Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Today I got home after having been away for 2 weeks.....Love that fall intercession from Year Round school.... And, what do I find first thing on the table is a sweet package from Myra....Isn't this the cutest little bird you have ever seen????? Myra says this birdie was made to perch on my fall themed tree and it will be perfect~~~ Thanks SO MUCH for this wonderful surprise and Random Act of Kindness Myra...TOO cute!

Next, I had a package from Joan in our Fair and Square Exchange....She knows me all too well with this darling LHN piece~ I have the perfect fabric I am going to use on this one Joan...Thanks again for being my exchange partner!! I absolutely love what you made for me~~

And my dear friend Anglea from England sent me the nicest surprise~~~ It is a lavendar filled sachet with my initial on it....Done is RED no less~~~ AND, some of the prettiest ribbons for my embellishments.... Your wonderful surprise has truly blown me away Angela~~~ Thanks so very much for thinking of me~~~ I love it~~
Lastly, here is a poorly made snapshot of my completed block of SoHRH....I took it last night at the beach under no so good lighting conditions and it really tells.... I probably shouldnt post such a shabby shot, but wanted you to see my progress......I have fallen in love with this larger piece and know have 5 out of 12 blocks done...............
So, that is it for today....I have a mound of mail, MUCH cleaning to do (I live with all men in the household!!!) and not much food in the frig..... Guess you can tell what I will be doing the next couple days~~~~ But it sure was nice of them to let me sneak away for a couple weeks....Some me, myself and I time........


Chris said...

It's nice to come home to surprises like that in the mail. Your stitching is coming along beautifully.

FIONA said...

Wow Faye - how special is it to come home from holidays and find something special waiting for us (apart from family of course!) The pieces are beautiful and I love your finished square too! We are fairly blessed in this stitching world to have made such lovely friends with such a delightful common interest! Glad you enjoyed the break - sometimes we just deserve these things and this time to ourselves. Enjoy your day and your chores!! xx

Peggy Lee said...

So glad you are back Faye. It was so nice to come home to goodies from good friends!
I feel your pain about living with all men....I only live with ONE and I've got my hands full lemme tell ya!

Melissa said...

What a lucky girl! Your packages are beautiful. The progress picture is great. It's looking beautiful. Glad you had a nice vacation! Me, myself, and I time is very important!

Tricia said...

How fun to have such great mail waiting for you! And wonderful stitching, too!!

Berit said...

Gorgeous! My favorites are the bird from Myra (aren't the little details wonderful?) and your Shores progress. I think the pic looks just fine. :)

Denise said...

So lucky to have such wonderful friends! Don't worry about your pic - we love to see what you are stitching. Good luck with your cleaning and baking!


Mary said...

Glad you're back Faye and hope you had restful "away time." Your treats are lovely. Such a nice surprise to come home to...in addition to your boys! The little bird from Myra is adorable..She's a sweetheart. I love LHN,too. The initial sachet is darling.
You are making great progress on Shores

Mama Joan said...

Glad you liked my choice for the Fair and Square. I really enjoyed stitching it for you.

Myra said...

Wow! Your Shores block looks great. I am glad you like my little birdy and your squares and the little sachet are gorgeous. Good for you to be able to get 2 weeks of "recharging" time just before the cold weather sets in. Enjoy the chores and grocery shopping! :o)

Margaret said...

What lovely treats you received from friends! Love your SoHRH -- that's one of my favorite blocks on that one! Hope settling in back home isn't too difficult -- welcome home!

Catherine said...

Awesome goodies!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Welcome back! I live in a house of men too. I love every second of it! No drama and mostly good times. Only 1 is messy.

What wonderful welcome home surprises! Your SoHRH looks fantastic. What fabric are you using? There is absolutely nothing wrong with your picture.

PegC said...

What fun things Faye--and an encouragement with the progess on your larger project...just a few more stitches to go.

Lana said...

Wow! What great friends you have to gift you with all that beautiful stitchy goodness!! Your progress on SoHRH looks great!!!

Siobhán said...

I'm glad that you're back safe and sound. :) What lovely stuff to come home to (not the food shopping, laundry, etc.! ;))-- beautiful stuff made by loving friends. Lovely progress on your Shores, too! It is such a fun design.

Blu said...

What fun mail to come back to!
Lovely progress on Shores.

Unknown said...

What lovely gifts! 5 blocks complete, that's great! I really love this piece

Carol said...

All men here, too, Faye, so I know exactly what your life is like!! Luckily, my dear husband is EXTREMELY neat!! I'm sure you felt very special coming home to such wonderful gifts--glad your two weeks away was so relaxing :)

Daffycat said...

Oh, Myra's little crow is perfect for your tree! And enjoy that sachet...I love lavender sachets!

Congratulations on your Shores finish ~ it's lovely!

Unknown said...

great and beautiful works
ciao Pat

BeckySC said...

Hey Faye :)
What a great gift from Myra :) I love it and your Shores looks wonderful :)
Have a great week :)

Katrina said...

Gorgeous gift and I love your shores!!!!

Bekca said...

I hope you have had a lovely break and you have received some beautiful gifts. You're stitching is looking great, keep it up! :)

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Lovely gifts to greet you home :)

Carolyn NC said...

Sounds like a lovely intercession time! Love Myra's little bird and gifts! Great stitching, too. :)

Annemarie said...

Me, myeself & I time... that sounds divine!
You received some lovely gifts and exchanges, and I'm seriously impressed with your work on Shores of HRH!