Sunday, February 20, 2011

Love Spoken Here has spoken.............

 Hot off the press......"Love Spoken Here" is completed as of today!!!  Yeah~~

I tell ya, if you are a fan of the taupes and grays, this piece is for you!! The npi silks are just perfect and there are only 4 colors in this entire piece.... I love the color combination and have fallen in love with npi silks... I WILL be using more of them!~

 Love Spoken Here
pale gray 36 ct linen, npi silks

This is my fourth wip completed this year in the "up for a challenge" challenge...
In surveying my basket, I am seeing many of my other wip's are more of the large sampler pieces so they will not be nearly as quick a finish as this one was....But, that's ok....Who knows, I just might treat myself to a new start sometime this month!~ 

I am off to finish an exchange piece which is due out in March...And, I have homework....Homework from a drawn thread class I am taking at my local Needlepoint shop; Moore than Needlepoint.
Several  local ladies are wanting to learn more about cut threadwork, so I decided to join in on the fun.. (Although I have to admit it scares the bejeezes out of me to cut that linen~~)

Hope your weekend has been filled with fun and if you are lucky enough to have tomorrow off (snow makeup day for me...),  enjoy Presidents Day 2011~~~~

Take care everyone, 



Nicole said...

Gorgeous finish Faye!! I love it!

Nan said...

Beautiful Faye! Something to always cherish.
I too have to enjoy President's day with my kiddos. Aren't snow makeups days fun :0)
And to top it mail. I'm expecting a package.

Natasha said...

Oh Faye, I think it is just beautiful. The color combo is great. I think this one may have to go on my must buy list.
Take Care

Cindy's Stitching said...

very pretty finish Faye. I like the colors also. It's always good to take a class and learn something new.

BrendaS said...

Beautiful finish. Such soft pretty colors.

Have fun deciding what your next WIP will be. Can't wait to see.

Barbi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Barbi said...

Faye this is a beautiful finish! I've never seen it before and I simply love it!! Well done.

CalamityJr said...

How beautiful, and what a great sentiment to look at daily in your home. Enjoy!

Margaret said...

What a beautiful finish! I love it! NPI is my favorite too!

Peggy Lee said...

Oh I love La D Da and also NPI silks. I need to get this chart!
Beautiful finish! The colors are great.

gracie said...

What a beautiful project...soothing colors...
As for cutting threads..everytime I do a harganger piece, I hold my breath!

Cole said...

Beautiful finish! The colors are so soothing

Littlebit said...

Beautiful, Faye! The colors are so soft and pretty. Congrats on another finish!

Jennifer Ann Fox said...

Absolutely beautiful, Faye!
I can't wait to try the NPI silks, I haven't as of yet but looks like they are awesome from the blogs I see.

Yeppers, I work tomorrow but regular day for us.
Hardanger......I laughed once and said...well, I know why they call it hardanger...... with all that cutting and pulling, it's Hard---Anger....ROFLOL I would be scared as well cutting on linen.


Sue said...

Beautiful piece!!

Jan said...

Wow that is pretty. I just discovered NPI myself and like it so far. I've done the cutting of linen with hardanger. Don't be afraid, just triple check yourself before you cut.

Unknown said...

Love Spoken Here is just beautiful. Lovely colors, and wonderful sentiment.

I would be scared to death too - good luck at Hardanger.

This President's Day has me spending it with DGD Lily, her daycare is closed but her mama has to work. Poor me - LOL. I have a whole bag of crafty goodies to play with - just trying a little brain washing is all - hehehe

Susan in SC said...

How talented you are! This is gorgeous!

staci said...

Sooo pretty! Congrats on having 4 of your wips done already!!!

robindefender said...

Your finish is beautiful. Regarding the cut thread piece, you won't be sorry you tackled it... even if you cut the wrong thread, it is often possible to reweave the fabric and salvage your piece (annoying, but possible). And, you're so worried about it, it's very unlikely that you actually WILL make a wrong cut. And when you are finished, ooh, it will be sooooo lovely!

Karen said...

gorgeous Faye! woohoo, another wip bites the dust! :) I really need to get into my wip's again and pull one out and finish it up. been stitching for the grandbaby due late March.

Karen said...

Kudos on another finish! You are rocking that challenge! Love the colors too.

Can't wait to see what's up next... good luck with your "homework".

Happy stitching this week....

Jennifer said...

Love the finish Faye! This one is on my "to do" list for this year, however I think I may change up the colors a little since I don't have much in the way of NPI's. Afterall, this is the year that I try to stitch from stash!

Congrats again on a beautiful finish!

Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

I agree, the colors are great and it looks so pretty.

Loraine said...

Really nice Faye! You sure have inspired me to finish some older samplers. I like your WIP's better, however. LOL! Your style is timeless.

Nancy said...

Your sampler is just beautiful! The soft colors are so pleasing to the eye.

the striped rose said...

Congrats on a beautiful finish!

JillMN said...

That sampler is gorgeous! I love seeing your finishes.

Lynn said...

What a pretty little sampler! It's so delicate looking. I love the NPI silks too and wish I had a lot more of them.

Marnie said...

Beautiful! Your blog is always a joy to read!



Jackie's Stitches said...

Gorgeous finish! I love the soft colors which is really atypical for me. The colors just seem to work so well together and with the fabric. Congrats on your finish. I can't wait to see what you work on next.

Jackie said...

Yes. Love have spoken Faye. Very pretty and I do like the color palette. Have a wonderful day tomorrow. Looks the kids here will be making up a snow day on a Saturday soon.

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Pooh! I 'left' a comment, but it went away... Congrats on your challenge progress. You're doing a great job with them. We don't have Presidents' Day off - but the weekend of sunshine was beautiful, wasn't it? Enjoy your snipping class :-) - it will be fun .

Anne said...

Pretty! Very pretty! I'm sure silks are bliss to stitch with. Saving up to buy some myself! Love the finish!

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

very beautiful faye !
have a good day


valerie said...

Beautiful finish Faye! I was wondering if you can tell me the secret behind your beaded pins. Is there a special glue that you use?

FIONA said...

Absolutely stunning Faye! What beautiful colours and how beautifully finished - clever girl!! enjoy the class - sounds like great fun! xx

Sherry said...

Wow Faye! You are on a roll. This piece is beautiful! Congratulations on another great finish!

Actually, linen is very easy cut. When I worked at Mary Jo's we used the pulled string method to get an even cut. I'm not sure if this is what you are referring to though. lol. Have fun with the class.

Siobhán said...

What a fantastic finish, Faye!! I love NPIs, too. L-O-V-E them. The colors in that sampler are so serene--very nice.

Katrina said...

Very pretty!!!! Love it :-).

Sally said...

A beautiful finish Faye :)

Julie M said...

Great finish! I just saw the model at Market. I am stitching it too but I have changed the colors up a bit as I like a bit more color.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful piece.I adore the sentiment, I think I may have to add this to my to-do list!

Giovanna said...

Gorgeous finish, congratulations!

Mary said...

Lovely finish Faye! The colors are so delicate and calming.

Brigitte said...

Wow, four WIPs finished already. This challnege seems to do the trick. If I had had 15 WIPs I would have joined as well. But I joined the other challenge and created some WIPs. Not bad either, lol.

Fiona said...

Lovely finish, you are surely able to meet a challenge.

Shelleen said...

Congrats on the finish.

Blu said...

What a beautiful finish!

Joy said...

Gorgeous finish Faye!! Congratulations!!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

What a beautiful finish, Faye! NPIs are wonderful to work with and slide thru the fabric like buttah! Can't wait to see what you do next.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

It is singularly beautiful Faye! I have a project all kitted up with NPI, I need to get to it soon!

Michelle said...

Beautiful finish! I love designs like that that are in a simple color palette - so pretty!

Valerie said...

Lovely finish Faye! The colors are soft and beautiful! You are making great progress on your up for a challenge pieces! Treat yourself to a new start!

Dovilė said...

just beautiful and cute design:)

Andrea said...

A beautiful finish, congratulations.

Sharon said...

Simply gorgeous!