Friday, February 10, 2017

Sarah Comfort 1810

Greetings friends and fellow stitchers..... 2017 is moving along at a swift pace~ I have a been very busy in my craft room sewing, stitching and finishing for many of you~ I have also been in a huge Quaker stitching mood.... I've pretty much dedicated 2017 to stitching Quaker style designs~ It's something I've wanted to do for a long time... So, behind the scenes, I have completed a black monochrome sampler to add to my Quaker collection..... Sarah Comfort 1810 is my second completed Quaker stitch this year~ 

Sarah Comfort 1810

Queenstown Sampler Designs

Stitched on 32 count Dixie Sampler Runestone Linen

310 DMC cotton thread

(2 threads over 2 & 1 thread over 1)


Sarah was 9 years old when she stitched this sampler.... She wanted to show her teachers that she had learned her alphabet and was branching out by stitching over 1 thread and stitching the satin stitch. I still find it amazing that children could  master stitching at this young age! 


I like the simplicity of this sampler..... knowing it was envisioned and created by a nine year old girl makes me so proud of Sarah...... 

Sarah also dedicated this sampler to her family~ She must have loved them very much! She listed her parents by name........1 over 1; the tiniest of stitches..... 

Her brother and sisters names are also stitched on the sampler..... Sarah was one of five children in the Comfort family..... I wonder if the other siblings stitched their own samplers.... 

This sampler will certainly make a statement once framed.... It is going in my "to be framed" pile for now and in March I will have 3 pieces framed as a collection..... 

Barbara Hutson of Queenstown Sampler Designs saw my post about Sarah Comfort and sent me a picture of Margaret Comfort, Sarah's mom... I will be printing this picture and attach it not only to the outside back of the framed piece, but will include it inside the framed piece.... In case the outside photo ever falls off, the inside photo will always be there... I can't thank Barbara enough for sending this to me~


Here's hoping your weekend is fantastic filled with warmth, laughter and stitching!!




Tempus fugit said...

I love it too ! Congratulations. I have the chart, you make me feel like starting it right away !

Robin in Virginia said...

Faye, your latest Quaker is stunning. Congratulations on the finish! Look forward to seeing what Quaker you pick up next. Have a wonderful weekend!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Such a lovely piece, and the photo will set it off perfectly! ❣️

Karen said...

This is amazing to have this picture to add to your piece. And to do it in black is a wonderful idea. I hope you post a picture of them framed and hung. It is a delightful Quaker piece. My love is European Dutch and German samplers and hope to start this year. I am so far behind with learning to quilt, doing needlepunch, learning to rug hook and working full time I don't think I'll ever do all I want to do. When you go to Primitive Stitchers Retreat do you drive from here (I am over in Greenville NC)? I would so love to go but don't want to go alone and my husband has to stay and watch our animals one of whom is newly sick. Since we have had to take him to NC State Vet I have been able to visit Lonestar Mercantile, my favorite shop this month and last month! Someday I hope I can meet my "needlework finishing idol" You!

Karen in NC

Carol said...

What a special finish, Faye! And the old photo adds even more to the whole story of young Sarah... Thank you for sharing :)

Arlene G said...

I am dong a Quaker Egg for Easter. I do love the motifs. I just ordered Rosewood Manor's Crosses of the Kingdom but I cannot start that one until I finish Smoky Mountain Christmas. So many things to stitch so little time. I am finding I am becoming more drawn to the Primitive lately. Thanks for sharing your beautiful stitching with us.

Christina said...

My eldest daughter, Iris aged 8, is forever asking me to show her how to follow a cross stitch chart...I feel terribly guilty now! I am fascinated with history and love these old samplers. What a wonderful photo of Sarah's mother. What a shame there isn't a photo of Sarah, herself.

woolwoman said...

I LOVE LOVE your Sarah ! I have a lot of Barbara's charts but didn't know about Sarah Comfort. I love your linen choice too. I have a piece of Dixie Sampler linen - I should get it out and use it. Loved seeing the photo of Momma Comfort - 91 that is amazing age for that day and time. I hope you have a great weekend Faye and keep stitching your Quakers. Hugs Mel

deb said...

Sarah is beautiful! I love the simplicity of the design coupled with the more difficult features of stitching over one plus satin stitch. Amazing what young girls could do with a needle, isn't it?

Jennifer M said...

Faye, you did a beautiful job as usual<3 Amazing to think about the young, talented stitchers then. To add the picture that was made available to you is amazing!!! Love every thing about this blog post:)

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

This is a lovely piece. I would have been daunted at doing it all in 310 and one over one, but your stitching is beautiful.

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Sarah is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your beautiful Quaker samplers. You have inspired/motivated me to get stitching on my own. The over one personalization adds such a special touch and having a photo of Sarah's Mother makes her even more treasured.

laceystitcher said...

How wonderful it is to have the picture to go along with the beautiful sampler; it is wonderful how much history Sarah managed to include in her sampler, it just amazes me what they were able to do with the fabrics, threads and tools that they had back then. Your sampler will be such a treasure; I like your idea about also including it inside the piece as well as on the back of the frame. I look forward to seeing all three of your samplers when you get them framed. Happy stitching................

KimM said...

Absolutely beautiful. I love it - such sweet, tiny, tiny stitches. Well done.

Karoline said...

Such a gorgeous sampler, congratulations

Susana Laurencia said...

Faye, your latest Quaker is stunning. Congratulations on the finish! Look forward to seeing what Quaker you pick up next. Have a wonderful weekend!
