Sunday, May 23, 2010

My First Year Blogaversary Giveaway~~and some weekend progress!

I had been working hard last week on making some new pincushions..... I pulled out all my freebie patterns and stitched up a few in my favorite red threads..... Then slip stitched the sides together....

Stuffed them with crushed walnut shells and Poof!! We have little pincushions perfect to have on your side table, in your sewing area or to be used when traveling...they are only about 2-3 inches square and really come in right handy~~

Here is their back sides....Not quite as much stitching on the backs..... So, you see, I did do a little finishing this weekend...

And, here is what I would like to give away on May 30st in honor of my first year in the blog world..... I love working up anything Quaker, so I am including the Loudoun Sampler Guild Anniversary Tool Pouch by Barbara Bernard...I am also including"Love Letters" by Country Stitches~With thy Needle & Thread... Along with some Victorian Motto Sampler Thread....and one of my previously mentioned pincushions....I even made up some beaded pins which will be included...... So, here's the deal.... Comment on this post only between now and May 30th for a change to have your name in the drawing! That's all you have to do~~~


Yvonne..... said...

I'm first! Just want to wish you a happy blog anniversary and to also let you know that I love to see your finshes. You have inspired me to get my stitching put together and out of frames! LOL! Keep on showing us your goodies!

Anonymous said...

I too love Quaker stuff. Thanks for the opportunity and happy anniversary! Isn't it fun?

Pike said...

Your pincushions are great. Please enter me - and happy blogoversary!

Pirjo from Finland

Teresa S. said...

Congratulations on your first blogaversary! Please enter me in your drawing--you are an amazingly versatile stitcher!

Carolyn NC said...

Love the finishes - they're adorable! Happy Blogaversary!

Natasha said...

Happy 1 year :) amazing how fast it all goes by. I would be honored to have your lovely handmade gift near my stitching area. You did a great job you sure were busy. Please add my name.
Thank You

PegC said...

Faye, how lovely. I've just gotten hooked on pc AND on making interesting decorative pins..would love to enter and happy #1

Márti said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful giveaway!
Thank you very much!

Melissa said...

Happy blogaversary, Faye! Congratulations on a year of blogging. I would love to be entered in your drawing. :)

valerie said...

Happy 1st bloggaversary Faye! Your pincushions are lovely! I would love to be entered in your drawing. Here's to many more blog anniversaries!!

Sandra said...

Best wishes on your first year of blogging Faye, may you have many more. I would love to be included in the draw please.

Nina said...

Faye, congratulations on your giveaway!
I have put it on my sidebar to let everybody know, because your godies are fantastic!
I'd like to be the lucky winner of course, but have lot of luck to everybody!


Teca said...

Please enter me! :)

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Beautiful blog! I'll be back often.

Thanks for the giveaway.

Robin said...

Wow! You have been busy. Please include me for a chance to win! Thanks for the giveaway and congratulations on one year!

Bonnie said...

Happy Blogoversary Faye!
I love your pin cushions. Please enter my name in your drawing.

Margaret said...

Happy blogiversary! Thank you for the giveaway! You're so sweet!

Jennifer said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Your pincoushions are beautiful! Happy 1st Blog Birthday!

Hillery said...

Oh, these pin cushions are adorable. Please include me in the giveaway. Happy Blogaversary.

staci said...

Love all your little sweet they must be sitting next to your chair!

A very Happy Blogaversary to you Faye and wishing you many more!!!

Mel said...

Love the pincoushins!Happy Blogaversary!
I'm a quaker addict and would love to be included in your giveaway! Thanks for the chance and keep the post coming :)

Unknown said...

It's the first time I visit your blog but surely not the last one!!! Your works are simply gorgeous!! Really compliments!

Sharlotte said...

I probably won't have a chance with everyone else that will be signing up , but throw my name in there anyway! This looks absolutely dvine!!

Joanie said...

Happy Blogoversary! I love all things Quaker so please enter me in your drawing.

Also, would you be interested in sharing your freebies that you made into pincushions? I love them!

Deb said...

I just love your pincushions. I keep telling myself I'm going to make some and just never get around to it. I'd love to be entered into your giveaway! Those are wonderful things! Happy Blogoversary and I hope that you have many, many more!

Nic said...

Happy blogaversary, I really enjoy reading about your stitching and seeing the inspiring pictures!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Congrats on the one year mark, Faye! It goes by quickly, doesn't it? I would love to be included in your drawing - and, as much as I'd love those charts - I'd really love to win something hand stitched and finished by you!

All of your pin cushion finishes are gorgeous -well done!!!

Sharon said...

Beautiful pin cushions! Congratulations on your blog anniversary!

Sweet Sue said...

Congrats! Wow~really like yours finishes, especially the whip stitching, gonna give that a try for sure. Plz add me to the fun:)

May said...

Thank you for the giveaway &
Happy 1st Blogaversary!

The Scarlett House said...

Wonderful little pincushions, Faye. I'm also curious about your beaded pins. I need a close up look. They sound really cute. Congrats on your 1st blogaversay! What a great giveaway.

Vinniey said...

Beautiful finishes! Congrats on your blog anniversary, Faye. I'd love to be entered into your giveaway! :)

Юлия said...

i want to wish you a happy blog anniversary

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary! I love the pin cushions. great job! Would love to enter for a chance at the giveaway. Thank you.

Patty C. said...

Happy Blogaversary!!
Oh I am starting to make baskets like I've seen everyone do -I need some Red :)
I would love a chance to win - your work is wonderful

Thank you for the opportunity
Take Care

Peonies & Magnolias said...

Congrats on your blogaversary and what an awesome give-a-way. Please count me in.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the anniversary of your blog. I have really enjoyed your posts.
Great idea with the freebie charts. They are wonderful and look great together, love the buttons. I would love to be included in the drawing fun. I was looking at the quaker pattern on a blog this weekend but they didn't identify anything about it. May be I will be lucky enough to win it from you. Look forward to reading more of your great blog and seeing what you are inspired to stitch.

Karen said...

Happy Blogoversary! love the pincushions! very pretty. I would love to entere your giveaway! hugs karen

Catherine said...

Wow! Great goodies! Happy Blogaversary!

Thanks for the chance!

Teresa said...

Beautiful. I love it

Debbie said...

Happy blog anniversary. I love seeing all the lovely things you make. You are so talented and a very fast cross stitcher.

Tricia said...

What a lovely giveaway, Faye! I'd love to be entered. I thoroughly enjoy your blog and I'm always happy when a new post pops up on my Google Reader. Thanks for the inspiration!

Carol R said...

Happy blogoversary! Love your pin pillows.
Please enter me into your draw!

Sharon said...

These are sooooo sweet! I'd love to have one of your "works of heart"! Lovely finishes - you'll have to make more - they look soooo addicting! Happy Blogiversary! :)

Carol said...

Darling little pincushions, Faye! Happy Blogaversary and thanks for the chance in your very special giveaway :)

Daisy said...

Wow, What a nice giveaway!!! Please enter me into the draw!!! I posted your giveaway in my blog, Your pincushions are lovely
Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Kat said...

Happy First Blog-a-versary! Your cushions are simply darling! Super stitching! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway! Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your first year of blogging! You do beautiful work. I would love to be entered in your drawing. Thank you.

Myra said...

Congratulations Faye! I am so happy to have "met" you and hope to meet you in person sometime soon. :o) Your little pincushions are so pretty, they make quite a stunning collection. I would love to be entered in your drawing and I am sending wishes for many more years of blogging in your future.

Dee L said...

Happy First to you, Faye. Please enter me in your drawing--the goodies are wonderful. I use Bloglines and have saved several of your blog entries that show your great finishes. Very inspiring!
Dee in FL and Cedar Mountain, NC

Kim said...

Thanks so much - I love your pin cushions - please enter me in your drawing.

Unknown said...

Happy anniversary Faye!!! What a lovely giveaway! I love it and I would like to win. Thank you so much for the chance.


Karen said...

Happy blogoversary! Can't believe it's been a year! Love your new pin pillows.....great finishing as always!

Now I need to dig through some freebies....

Nancy said...

Your red pincushions are beautiful!

Happy Blogiversary! I would love a chance at winning your prize. Please enter my name in your giveaway.

Anna van Schurman said...

Beautiful pin cushions and Love Letters is a cute pattern too.

Ellen said...

Congratulations on your 1st anniversary!You make beautiful pin cushions. I love anything Quaker and would love to own those charts. Please enter me in your giveaway, thanks.


Anonymous said...

Those are darling! I love the buttons. Happy blogaversary to you!

pj said...

Congrats! What fun you have been having! I would love to win as I too love Quakers. And especially red threads. pjstitcher

sharona said...

Congradulations1 Would like to win

Carol said...

Happy one year anniversary of your blog! What a generous giveaway. Hope I win, LOL! as if....

Karol said...

Happy Blog Anniversary! These are really cute I would love to be entered in your drawing.

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Happy Blogiversary! Love your red stitching and the finishes, too!

karin said...

Please enter me in your blogaversary!!! I love Quaker charts!!! The red pin cushions look wonderful!!!
Karin :)
in NY

Moreen said...

Your pincushions are lovely-so cute and I love the colours.
Please enter me in the draw for a chance to win your very generous gift.

Happy Blog anniversary.

Lelia said...

Faye: Your pincushions turned out great! congrats on your blog anniversary - wonderful giveaway, please include my name, too : )
Always, L.

Loraine said...

Your pin cushions are adorable! I love the things you've decided to giveaway. Count me in!
Have a great week!

April said...

Congrats on your first year of blogging. I love your pincushions. Please count me in for your giveaway. Thanks so much. Happy Stitching!

Emese said...

Happy 1 Year Blog Anniversary!
I would like to also participate, please include me in the drawing.
Thanks, Emese

K-G Knitter said...

Happy 1st Anniversary! I love the pincushions that you finished, they are darling. I'd love to be entered in your drawing.


Bernadett said...

Happy blog anniversary Faye.:)Your giveaway is very nice.I would like to participate,too.
Here is the link for your giveaway:

malgonia said...

What a nice and sweet candy. Very beautiful things to giveaway.
Greetings from Poland!

Kathy said...

Happy Blogaversary!! Oh my but your stitching is gorgeous and I just love your selection of patterns in your giveaway. Please enter my name in the drawing.

katkiley @

Michelle said...

Love the pincushions! Congratulations on your 1st Blogaversary!

Berit said...

What a completely fabulous giveaway! I'd love to win either charts or stitching, but both!! Wow!

Please include me, too! :D

Unknown said...

Congrats on your one year anniversary! I just love to visit your blog and see what you have been stitching. Your pincushions are too cute!

What a great giveaway - please add my name to the drawing! I would love to win.

Sheila said...

Happy Anniversary.
What great pincushions, I would love to be entered into your giveaway

Siobhán said...

Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I loooove your pin cushions! Great job. I'd love to be entered in the giveaway--thanks! :)

Amy said...

Happy blogging anniversary Faye! You know I LOVE the pin cushions - great job! Looking forward to seeing more. :-)

Teresa said...

Dear ,happy blogging anninersary, conratulation for your works, I love it.

BrendaS said...

Love your little pincushions! Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. Count me in for the drawing!

Tatkis said...

Your pincushions are wonderful!
Wish you a happy blog anniversary :) and please count me in your draw :)

Best wishes,

Bekca said...

Hello from the UK and happy blog anniversary! Please enter my name in your wonderful draw :)

DonnaTN said...

Happy one year blogiversary! Your pincushions are lovely! You have put together a great give away that I would love to have a chance to win. Thanks for a fun and interesting blog!

Mary said...

The pincushions are gorgeous! Please enter me in your wonderful give away.

cerato said...

I love your pincushions. Please enter me and happy blogoversary!

Nicky said...

Wow they are beautiful - would love to be included in your draw. Thanks for your generosity and happy blogaversary

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

what a lovely piece to add to a Quaker collection. Congratulations to you and all of your followers. Your blog is a wonderful inspiration to all who stop by.
Be always in stitches.

Melody said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary! What beautiful stitching. Please enter me in your drawing.

Thank you.

Melanie said...

I just found you blog today, so I hope you don't mind me entering your giveaway. Happy blog anniversary.

Unknown said...

Happy Blogoversary! I love seeing your projects and I am anxiously waiting to see your red, white and blue finishes.

Thanks for posting such a great giveaway!

Cindy's Stitching said...

You have been stitching up a storm lately Faye. Pin cushions are very pretty. Please include me in your giveaway

Stef said...

A very happy anniversary Faye!!! Love the pincushions and I love quaker designs! I would love to be included in your drawing for your giveway!

Denise said...

Please include me in your drawing, you are so generous. I love the quaker designs you are working on!

Linda said...

Great stitching and finishing. Please enter me in your drawing.

Robin said...

Happy 1st "Blogaversary"!! (new word?)
Please keep me in mind for your giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I adore your red pincushions. I hope I win!

Stitching Cat said...

Your pincushions are adorable! Please count me in your giveaway. I have the quaker scissor chart and would love the companion piece. Also seeing your progress makes me want to start mine and I think I just might borrow your colors! I hope you don't mind.

Blu said...

Happy Blogoversary!
Your pincushions are very cute! Please count me in for the drawing.

Wanda said...

I just found your blog. I would love a chance at winning you giveaway. Thanks, Wanda from TX

Lisastitcha said...

Happy 1st anniversary! I would love to be part of your giveaway.


Lois said...

Happy 1st anniversary Faye! What lovely pincushions and what a nice giveaway you're offering! I'd love to be entered for it.

Lauralee @ The Eclectic Stitcher said...

Just found your blog recently ~ love your work. Would love to be entered in the giveaway! Thanks ;o)

Jules said...

I would love a chance to enter your giveaway! I found you through Patty C over at Hanging By A Thread. Your pincushions are beautiful!

Happy 1st Blogoversary!!!


Grenae said...

Congratulations on your blog-iversary. I enjoy your beautiful work and reading your blog. Thank you for offering this giveaway - Fun!

Raven/Missy said...

Happy Blogoversary! Your pincushions look fantastic!

Please enter me in your giveaway, thank you.

Chris said...

Happy 1st Blogaversary. Your stitching looks absolutely georgeous, as always. I would love to be included in your drawing.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! Your blog is full of beauties, I love them all!
Thank you for a chance to enter your giveaway and for your generosity :)

Елена - Lepesto4ex said...

Congratulations, I wish more followers!
Thank you so much for offering us all a chance to win your gorgeous candy...

Gladys Creativa said...

I'm impressioned! your blor is fantastic!
I'd like to participate in the draw!
Thank you very much and congratulations for your anniversary!

Megan Chamberlain said...

I love all your beautiful work and pincushions. please enter me in your lovely giveaway.

Lisa said...

Oh goodness, I was in a looky-loo blogging mood last time(just looking at stitching pics and not reading lol) and almost totally missed this giveaway. What a generous one it is, too. Please toss my name into the hat. :)

Sherri said...

Wow, has it been a year already! Your blog has been wonderful. Please add my name, too.

claire said...

I love the Barbara Bernard Quaker designs ,too.So please add me to you giveaway. Thanks for sharing your designs and yoour lovely stitching.

JOLENE said...

Happy 365 Day Blogaversary!!!! I have enjoyed your blog so much, use are such an inspiration to me. Someday, I would love to get my hands on one of your lightning needles so I can stitch things up as quickly as you do. What a wonderful giveaway, and those pincushions are sweet!!! Have a wonderful weekend Faye-Raye! Smiles....

Robin said...

I can't believe I almost missed out on joining your giveaway!

Congratulations on one year of blogging! Love your finishes and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Well, not literally, I've got to type and stitch! Crossed fingers make that very difficult. :)

Michele said...

Wow, what a great giveway Faye! Count me in please :) and congrats on your first blogiversary!