Monday, November 1, 2010

"~~Thank you Followers" Giveaway~~

Okay followers~~~ Here is my
"Thank you Followers" giveaway!!!!

I will be drawing names on Friday November 5th....The only rule is that you must post a comment on this post only and you need to be a follower of my blog............That's it, plain and simple....
With thy Needle & Thread chart:CS46 St. Noel
36ct linen
(3) Victorian Motto Sampler threads
(2) Moda fat quarters
2 yards of my favorite prim hemp rick rack
I have actually stitched this chart and loved it....The directions are wonderful and I cannot wait to put it all together in a finishing detail............... The linen is suitable for this project or any other where you need a fat 1/8th of a yard......Of course the threads are heavenly soft and so easy to enjoy...Then the Moda fabric and trim...Well, used it on this project or whatever you choose!!
Good luck everybody..........I am so thrilled to be offering this giveaway as a way of saying thank you for inspiring me to stitch and blog...........
Take care, Faye


Hazel said...

Ooooooh yay! Gorgeous giveaway. Please enter me - I'm already a follower. xx

Kat said...

I love it! Very much in the holiday spirit! I'd love a chance to win. Thanks so much!


Cath said...

I'd love to enter your giveaway please , I am a follower .

natalysneedle said...


Please count me in on this fabulous giveaway.Congrats on over 300 followers.

Susan in SC said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I love Christmas!!!

Bekca said...

This is a great giveaway and I would love to be entered in it. I am already a follower and I must thank YOU for having such a delightful blog :)

FN said...

What a lovely giveaway! I'm a new follower even though I've enjoyed your blog for a while. I'd love to enter! Thank you for a festive holiday giveaway--Christmas is "just around the corner"!

Anonymous said...

I have only been reading your blog for a little while but I love seeing all your pretty finishes. I just added myself as a follower and would love to be in the drawing, how generous of you!

pj said...

Faye, how sweet of you. I love this giveaway! I can see why you have over 300 followers! Your blog is always up to date and fun! I can't keep up with all these that I am to follow...but hope I win!!!! pj

Jackie's Stitches said...

It's a pleasure to be a follower of your blog, Faye! I'd love to be entered into your generous giveaway. Congrats on 300!

Robin said...

I really enjoy your blog. Thank you for sharing with all of us (your followers). I'd love to win your giveaway! Brenda is one of my fav designers and I don't have this chart yet. I'm keeping my fingers (virtually) crossed. :)

valerie said...

Congrats on 300 followers! I would love to be included! I love this design and the goodies look wonderful as well! Thanks for the chance!

Nan said...

Oooh Faye......That's a great giveaway! Pick me! Pick me!

But seriously,
I am already a follower and would love to be entered.

Michelle S. said...

What a great giveaway! Please count me in!

Amy said...

Wow, how exciting! I would love to be entered in your drawing! Thank you so much for the fun and anticipation! Amy

Margaret said...

Ok, that's pretty funny -- I thought I WAS a follower of your blog! But I wasn't! I am now! lol! What a lovely giveaway! You are a sweetheart! Happy 300!

Crystal said...

Congrats on 300 folowers, all of whom enjoy your blog so much. I would love a chance to be entered into this festive holiday give away.

Maria said...

What a lovely giveaway Faye!! I would love to be entered and thank you so much for the chance.

linen and floss said...

What a beautiful giveaway. Thank you so much for offering it. Please may I be entered into your draw? xxxx

Patricia Lessell said...

Dear Faye

What a totally wonderful giveaway as a thank you. Please enter me into your draw. I have become a follower but you are on my bloglist anyway.

Congratulations on your 300.

Lots of love

Patti xxx

Melissa said...

OOOOOO!!!! How cute! I'd love to be included in the drawing.

Nancy said...

What a great giveaway...please enter me!!!

Mama Joan said...

Nice choice for a giveaway. Love a chance to win.

Jane said...

This is a gorgeous giveaway, everything co-ordinates so well. I am a follower and always enjoy reading your posts ~ I would love to be entered into your draw. Thankyou so much xxx

Hillery said...

I would love a chance to win and stop by my blog for a giveaway. Thanks so much.

Karen said...

i would love to enter your giveaway! 300 followers! wow!!! :)

pippirose said...

I'd love the chance to win this wonderful giveaway.
I'm a new follower via GFC.

laurawilson25 said...

I follow you through my Google reader. Does that count?

Anonymous said...

Please enter me for a chance to win this lovely package of goodies...I am a devout follower!!


Ellen said...

Would love to enter your giveaway, thank you. Congrats on reaching 300 followers!


Cathy from Kentucky said...

Congrats!!! Please enter me in your drawing.
Your blog I visit everyday and so appreciate you. You keep me motivated to stitch.

Carla said...

How beautiful! I'd love a chance at it. Thanks so much for your generous giveaway!

Lynn said...


Nice give away. I've been reading your blog for a while and just became a follower. Your stitching and finishing is amazing. I enjoyed meeting you at PALS.


Nicole said...

Well, I'm not technically a follower (i have follow all my blogs through google reader), but I would have to say I'm one of your hugest fans!! I love all that you stitch - you are such an inspiration to me and I'm not surprised you have 300 followers!! :)

Julianne said...


I am not a signed up follower but as you know from the comments that I leave you, I do read your blog regularly.

Thanks so much for the chance to win such a lovely grouping of gifts.

Bertie said...

Wow Faye, 300 followers, NOW 315!! how funny when you do the giveaway, how do not followers know this??

Anyway love the chart but do NOT count me in please, I have to many still in my stash LOL.

gracie said...

oh Faye...I would love to win!

Anonymous said...

Lovely giveaway!
I am a follower and enjoy reading your blog.
Please count me in.

Unknown said...

Awesome give away Faye - I would love to be entered!

Nan ~ Threadwork Primitives said...

I love this chart too and want to stitch it before Xmas. You are so generous, Faye.
No need to enter me as I already have the chart and tons of Victorian Motto Sampler threads. Rather let some other follower be the lucky winner.

Amy said...

What a lovely giveaway Faye - I'm sure whoever wins it will be quite thrilled. They'll love the VMS threads!! :-)

Denise said...

Hi Faye - I would love the chance to enter. I am a follower! Your pattern looks heavenly!

Smiles - Denise

reneexstitch said...

Hey Beautiful Faye,

So much to catch up with you about. Hope all is well in your world. Please enter me in your giveaway and let's talk soon. Love ya, mean it!

Lisa V said...

Ooo what a lovely giveaway, pls enter me in the draw, I am already a follower!

Theresa said...

Congratulations on your 300 followers!!!! I have been reading your blog regularly but just discovered that I wasn't a follower!! Oh no!! But I am now!!!!! Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway!!!

Jennifer said...

Fabulous giveaway! Please count me in. ;)

Deborah said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for counting me in Faye.

Tricia said...

Beautiful, Faye! I'd love to be entered!!

Anonymous said...

Yippee! Thanks, Faye, for being such an inspiration and well of creative genius. :)

Anonymous said...

I so look forward to your blog and your latest creations!!! Please enter me for a chance at the giveaway! I am a follower. Thank you!!!!!!

Sharon said...

I am a new follower although I have been reading your blog for sometime now. Your giveaway is very generous. Hope I win!

Christine said...

Thanks for a wonderful giveaway, Faye. I love Brenda Gervais designs - can't wait to see the finish you post for this piece. I'm sure that it will be beautiful. Congratulations on 300+++.

Patty C. said...

What a great giveaway
Please include me - I am a follower
The design is fabulous and I'd love to try those threads !!

Take Care

Maggee said...

HI Faye! What an exciting milestone! Congratulation! Please enter me in your giveaway! Hugs.

Mary said...

Congratulations on your 300 followers Faye!

Friday is my b'day and although I'm having my first giveaway I would love to be included in yours :) Thanks for great treats and a wonderful inspiring blog!

CalamityJr said...

What a fun giveaway - now I'm wishing I were doing some Christmas stitching! Well, maybe I will be soon... if I'm lucky!

Kim said...

Count me in! So generous - thank you - love your blog!

Friendship Crossing said...

What a generous give~away!

I'm totally addicted to all the items in your give~away! Love Brenda's charts, moda fabrics, linen, rick rack but have never tried those hand dyed threads! Love everything!

Thanks so much! Pick me, pick me! LOL

Diana said...

Cute little Santa kit! Now that Halloween is over, I'm ready for some Christmas stitching.

capecodgirl565 said...

I love this Santa chart, very cute. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks.

Christine said...

Wow ~ I usually check your blog on a regular basis just for inspiration but now a give-a-way too! Thank you for blogging, Faye!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for blogging Faye! I read your blog everytime through Google Reader....I subscribe to it! LOL I would love to be entered into your giveaway draw!


Anonymous said...

This is a lovely and most generous giveaway. I would love to stitch it and know it is from you because you are so inspiring to me and you have such a wonderful heart. Congratulations on your blog.

Vinniey said...

What a great giveaway! Please include me, I am a follower. Thanks you, Faye.

imnverted said...

I love reading your blog, what a wonderful giveaway!

dq said...

great give away and blog please include my name

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

Hey Faye !!! (waving my arms in the air!) Of Course I am a follower!! I love everything you stitch! Please enter me !! :)

Yvonne..... said...

I will follow you Phey where ever you go! LOL! Your stitching friend, Ivanka :)

Catherine said...


I'm lovin' that pattern! I am sure those threads would be a joy to stitch with and those fabrics and trim --- what fun!

Andrea said...

Awesome giveaway Faye, I'd love to win it!
Congrats on so many followers :)

Kathy said...

What a great giveaway! I've only been following your blog since late summer, but am inspired by your creativity. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway.

Pike said...

Please include me!

Pirjo from Finland

~Judy~ said...

Thanks for the chance at this generous giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Faye I would love a chance at your generous giveaway. I love your stitching and your finishes are just beautiful. Pat

Anne said...

Thanks Faye for sharing your lovely stitching with us! I have been a follower for awhile, well since I discovered stitching blogs (I've been inspired to create one as well!). I thought I had clicked on follow awhile back, but I'm not sure if I did it right (still learning about all of this). I would love to be entered for a chance for the giveaway. Keep up your beautiful stitching and blogging!


DovilÄ— said...

I love this design too, please add me too.
Best wishes from Lithuania

Teresa said...

Mi piace tutto ,e ci sono anche io.

Nina said...

Thank you for this lovely giveaway, Faye, please count me in. Thanks and wish you a great week!

Veronica said...

Lovely giveaway! Please sign me up. Thank you so much!

Sylvia said...

Cuteness in form a giveaway. I would love to be entered. Congrats on all your follower.

lapappilon said...

I want to play with you....

Cal-i-Co said...

What a super giveaway, and congratulations on your many followers.. I follow you on Google Reader, so I hope I'm counted :-) And I would love to be entered, too

Bonnie said...

What a great giveaway Faye! I would love to be the winner.

Vanessa said...

This is fantastic! Even though I am just entering the contest - it has made my day that someone as giving and sweet as you are doing this for others! Thanks!
Vanessa in Upstate NY

Judy said...

Congratulations on 300+ followers. I became one, too! Your giveaway is beautiful. Would love to be entered.

FIONA said...


Daisy said...

Congratulations on the 326 followers

Beautiful, I love it.
Add my name, please.

I am a follower of your blog

Thanks for the opportunity.

Carol said...

Congratulations on 300+ followers, Faye--it is always a pleasure to visit you and your blog :)

I'd love to be included in your drawing! Thanks for the chance...

Sheila said...

Such a cute Santa and gorgeous giveawy package. I'm already a follower and would love to be entered .

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful giveaway, please enter do beautiful work.

Lynda Hardy said...

Oh, what a lovely collection of stash - those thread colors or simply lush!

Bernadett said...

I am here to play.:)

Sherry said...

Congratulations on 300 followers! That's alot of people reading your blog! Yes, I would love to be entered into your giveaway! What a great pattern to add to my winter wall.

Kathleen said...

Your blog is gift inspiring.
As a follower of your lovely blog, thanks ever so much for your kind giveaway and please do enter me in the draw.

Sally said...

Congratulations on getting 300 followers. I would love to be entered in your very generous giveaway. Love this design. I have been a follower for a couple of weeks only so hope it's OK.

LindataxPA said...

Faye - Your blog always makes me happy. I can only imagine how your students must feel each day to see your smiling face. Congrats on 300 followers. Maybe the random generator will pick my number and I'll get to stitch this jolly St. Nick due to your thoughtfulness.

Linda B

Peonies & Magnolias said...

Please count me in on your wonderful give-a-way. Love your blog.


Cindy's Stitching said...

Wow 300 - please put me in for the giveaway.

Nancy said...

Congratulations on your followers! You do such beautiful stitching projects!

This is such a festive and pretty giveaway. Please enter me in your drawing!

Kim Reid said...

I'd love a chance to enter your wonderful giveaway!
Thank you :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Mary said...

love the photos. would love to win too..Mary

Kimmie said...

Pick me! Pick me!!! LOL.

Please enter me in the giveaway. ;0)

lynda said...

Congratulations on having so many followers! Wow! Please add my name to your giveaway drawing. Thanks so much!

Magalys said...

I'd love to enter your giveaway please , I am a follower. Congratulations and thanks.

Marjorie said...

I enjoy your blog so much and your stitching and finishing is always beautiful! Please enter me in your giveaway.

Teca said...

Nive giveaway!
I am a follower and enjoy reading your blog.
Please count me in.

Unknown said...

I am a follower and would love to be included in your drawing. You are being very generous. Thanks

selene said...

What a great giveaway!!
Please include me - I am a follower

Ranae said...

Congrats on 335 followers as I post this.
Please enter me

MyLifesAStitch said...

Sign me up! :) Congrats on the followers!!

Robin said...

I'm a follower, please enter me!

Daffycat said...

Woo! Love it! Enter me please!

Karen said...

Beautiful design and I love follpwing your blog from NC! Hope I win. You are a joy to follow!

robindefender said...

Great giveaway! And btw, it was nice meeting you at MB last month.

Melody said...

I would love to be in your giveaway! Love the chart. Thanks so much!!

Blu said...

What a fun giveaway! I'd love have my name in the hat. Longtime follower (well, it feels like a long time).

Unknown said...

What a fabulous giveaway! Please pick me! :)

Veronika said...

I1m your follower now! Please enter me. Your blog is generous!!! I love it so much!

Tatkis said...

Such a cute giveaway! Thank you for a chance to win!

Best wishes,

xJuDesign said...

Hello Faye,

Please, drop my name into the hat :-)
I am your follower and you are reported on my blog:

Hugs from Hungary,

Cari said...

WOW OH WOW...341 followers !! Yikes...are you excited oh what? Happy Blogging. Please enter my name for your giveaway. Hugs and Happy Stitching....

Márti said...

What a wonderful giveaway Faye!I'm a follower, please enter me! Thank you!:)

katiem said...

Thanks for offering such a generous giveaway. The stitchers I have found online are so kind!

maurer dot katie at gmail dot com

Blu Stitcher said...

How sweet of you to do this. I would love to be entered as well.

Terri said...

Please enter me into your drawing! How generous of you!

Michelle said...

How sweet - and what a fun giveaway.

Kozi said...

please count me in in this great giveaway!
Thank you for the chance!

angelasweby said...

Faye hi :>)
I would love to be included in your giveaway. I think I am a follower :>) I know that I follow you...haha!
It's a lovely giveaway.
Warm wishes and thanks Angela

BARBARA said...

What a fabulous giveaway.....saw your progress on an earlier post and love it. Enter me please

Allenz said...

I'd love to be part of your giveaway. Thanks for the oportunity.

Anonymous said...

wow, so pretty, love to be entered
Heather M

Mary H said...

I have to say that your stitching is beautiful but your finishing is absolutely exquisite! You also photograph everything so well. I would love to be considered for your giveaway!

Mary H

Susan said...

You have such fun little give-a-ways all year long. Thank you from one Carolina stitcher to another.
I love seeing all of the stitch finishes you share with us bloggers!
Please enter my name. Thanks!
Happy Stitching!

Lois said...

Oh, what a lovely giveaway! If you don't mind sending international I'd love to be entered!!

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

Wow.Congratulations to you and your wonderful Blog Faye, I find it to be a joy to pop on in and stay for a while.
Be always in stitches.

Unknown said...

Please enter me in your give away. The finishes that are posted on blogs give me inspiration to finish my own started pieces.

I have read your blog for quite awhile and just became a follower.


Kellie said...

What a gorgeous giveaway! I would love to be included. :)


Anonymous said...

Enjoy seeing your beautiful stitching.
Please enter me into your drawing.
Thank you.

Unknown said...

Thank you for such a great blog (and this great giveaway).

I would love to stitch this little cutie, please include me.

PatsyAnne said...

Please put me in for this giveaway - I am new to your blog and LOVE IT!!!


Lisa Russell said...

Oh, I am a follower of your blog and would LOVE to win! --Lisa R.

Unknown said...

Commenting, commenting, lol. What a lovely giveaway, Faye! Please add my name to your drawing - btw, love, love, your 'simply' finish!

North Country Stitcher said...

What a generous giveaway! I've been reading your blog for awhile, but only just became a follower. Please enter my name.
mountainstitches AT earthlink DOT com

Loraine said...

I love this little pattern! Sorry I'm late coming to the party, but please count me in.
Love your Primitive Betty pincushion! You do such wonderful work.
I'm also so jealous of your fun retreat! Thanks for all the fun stories and photos. It made me feel like I was right there.

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Very nice! I'm following!

Pumpkin said...

How exciting! I'm a follower. Please add my name to the hat :o) Thank you so much Faye!

primitivebettys said...

Oh, can I enter too? I love that Santa pattern! :) You are so generous & such a great crafter! Thank you Faye!



Sandy In Montana said...

I'd love to be entered in your give-a-way, Faye and of course I'm a follower as well.

Take Care & Happy Stitchin'
Hugs Sandy in MT

Heather said...

Hello Faye, Thank you for commenting on my blog! You are so nice :) This is a great giveaway, thanks for offering it, I’ll keep my fingers and toes crossed.