Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Terrific Tuesday!

Winter Garden Pincushion
BlackBird Designs
ManorHouse book
32ct natural linen-GAST-WDW floss

Noel ornament stocking
BlackBird Designs
Joyeaux Noel Book
32ct natural linen-GAST-WDW-CC floss

Our weather is very misty and humid so taking pictures of late is nearly impossible...But, here you go.... Since I am having a terrific week at school (*Teacher Appreciation Week*), I thought I would post a few goodies.... I have managed to do a couple finishes the last 2 nights.... Can't really elaborate more than that since they are gifts....Let me just say, not only were these a quick stitch, but a quick finish too~ As you see the first is a stocking ornament (love those!) and the next is a crushed walnut filled pincushion....Hope the homes they are headed to will enjoy~~
And, to top off my great day, I had the most precious ornament in the mailbox today~~ Carol S made me a Christmas ornament as part of the Hooked on Exchanging blog... I absolutely LOVE it and if you know Carol, you know this finish is awesome~~~ Beautiful job Carol!!

Star Topiary by Hillside Samplings
2000 JCS Christmas Ornament Issue
32ct Natural linen, GAST, WDW floss

Well, need to scoot to the kitchen... Got to get supper rolling~~ Until then, Happy Stitching~ Faye


Andrea said...

Great finishes! Love them :-)

Happy you're having a good week, teacher appreciation is a fun week at schools! I used to be in PTA when my kids were little and planning/executing that week was always a blast! And the teachers were always soooo thankful and happy!


Tricia said...

Oh, beautiful! It looks like Christmas!! :-) Which makes me wonder... did I take a picture of my HOE ornament before I sent it??? Hmmmm... :-) Hope so!

Myra said...

Those are both lovely finishes Faye. The one your received from Carol is beautiful too.

Margaret said...

Lovely finishes! I bet the receivers will be thrilled! And lovely ornament you received as well!

Karen said...

Good job as always. Love all of the BBD you've been stitching lately. Love the ornament you received too!

happy stitching....

Nicole said...

Beautiful finishes Faye! Perfect stitching and finishing - as always! :) Enjoy Teacher Appreciation week - you deserve it!!!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Wow! Lots of good finishes! Such a good feeling to get things done!

Unknown said...

Faye, what lovely pieces! And your gift from Carol is just beautiful.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Hope the rest of your week goes well.

Nancy said...

Such beautiful finishes! The shade of red in the pincushion is so eyecatching. Your ornament gift is beautiful as well, and you're right, the finishing is awesome!

Loraine said...

How could they not like those wonderful gifts! Nice job. I had to go and look for that pincushion. I'm so happy I have that book now! LOL
Ornament in cute too!

Patty C. said...

Wonderful finishing
Looks great

Lois said...

What great finishes!!

Nicky said...

Gorgeous finishes Faye, and your ornament from Carol is very sweet.

Kathy said...

Sure looks like you are enjoying your break. Fabulous stitching on both. Lucky people who are receiving them will love them.

Your ornament from Carol is just lovely. She did a fabulous jo on it.

Catherine said...

All great projects!! They look lovely.

BrendaS said...

Great finishes!

Happy Teacher's Appreciation Week.

Kellie said...

Beautiful finishes!!!

Happy Teacher's Appreciation Week. It is a fun week at the end of the year, isn't it?

Are you excited about summer break? I can't wait!! We have 17 more days... not that I am counting or anything. ;) Hope the end of your year goes well. :)

Siobhán said...

What fantastic finishes, Faye!! And a beautiful ornament. Wow. YGG!

Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!

Carolyn NC said...

Youu sneaky thing, you - they all look fantastic! Yes, one of the homes was thrilled to have it live here. :)

angelasweby said...

These are just amazing. BD are my favourite designers and seeing your ornaments makes me realise why :>)
You have stitched them and finished them beautifully.
Angela xx