Saturday, February 21, 2015

Many finishes to share....Brrrrr!

Greetings friends!

After several Snow Days from school due to snow and heavy icing, this Southern gal is sick of winter! As so many of you having been saying for weeks, STOP already and give us a break.... I see what you mean..... Being ill equipped to handle such, folks in the Carolinas just have to pause, grin and bear it and let Mother Nature let up..... Hopefully the worst of the rough part of Winter is behind us..... Bring on Spring!!

I did want to share a few finishes this today......Many pieces are YOUR stitches, with my Carolinastitcher finishing's my passion & gives me that total creative release when I create~~ Enjoy!

Folk Tulip Needlework Station~Little Stitches Handwork Club by Notforgotten Farm.....

Isn't it pretty???? only change was to add blanket stitching to the top of the pocket opening.....

12" x 15" project bags remain popular....

As do many seasonal stitches....

Added handiwork......

....and, on the back.....

...I love attaching hand dyed chenille.....

Some folks send me 3 ornaments every couple months.... Come December, they're ready to go!!!!

...special touches....

....this little pillow made me want to see the sun and hear the waves crashing~


Hurrah by Pineberry Lane~ Ditty bags are special to so many of you....

This attachment was a real "find" for me...... I was only able to get a few...

So..... What do you think? I think there's a lot of very busy stitchers out there!!! Here's to busy hands, warm hearts and lots of window shopping as the new Market releases come out~


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad Air


Barbi said...

Such great finishes! They are really inspired.

Linda said...

Lovely finishes Faye.


Barb said...

The stitching is lovely and your wonderful finishing really makes the so special! Beautiful work!

sunny said...

You do such nice work! I'm anxious to see how you salvage the mess I sent you. LOL! and I'm certainly ready for some sun and beach weather.

Karen said...

Such beautiful finishes!

Liberty Buckey said...

These are so pretty! Like the finishes too! I am still waiting on the needle roll:( please contact me.

Scrap said...

Lovely finishes !

thanks for sharing

MoonBeam said...

Awesome as always, Faye. I really luv the pink Valentine pin pillow.

We're getting another 5 or 6 inches of snow today. Oh, bother!


Iris said...

Beautiful as always

gracie said...

Your finishing is lovely

Cindy's Stitching said...

We all need spring. so pretty Faye

Diana said...

Love your finishes!

Kathy Barrick said...

You are SO good at what you do!!!

Pam in Virginia said...

Faye, these are all just lovely. I would choose the ditty bag as my favorite this the star and pillow ticking fabrics. And the stitching on the handle is a great touch. Would love to know where you find all the great charms we see in this post - starfish, scissors and mitten.

Margaret said...

Love the finishing. Beautiful! It's nice to be sharing the bad weather with other parts of the country for a change. lolol!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful finishes! Fingers crossed for Mother Nature bringing us all some much longed for Spring weather! :)

Maggee said...

I think they are all wonderful! The finishing touches you add are special to each piece! Inspiring as always!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Very Nice Faye ~ each and every one :)

Hilda said...

Wonderful stitchings indeed - and your fabulous finishings make them all to unique treasures.

Hope you will have sunny days and warmer weather soon.


Andrea said...

Beautiful stitching but complimented by your wonderful finishing.

woolwoman said...

looks like you have been having a lot of fun on your snow days Faye. I hope to one day have some of my ornaments shown here in your gallery. I am trying to keep up with Vonna's FB LHN/CCN "finish an ornament a month" group. I've got January done with was waylaid by a V-day project that I am still enjoying.
I hope you have a great week! Mel

Alice said...

Love the finishing! You make the stitching come alive. Really like the ditty bag.

Mugwump Woolies said...

Faye, you are such an artist! Your finishes are wonderfully creative. When I was in college in N.C. we had a big snow on Valentine's Day and everything came to a standstill for days!
Spring is out there somewhere!

Willa said...

Hi Faye, I sent you an email but not sure you received it. Please let me know. My email address is Thanks bunches! Willa

Alice said...

As always, what sweet finishes, Faye. I just love all the eye candy you add to every design. Another snowy day on the east coast today, but hang in there, March is just around the corner. I can almost smell spring when it's time for the Woodlawn needlework show (during the month of March).

KimM said...

Beautifully inspiring.