I hope you can get a hint of what I have been working on for the last week.... Soon I will have a week of finishing and these will **poof** turn into ornies, pinkeeps and little pillows for the tree in my craft room..... So, stay tuned...... There is more to come~~
AND, my
First Year Blogaversary will be on May 30.... Just around the corner... Soon I will be announcing a giveaway to commemorate my first year in the blog world...Hard to believe!!!
~~~~~~~~Happy stitching everyone~~~~~ Faye
Love the peek and can't wait to see what you do with all of them!!
Congrats on the 1st year upcoming Blogaversary!! You rock!
A patriotic tree!!! That will be awesome (with or without fireworks)!! Looks like you will be a very busy gal....can't wait to see what you have in store.
Ooooh, what fun! A tree just in time for July 4! Love it! The sneak peek is great! I can't believe you've only been blogging for a year. Congratulations on your upcoming blogiversary!
This is exciting! I love patriotic and Americana stuff! I bet I know what one of them will be! ;)
Wow you sure have been busy. I love the sneek peek. Happy early anniversay :)
Wow, you have been stitching up a storm! Can't wait to see these finished!
Oh how awesome! Love it and can't wait to see your finishes!
That is one pile of super yummy stitchin:)
Love that little sneak peek!!! :) Can't wait to see them finished and ready to go.
Goodness...you have been busy! Can't wait to see your finishing magic! A year all ready???? Oh how time flies....happy stitches.
Ohhhh, just look at all those little patriotic things! I can't wait to see them finished and on your tree.
I'm excited to see what you have there!
Love the mix of colors and the peeks a the designs . . . I will be on the edge of my seat.
Beautiful Love Patriotic. Thinking I need to be pulling mine out. Can no t wait for your finishes.
Cathy from KY
do you have a magic needle or what??? can't wait to see what you do with them all. they will all be great as usual! :)
It all looks lovely. You must have been very busy can't wait to see all the finishing.
Wow Faye, you've been on a roll haven't you! Can't wait to see all of your finishes! :-)
It looks like you have a lot of goodies stacked up there! You must be going through a stitching frenzy which is a good thing!! Can't wait to see what all of them look like!!
Can't wait to see the finishing on all of the ornaments. I would be surprised to know that you have not started "One Nation" as it is a beautiful piece.(pic on my blog on April 19)
Be always in stitches.
Oh, I can't wait to see your tree of finishes, Faye... It sounds like such a fun project!
From what I can see you have been busy, busy, busy. looks like the 4th of July to me. I can't wait to see. Faye 1 year in blog land, isn't great.
Wow! They look great all arranged as they are. I can't wait to see what you do with them.
I also see a Patriotic theme going on in your stack! I can't wait to see all your cute finishes! Didn't a year go by quickly???
Holy cow, you've been busy! I can't wait to see your finishes. Happy blogaversary!
WOW! Even though your sneak peek looks wonderful on its on, I can't wait to see your finishes. You always do such lovely things with your creations. Now, get off this blog and get busy!! LOL!!
Oh my goodness at the wonderful things in that pile!! I hope you will show a picture of your tree. I haven't put a thing on mine since Christmas, I don't think, but I just received 3 of the BBD stocking leaflets and fibers, so I hope to at least make something pretty for it soon. Your stockings just did me in! :) Beautiful work!
Well you have certainly been busy - can't wait to see them all. Congrats on the blogaversary!
Ohhh these look like they will make some beautiful ornies and such. I am looking forward to pictures!
Congratulations on your first year Blogaversary!
Gorgeous pic, can't wait to see how you finish everything!
Wow Faye,
What an amazing pile of intriguing stitching. I can see one or two I recognise but, more to the point, they all look wonderful. I can't wait to see what they will turn into when you wave your magic needle at them.
I will definitely be looking out for your Blog anniversary to wish you well for many more in the years ahead.
Warm wishes Angela xx
They look like very pretty patriotic stitches! Can't wait to see them!
wow! Faye I think you have found the turbo needles I've been looking for. Look forward to seeing the finished works. Good Job!
Thanks for your kind words of support...I really appreciate them. :-) Well, it looks like your lil ol' needle has been flying! I see some cuties & I can't wait to see the finishes & how you decorate with them. Happy early anniversary!!
WOW! I can't wait to see you work your magic on them.
They look awesome! I have been working on Valentine ornaments-only a couple done for that Valentine tree inspired by you! Next thing I know I will be working on a patriotic tree-LOL
I can't wait to see the tree :)
Take Care
What a great peek - now looking forward to your fantastic finishes! Love 'em all...
WOW what a great show and I can't wait to see what you finish them all into.
Lots of Love
Patti the finishing challenged person xxx
That pile is inspiring! Congrats on the pile AND your blog-iversary! Love visiting here.
Please tell me you didn't stitch all that pile in a weeks time. If you did, you are an amazing fast stitcher. Can't wait to see the finished items.
I can't wait to see them all! You're such a beautiful stitcher and finisher. I wish I could watch you finish them all as I know I would learn a lot!
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