Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nabby's Garden Sampler

I have managed to finish my first of 15 in the 2011 "Up for a Challenge"....  Happy Dance!!

After a long absence and much lingering in my WIP basket, I present to you
Nabby's Garden Sampler by The City Stitcher.....

Done with DMC floss on a tweedy light grey 28 ct linen

This was the oldest of the 15 challenge pieces and was about half completed when I picked it up Jan 1. I love the softer colors... I did have to stop and retrain my eye for a good satin stitch in the border above the alphabet.....

Well, I need to get in the kitchen and rustle up some dinner for my hubby who is not feeling all that good...He'll be better now that he is on an antibiotic...

As for me, these first 2 days back at school has been a big reality adjustment!~~ I got spoiled with the 2 weeks off at Christmas.... Boy, I could SO be retired and be happy!!!  But, my family likes to eat, so...you know the drill..........

Have a great rest of the week.....Later tonight I plan on getting busy on my next 2011 challenge piece!!



Patty C. said...

Wonderful start !!!!! Congratulations
Happy 2011

Rowyn said...

It's beautiful! I love the soft colours in this piece.

Jennifer said...

This is so beautiful !! Love the colours! looking forward to seeing the rest of your stash finishes.

Colleen said...

Congrats on your 1st finish in 2011. It is lovely.

Amy said...

Wow! Congrats on your first finish! I don't even have a good "start" yet! LOL


Karen said...

Great job Faye! Can't wait to see your next start!!!! Oh...I'm so with you on the retirement part. I keep telling Andy we can live off Ramen noodles....

happy stitching....

Littlebit said...

Oh, wow, Faye! Wonderful finish. I never get tired of looking at that piece. It is indeed hard getting back into the flow of work. I didn't get as much time away from the desk as I would have liked.

Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

Congrats, it's really pretty. That is one crazy challenge.

Connie B said...

Hello there!! I can't believe you grew up right here in my back yard!! I love finding other NC stitchers too! Lovely stitching!!

Margaret said...

What a beautiful finish! The colors are so pretty! Congrats -- 1 down, 14 to go. :D Hope your husband is feeling better soon.

Sue said...

Such a pretty piece. Congrats on finishing it.

Maggee said...

Oh, my, that is just beautiful finished! I don't think I have seen it done by anyone else. Just gorgeous! The satin stitching is so perfect! Congrats on finish #1 of 2011! Hugs.

Nan said...

Nabby says....its about time. LOL!
Congratulations on finishing your "long term" project.
I know what you mean about being spoiled being off 2 weeks. ;-)

Myra said...

It is gorgeous Faye and wow, you really finished it up quickly.

Catherine said...

I absolutely love the softness of the colors in this! Congrats on the finish!

gracie said...

What a lovely piece.

Jan said...

Wonderful finish. I don't think I have ever seen this pattern. Very nice.

Cathy B said...

Congrats on your first finish Faye! It is a lovely piece!

robindefender said...

Wow! What a gorgeous piece! Congrats on your finish.

Jennifer Ann Fox said...

What a beautiful piece, Faye. Love it and you stitch sooooo fast! Congrats!

Feathers in the Nest

Tricia said...

Fantastic! That is a beautiful accomplishment!

Jan said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!! So soft and delicate, love the alphabet at the bottom!! Great accomplishment, Faye...now pat self on back!!

You finished this one up very quickly!!!

Have a great rest of the week!:)Jan

Unknown said...

Congratulations! The piece is beautiful,and don't you feel proud of yourself? You should.

Sharon said...

It's gorgeous! Congratulations!

Blu said...

Congrats on a gorgeous finish! You've certainly gotten off to an excellent start with the challenge.

Deborah said...

Beautiful finish!

Meadows08 said...

It is so pretty, I just love the colours! What a finish to start the year off with.

Theresa said...

Happy dance~~~~ This is gorgeous!!!!

Karen said...

WTG Faye! I also joined that blog so i can whittle down my wip's too (eventhough i am adding the NEW 15). LOL

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Wow, Girl, you've had that needle flying, I can see. It's a beautiful piece! Happy Dancing with you. Yep, it's a rude awakening, but the mortgage (plus a bit of stash) keep us going back; right? What's next for your needle?

Lesleyanne said...

Congratulations on your first finish of 2011. It is lovely.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on a great finish - it looks lovely :D

Sherry said...

Congratulations on the beautiful finish! I can't wait to see what is next!

Brigitte said...

Congratulations, Faye! This is a great first finish for this year and a wonderful piece. The WIp Challenge seems to work perfectly for you.
Next week it will be back to school for me too. And already now I feel the same as you - I think I would never get bored if I were retired right now, lol.

Lynn said...

Way to go Faye! Your piece is really lovely. I do like those soft colours. Congrats and your finish. I'll look forward to seeing stitch no.2.

Nicole said...

Woo Hoo!! Congrats on the finish Faye!! It's gorgeous!

Michelle said...

WOOHOO! Congrats on finishing up one of your 15! That's wonderful. Such a pretty piece too!

creative carrie said...

Your first finish looks great!

BrendaS said...

Beautiful sampler. Good job it's only 1/5/11 and you have crossed one off the list:)))

Bekca said...

This is such an elegant piece, well done for finishing it so quickly! Can't wait to see what stitching next :)

Fiona said...

Congratulations on the finish, you must feel really great aftering having it as WIP for a long time, it looks like a really pretty design. I'm still on vacation from school, not back until Monday, it is a killer going back after 2 weeks.


PegC said...

Great encouragement Faye--well done!

Sally said...

What a beautiful finish Faye. Love it.

Hope your DH is feeling better soon.

Katrina said...

Gorgeous finish! I love the colors :-).

Kellie said...

Beautiful, Faye! I don't think I have ever seen that design before. I'm looking forward to seeing your next challenge piece. Hope your husband is feeling better.

I know what you mean about back to school. We had several snow days the week before Christmas break. We were off about three weeks total. This week is about to kill me. Hard to get back into the swing of it when I would much rather be home stitching. But Friday is almost here... LOL!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Yep, I know the drill! If only I could find a way to maintain my current lifestyle and not work!