

Jennifer said...

What wonderful projects! It seems as though great minds think alike since I have some of the same projects on my 2011 Crazy January Challenge!

The one I want to do the most is the one that I am having the hardest time with. I've got Rosewood Manor's Quaker Diamond on my "I Really Want to Do This List", but I'm having a hard time with a conversion. I don't have access to any Vandani threads and there is no DMC conversion for these threads. What I'd really like to do is convert it into Belle Soie......sigh......maybe it will get done one day!!!

Jackie said...

They are beauties Faye. Looking forward to see your progress.
Have a Happy New year.

Sherry said...

Look at those wonderful threads. Your WIPs are lovely. I can't wait to watch you finish them up.

Christine said...

Just wondering what you use for your floss storage. I haven't found a solution that I love yet. I have the floss cards and plastic storage boxes for DMC. All of my Weeks, Crescent & Sampler Threads are stored in zip bags. Wish I had something better for my hand dyed floss. Looks like you have a different solution - what is it??? Thanks!