Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Giveaway winner!!!

*****Quick post today to announce the May giveaway winner.....So, without further delay....*****

Colleen, Congrats!! Your name has been pulled out of the hat!!!!  Please email me so I can get your goodies on their way~~~~~

Thanks to all that entered!!  From the looks of things, I need to have another little giveaway soon...Just two followers away from 500!! 

Happy stitching everyone,



Colleen said...

Oh my goodness, I'm so excited. I can't believe I won! Thank you for hosting the May giveaway with the cute pin pillow. I love it. My day has been made.
my email address:
Thank you again, Colleen

gracie said...

Congrats to Colleen....my goodness...you are only 1...one... away from 500!!!

Catherine said...

Congrats to Colleen! And wow! Almost 500 followers!

Nan said...

Yay For Colleen! Enjoy your goodies!

Patty C. said...

Congratulations Colleen ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm a follower 500. I will wait for the next CANDY )

Unknown said...

Congrats Colleen and wow 500 followers congrats too Faye

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Colleen! And a special congratulations to you, Faye...happy blogaversary!

Looks like you have it the big "500" too...wow, you have a lot to celebrate now!!

Happy Stitchin'