Sunday, April 22, 2012

Back in the saddle again.....

Whew~~!!  It was a lllooonnnnnggg week at work getting back into the swing of things after 3 weeks of spring intercession..... I could SO get used to being retired!  But, after many hugs and loves from my 18 first grade darlings, I knew we'd all get back in the groove of things....and, we did.....

I wanted to show you the little quilt stand I use sometimes to hang finishes that I didn't want to have framed..... It all sits on the far corner of the desk in my craft room.... So, here's a peak....

The wrought iron stand which I purchased from Auntie Ju's Quilt Shoppe, (on the right) allows me to convert some of my stitched items into little "hangings", if you will..... (pssstt... do you also see my lovely collection of little boxes from
Samplers and Santas...?..go take a look....) Anyway, I must admit, this little collection does in fact have a dual purpose..... Not only does it keep my creativity clicking.... It also does this....

It hides the good old Kurieg machine....Java also keeps on track with, when I need a cup a joe, I slide the quilt stand over and, there ya go....

Some of you may remember me finishing the Pineberry Lane piece into a hanging that I planned on using here as well....That's what is so nice, you can swap out your stitched pieces for the look you are going for.....

Cool  hunh???

I also would like to share with you a wonderful kit which was sent to me by
* yiotas-xstitch
while I was away...I was asked to critique the kit and make recommendations and comments....  I selected this one....
Sunflower by William Morris
Yiota's x-stitch

The mailing envelope was still well packaged upon arrival...I was very impressed with this considering the distance it had to travel from the UK....

Enclosed I found...
A clear and ledgible cross stitch chart, which is large in print..I like that!  Pre-wound Maderia thread cards which were clearly labeled. Black 14ct Aida and a needle. My only suggestion to them was to offer their kits in both Aida and linen as buyers may be swayed away from purchasing if not given that option.... Nevertheless,  I was extremely pleased to have been part of this survey and surely look forward to stitching this gorgeous sunflower one day....Thanks again Yiota's for allowing me to participate!!

Here is how you can learn more...

Well, I have no completed stitching to show you as my extra time last week was devoted to finishing orders and project pouch orders.... I am playing catchup from the little break I took... And, I've made a
lot of headway!!
So, here's hoping everyone has a fantastic week.....
Much love from me to you !!!!


Giovanna said...

That stand is a very clever idea :-) And nice choice of kit from Yiota's - enjoy!

Margaret said...

I love seeing your pieces on the little quilt stands. I need to find me some of those! So pretty! Nice kit you chose from Ylota's too!

Deb said...

I like how you use those little quilt stands to hide things. Such a great idea. And I really like your kit choice from Yiota. I picked up the Strawberry Thief from her, but like you, have not put any stitches into it.

Ranae said...

I love the quilt stand idea and to use it to hide the Kurieg machine, very clever
Pretty sunflower design you chose

Vickie said...

Oh Faye! That is exactly the idea I have been playing with in my mind for almost a year. Seeing yours makes me realize I should get my rump in gear! I had never seen one at JoAnn's yet. That is my main craft store, as it is 2 minutes from our home. :)

Beth said...

Your little quilt stand is a great idea. A clever way to display some of your creative finishes.

Beehive Needleworks said...

Love your stand! To hide a little something behind such a lovely piece of needlework is splendid indeed.
Wishing you a happy week Faye!

Hugs from my beehive...

Jackie's Stitches said...

I've seen little quilts on those stands but never a stitched piece. Wonderful idea! And if it hides something, all the better!

Penny said...

Love the little stands... a great way to display items and hide others!! I will be looking for one!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

I love the little corner of your creative world!

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

Hi, Faye:
That's a darling little stitchery, and I will think of you now in your studio making a cup of tea or coffee from your Keurig!
Yes, I noticed the Boxes from Samplers and Santas. Love them, Marly is great.
The stitchery was packaged beautifully, I love the floss being on the pre-labeled cards.
Have a Wonderful Week,

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

Hi, Faye:
That's a darling little stitchery, and I will think of you now in your studio making a cup of tea or coffee from your Keurig!
Yes, I noticed the Boxes from Samplers and Santas. Love them, Marly is great.
The stitchery was packaged beautifully, I love the floss being on the pre-labeled cards.
Have a Wonderful Week,

Laurie in Iowa said...

Love the little quilt rack to display your stitched projects.

Marsha said...

Yes, very cool. So is there a pocket on the back of your stitching? How exactly does it hang there?

Jannie said...

Love that quilt stand idea! Especially since it hides the coffee maker ( - : Great ideas as usual.

Jannie said...

Love that quilt stand idea! Especially since it hides the coffee maker ( - : Great ideas as usual.

marly said...

Love the idea of hiding the coffeemaker with stitchery! Thank you Faye!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your little stand...what a great idea - especially to hide things on the counter. Nice kit from Yiota, have fun stitching it.

Lesleyanne said...

The stand is a great idea. Lovely choice from Yiota.

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

Very lovely my Friend !!

bisous bisous de FRANCE

Siobhán said...

What a fun little stand! Great idea for those pieces that you don't want to frame.

Krista said...

I love your idea of the little quilt stands, another sweet way to display your beautiful creations.

Chris said...

Hello Faye!
What a wonderful way to display a project. I really like the way you have positioned it to hide the coffee maker :)
Have a great week!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Love your little quilty - mostly that it's a quick change! Whatever your mood or the season. Great idea. Have a wonderful week.

BrendaS said...

Thanks for sharing how you showcase your stitching! Great ideas:)

Have a good week Faye:)

Penny said...

Love your little collection! Yiota'a kits are so pretty!

butterfly said...

Every thing looks great Faye .
Love the quit stands.

Anne said...

What lovely quilt/stitching stands! Such a great idea for displaying your lovely stitching! And hiding the coffee maker :D

18 Grade 1's?!?!?!! What bliss it would be to have a small class like that! Too bad our government stripped away class sizes and now we have overcrowded classes :( I do adore the primary grades and hope to have a primary class one day!! You must do all sorts of great creative lessons with them!

Jane in Wisconsin said...

What a great way to display your pieces! Knave a question or perhaps I should say a request............would you share pictures of your craft room with us? We are finishing aroom in our exposed basement that I am going to use for my stitching stuff. I am having trouble figuring out what kinds of storage are the most helpful. Part of the problem is that this area will be visible from the rest of the basement. If you would rathernot put up pictures perhaps you could describe the best work spaces/storage/or other ideas that you like best! Thanks for your help.

Kathy Ellen said...

What a clever idea, using that nice little quilt stand to display some of your stitching pieces! I love it, and best of all, it hides things behind it. Great idea!

Blessings for a wonderful week!

Tatkis said...

What a lovely stand to display your hangings! And useful too ;)


Patty C. said...

Enjoyed getting a peak at your Creative space - lovely finishing ;)

Catherine said...

Thanks for the peek into your craft room! Great kit you chose to review ~ looking forward to one day seeing you work on this.

Jennifer Ann Fox said...

Beautiful samplers and the stands are an awesome idea too.

Nice kit as well. I can't wait to see your progress on the black aida. I'm not sure my eyes could do that. LOL But it sure is a beautiful kit!! The threads are gorgeous.

feathers in the nest

Jennifer M. said...

Such lovely patriotic projects Faye. I'm inspired to make my own tree now. :)


Lynn said...

I've fallen way behind in my blogging so I'm just getting caught up now on all your recent finishes. I love your idea of using the little quilt rack for small hangings. Brilliant!
I also love all your patriotic stitches from your last couple of posts. They're all wonderful!

doris said...

Faye, you have so many great ideas. Your craft room looks great.

Good luck in getting back into the swing of school. We have only three weeks left! I can't wait.