Monday, August 9, 2010

She loved purple...

Ada Blackwell Riggsbee

After a long and fulfilled life, my dear sweet Mother-in-law passed away today at the age of 92...She and I were as close as any mother and daughter could have ever been... I cherish the memories we made and everything she taught me.. May she rest in peace forever..

Here she is with my husband and her favorite musician, Vince Gill, on Memorial Day Weekend just 2 months ago....Oh, how she loved Vince Gill and he just mailed her this autographed photo 2 weeks ago...Her smile says it all...

I set out yesterday to cross stitch one more thing for her....Whether it was a large sampler or a little ornament, she always marveled at it and made me feel so good.... So, I found this pattern in my craft room....purple flower...I wrapped her name around the top of the piece and put
1918-2010 down the right side...

And on the back side I put a little tab with my name and the date I lost her....

I want to say a special word of appreciation to all of you who have sent prayers and ((hugs)) to me by way of blog comments and emails....I have read each and every one of them and although I have not had the time to devote to responding, please know I appreciate all of them....
((Hugs)) to all of you, Faye


Unknown said...

Oh Faye, I am sorry for your loss of such a wonderful person. Keep those wonderful memories close.

staci said...

May your memories comfort you along with the knowledge that she is watching over all of you.

A beautiful and loving tribute Faye. {{HUGS}}

Myra said...

I emailed you - ((((Hugs))).

Peggy Lee said...

Oh Faye, I'm so sorry for your loss.
Such a sweet gesture in stitches.
I'll be thinking of you and your family in the coming difficult days
~~Peggy Lee

Katrina said...

I hope all your good, happy memories of your MIL will comfort you and your family. Lots of hugs and prayers.

Lisa Clarke said...

I am so sorry for your loss. We just went through this with my FIL. What a wonderful tribute to her - I never thought to do something like that for him. Thank you for the inspiration and please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Lisa C.

Valerie said...

Faye - I am so very sorry for your loss. May memories comfort you as you mourn and celebrate her amazing life. I know that your MIL is loving the beautiful purple flower piece that you stitched for her. I can see her smile now...just like her bright smile with Vince Gill! Such a lovely testament to your devotion! {{{HUGS}}} and prayers to you and your family!


Littlebit said...

Oh, Faye..I am so very sorry for your loss. I pray you will all experience God's comfort during this sad time.

Jennifer said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your MIL's passing. From your description, one can see that she loved life and that she was well loved in return.
I love the way you embodied her in your stitching. That will be a beautiful heirloom piece that can be passed down in rememberance.

Mama Joan said...

I am sorry to hear about the lost of your MIL.
What a really nice piece you stitched in remembrance of her. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Carol said...

Oh, Faye, how lucky you both were to have had such a special relationship...Sending you hugs and my sincere wishes that all of the wonderful memories you shared will comfort your family in the days ahead.

Sweet Sue said...

So very sorry Faye. I lost my DMIL last year, we were as you describe, mother and child ~ rather than in-laws, you're not alone.

Beautiful finish, very touching...

Wishing you and family Peace in the coming days...

natalysneedle said...

My sincerest sympathy to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely tribute to your mother in law. Will you keep the ornament, or will that go with her? My sincere sympathy to your family at this time. May you find a measure of peace.

Vinniey said...

I am so sorry to hear about your lose. {{{Hugs}}} May memories comfort your family.

Sherry :o) said...

I'm sorry to hear of her passing, Faye, my thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. I wouldn't worry about responding to the comments, as I bet most all understand and just want to offer support! Love the stitching you did for your mother-in-law and the way you dated it is really clever! Oh how our stitching brings us some peace, at times. Hugs to you!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm sorry to hear of your MILs passing but so thankful you had such a special relationship.

Jules said...

I am sorry to learn about your loss! May you and your family find peace in knowing she is now in her eternal rest and you will be with her again one day!

Your tribute in stitches to her is beautiful!!!

Jan said...

Oh Sweet Faye....what a touching and lasting tribute to such a special,loved friend and mother. May she stay forever fresh in your hearts, just as she is today.

I am so sorry for your loss, but also happy you were fortunate to have her in your life.


DonnaTN said...

You can see from the photo what a sweet person she was. I'm so sorry for your loss and I will prayer for your family.

Deborah said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Your tribute to her was beautiful. My prayers are with you.

Yvonne..... said...

I just can't find the right words but I just want you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I think the purple flower is just perfect for her AND for you!! Many hugs being sent your way!!

Amy said...

I sent you an email earlier Faye - so sorry for your loss. Sounds like the two of you were lucky to have each other to love. Treasure the memories - I felt the same way about Ray's Grandmother and I still miss her and think of her often. I know she's smiling down on us just as your MIL is on you & your DH. And I agree with the others, the little "mom" piece you stitched for her is just perfect. PBS for your family & hugs to you!

Jennifer said...

I am so sorry Faye to read of your MIL's passing. I love the 'Mom' piece that you stitched . What a wonderful daughter in law you were to her.
Love the pic of your DH and his Mom with Vince Gill. She has such a wonderful smile in that photo. We have to treasure every day. Thinking of you all.

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

I am so sorry Faye !! Your family is in my prayers!!! I know she will be missed.

Anonymous said...

My deepest sympathies on you, Kaye, and your families loss of Ada. I know that it is hard. I will keep you in my prayers that God will give you all peace.

Nicole said...

I was thinking about you today... I'm so sorry. Even though you knew it was coming I'm sure it's still so hard. Lots of hugs and my thoughts are with you and your family during the coming days. The pillow is beautiful and such a nice tribute. I'm sure she would have loved it!

JillMN said...

So sorry to hear about your mother-in-law's passing. That piece you stitched in remembrance of her is lovely. Take care.

Carolyn NC said...

Oh Faye,
I know you were expecting it and she lived a long life, but it's still so hard to lose your loved one. Will keep you all in prayer. I'm so glad you had such a special relationship with her and that you have so many wonderful memories. Your memorial piece is beautiful and so sweet. ((Hugs))

Karen said...

So sorry to hear of your loss Faye. (((hugs))) to you and your family. What a lovely piece you stitched in her honor, what a treasure.

JOLENE said...

How wonderful it was that you were blessed to receive a "second" mother who you loved dearly. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a relationship like that. Keep memories of your sweet Ada close at heart and she will be with you always. Your tribute piece is beautiful and a wonderful expression of your love for such a sweet lady you call "Mother". Hugs to you my friend, take care.

Lisa V said...

My condolences Faye to you and your family. I think the piece you stitched in remembrance of your "Mom" if just lovely and such a lovely piece to look at and reflect on. I'm sure she would have loved it.
Take care

Mary said...

So sorry for your loss.

Nina said...

Faye... I'm sorry for your loss, and my condolences to you and your family.
Take care!

Andrea said...

So sorry for your loss...I love what you stitched...very special. Sending hugs and prayers your way....


Brigitte said...

Faye, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's a wonderful tribute that you stitched in her memory.
My condolences to you and your family.

Denise said...

I'm so sorry to hear your news. Your memory pillow is beautiful.

My condolences to your family.

Sharon said...

Faye, so sorry for your loss. My sincerest condolences to you and your family.

Nancy said...

I'm sorry to hear that you have lost someone so dear to you. She looks like such a sweet person, and I'm sure she was. The purple flower you stitched to remember her is just beautiful. You are in my thoughts.

Cath said...

So sorry for your loss . what a gorgeous tribute to a special lady , I'm sure she would have loved it .

Robin said...

I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to her. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

Lainey said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Your pillow is a beautiful tribute to a special lady. Hugs and prayers.

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

A wonderful salute Faye. Oh the memories you will cherish forever.
Be always in stitches.

FIONA said...

Faye I'm so sorry to hear your family's loss of your beloved Ada. Even though it is hard to deal with now, hold precious the good times and the laughter you shared with her and enjoy the fact that she loved your stitching and your relationship with her. The piece you stitched is a beautiful reminder of a beautiful friendship and bond that no-one can ever break. Hugs to you all and prayers forever. Fiona x

Wrought By LaDonna said...

Faye, I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your mother-in-law. It sounds like you had a wonderful relationship with her and will be able to cherish that forever.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Faye, you have my most deep and sincere sympathy at the loss of your MIL. May her souls and all the souls of the faithfully departed, by the mercy of God rest in peace. I shall keep her in my prayer intentions this day. Her smile DOES say it all in that picture. And the ornament is a wonderful remembrance of her beauty in all of your lives. She had a long and full life, she passed on my own dear Grandmother's birthday...she would have been 91 yesterday. Hugs and love to you and your family.

Margaret said...

My heart goes out to you and yours at this time of sadness and loss. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. The piece you stitched is such a loving tribute to Ada. Hugs.

Patty C. said...

Sorry for your loss
It sounds like your Grandmother had a beautifully long and fruitful life - Cherish the blessing in that and those memories always
Take Care

Hillery said...

I am so sorry for your loss.

Berit said...

What a beautiful memento of your relationship with a very special person! Thanks for sharing; keeping you in prayers.

Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

My deepest sympathy for your loss, Faye.
Keep her and your memories close to your heart.
Sending you BIG HUGS.

Catherine said...

So sorry to hear of your loss. How wonderful that you had such a special relationship with her. Your purple flower remembrance is lovely. May you find comfort in your memories in the days to come.

valerie said...

Oh Faye, so sorry to hear of the loss of your DMIL. My deepest sympathies to you and the family. You made a lovely ornament in tribute to her.

Mary said...

Faye, please accept my sincerest sympathy on Ada's passing. May you take comfort in your memories and the blessing of sharing a deep loving bond with her. You now have a special angel in heaven praying for and looking after you and your family. May her soul rest in peace. You are in my thoughts and prayers

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

I only hope that when my sons marry, their wives will love me as much as you loved Ada. You have been, and will continue to be, in my prayers. I am so sorry for your loss, Faye. Your tribute ornament is priceless, touching and brought tears to my eyes.

BrendaS said...

Faye --
I am so sorry for you loss. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Remember all the happy times and those will give you the most comfort in the coming weeks.

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

Oh it is magnificent you have sincerely of the talent
Best regards marylin

Bekca said...

I am so very sorry to hear about your loss Faye. Your tribute is gorgeous and will help keep the happy memories alive.
Take care.

CalamityJr said...

I can feel your love and sorrow in every sentence. You stitched a beautiful memory and you'll always have her love around you. May God bless your family and give you comfort.

angelasweby said...

My thoughts are with you at this really difficult time in your life. The bond you and your sweet MIL shared will have meant the world to her as it did to you. I know she will be sadly missed but I know also, that she will be remembered in all the small things she said and did.

We remember my beloved MIL every day in one way or another. We laugh at her ancient but still meaningful sayings and we smile at her photographs and she smiles back at us.
We lost her a few months ago at the ripe age of 100. She was every bit as lively as she always was up until a few months before she passed away.

I know it will be hard not having her in your lives but she will have left you all a wonderful legacy, an umbrella of love for you all to shelter beneath :>)
Your little ornament says it all.
My warmest wishes. Angela

Sherry said...

Faye, I am so sorry for your loss. It is wonderful that you were so close to your mother in law. You and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. The pillow you made in her memory is beautiful.

Kathleen said...

What a touching and tender tribute to a very special woman. I hope that you, your husband and family will find peace in the memories and comfort in the image of her lovely smile. The sweet pillow will be a gentle reminder of the love you shared.
take good care

Karen said...

What a sweet gesture! Thinking about you and your family.



Michele said...

Faye, I'm so sorry about your loss. What a great long life she had! And that is definitely a wonderful smile she had. We lost my mil 6 years ago .. I miss her every day .. it's such a special relationship when you love your mil like that. Gentle healing hugs

Carol said...

Faye, I am so sorry for your loss! May you take comfort in your memories of Ada. You are blessed to have been a part of her life. You stitched piece in her honor is so lovely. hugs to you

Marion said... very, very sorry to read of the passing of your dear MIL!! I have been following your posts, but sadly have not commented. You are very fortunate to have had such a wonderful relationship with her! Cherish the memories!!
Take care my friend!

Lois said...

Faye, I'm so sorry to read this. She sounds like a very special lady who was much loved. What a sweet pillow you've stitched in her memory.

Moreen said...

So sorry to hear about the lose of your darling sweet MIL,my heart goes out to you at this sad time.
Your stitched pillow is a lovely tibute to her memory.

Raven/Missy said...

Faye, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. My condolences at the loss of your MIL, she sounds like a wonderful person! Your stitched tribute to her is just gorgeous and I sure she would love it.

Cari said...

I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your dear MIL. The darling pillow you stitched in her memory is beautiful..I'm sure it gave you much comfort stitching along and remembering. Hugs....

MyLifesAStitch said...

Oh, Faye... I am so so sorry to read this. I know there is nothing I or anyone can say that can truly "make it better", but please know that you are in my prayers along with your husband and the rest of your family. The pillow ornament is such a wonderful little piece of remembrance. It definitely brought a tear to my eye.

Jeanne said...

So sorry for you and your family Faye - she sounds like a wonderful person and how great is that Vince Gill story! She was lucky to have such a DIL as you. Take care.

Kimmie said...

Sorry for your loss. (((HUGS)))

Deb said...

Faye - My sympathies go out to you and your family at your loss. I think that it's a pretty amazing that a MIL and DIL can share a special relationship. Your pillow is such a wonderful tribute to her and I hope that you always smile when you look upon it remembering the wonderful things that you both shared with each other.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for the loss of your dear, sweet Ada! And what a wonderful testament to the exceptional woman she must have been...we should all be so loved and respected by our loved ones!

Dee L said...

My deepest sympathy to you and your family. What a beautiful woman; what a wonderful memories you must have.

saras said...

Ah Faye! I'm so sorry to hear of your MIL's passing!! So glad you were close and have such great memories of her. The little piece you stitched in her honor is perfect. Talk to you soon. Sara

Charlene ♥ NC said...

I'm so sorry for the loss your family is feeling. Your love for and sweet memories of her will help ease the pain and bring you comfort in the coming days. I'm sure that love and closeness also made a peaceful passing for her. Love and hugs to you all.

Heather said...

Faye, I am very sorry to hear of your families loss. I am thinking about you! You made a pretty token to remind you of her. <3

Shelleen said...

I am so sorry Faye, she sounded like a special woman.

Jennifer Ann Fox said...

My deepest sympathies are with you and your family. No words can say enought at this time.

Feathers in the Nest

Jane said...

I'm so sad to read that your dear MIL passed away. Sounds like she will be sadly missed. Hold those precious memories of her close to your heart. Hugs to you and your family.

Loraine said...

I haven't been keeping up with blogs lately, so sorry for the delay in writing you. I was so sad to see this post about your MIL. She is a doll. Your sweet bond with her is so touching. May your heart be filled with peace. You will see her again someday.