Sunday, July 2, 2017

Tonight's picture walk....

I thought I'd sneak in a few photos of Carolina Stitcher zippered project bags tonight before we all pause to celebrate Independence Day on Tuesday~ Whether you send me a stitch to insert, ask for a contrasting fabric on the front or want a plain front bag; they are very nice when organizing your  projects.... So, here goes.....  
Primitive Stitchers Society 
Facebook group

(This is my new favorite fabric!!) 

Threadwork Primitives~ Star Spangled Pinkeepe
Blackbird Designs~ Spring Tulips
A dear customer had the talented artist, Michelle Palmer, mail me her inked drawing as an insert in a bag.... I was so impressed with Michelle's beaitiful work, I had to order one for myself! 
Michelle Palmer's artwork, on both tea dyed muslin and stationary, can be found on her Etsy site.... 


Theeadwork Primitives~ Land that I Love



With thy Needle &Thread~ Brambleberry Bunting

 Well..... thats some of the bag orders I have been filling this past week.... I will resume with finishing orders and the like this coming week~ Until next post, happy stitching and happy hearts~





Hilda said...

Amazing! I love this kind of bags!

Happy 4th July, dear Faye, to you and your family!


denise said...

beautiful as always!

Mary said...

You certainly have been busy!! It's difficult to pick a favorite they are all so pretty. Michelle Palmer is a very talented artist and what a great way to incorporate her art into one of your project bags!

Hope your enjoying retirement and have a happy and safe 4th of July, Mary and RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

CindyC said...

Love-Love-LOVE them all, Sis! Happy 4th, with hugs! :) <3

Robin in Virginia said...

Faye, each one is gorgeous. I love the one with Michelle's artwork (she is incredible, isn't she?) plus that all blue one just speaks to me. Enjoy your Fourth!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

What a gorgeous array of those fine project bags! Isn't it great not having to "get to bed" on Sunday night? I see you're making good use of the extra time. Have a great, happy 4th 🎇

Krissy B. said...

Faye, do you sell any of these finished without me having to send in stitched piece?

Karen said...

Every single one is beautiful!

woolwoman said...

They are ALL so wonderful Faye - Now I wish I had something small stitched up to send you to put in a bag. I use my sleeping bag all the time for small np pieces on stretcher bars. Sooooo nice ! You are one talented and hard working chickie - Hope you have a great 4th! Mel

Barb said...

You do a beautiful job Faye!!

Carol said...

Oh, these are all so lovely, Faye! I use the bag you gifted me all the time on my travels. My future DIL is a beginning stitcher and she saw it and said, "I love it--I need a project bag, too :)" Happy 4th to you!

Arlene G said...

I would like one of each Faye! lol but really I do love them all. I am contemplating sewing some project bags for myself.

CathieJ said...

Love those bags.

Susana Laurencia said...

I love your post!

Anonymous said...

Faye, do you sell any of these finished without me having to send in stitched piece?
