Wednesday, February 16, 2011

~~~~My day was just awesome~~~~

When I got home and saw my giveaway win had arrived, I said a big "YES~!"
Sweet Brenda had sent my winnings on to me....Such a feast for the eyes...

You can imagine how excited I was when I opened the box and saw this full yard of Williamsburg Sampler fabric.........Oh my goodness!!

Honestly, I could frame this and claim it as a handstitched sampler....just beautiful... 
 And, my package had a La-D-Da kit "O Birdy" along with a hand punched darling bunny~~~
 Such talent Brenda has!!....This is a craft I do not attempt, but I can tell you this photo does not begin to do justice to the beauty of this cute pillow....darling and I cannot wait to showcase it with my spring stitched pieces..........
 And, of course I was giddie to get this La-D-Da kit....Silks, hand dyed fabric, chart...It even comes with its own piping to use when finishing!! LOVE IT~~~

 And, to top is all off, the giveaway included a 50.00 Gift Certificate to Down Sunshine Lane~~~ I tell you, I nearly passed out when I learned about my winnings!!  Those of you who know DSL, know how easy it is to order from Amy and how prompt she is to fill and ship your orders...  Go check her out~~~

I certainly am a lucky lady!!...There is nothing like stitching friends....
Thanks again so very much Brenda!!!


Speaking of La-D-Da, I wanted to show you a little of my progress on this 4th "up for a challenge" piece in my WIP basket....I thought since it was February and "love" is in the air, I would work on
 Love Spoken Here....

Here it was the end of December 2010...
 And, here is my progress as of last night..........
Okay folks.....Hope everyone had a great Wednesday...We are on the downslide heading to the weekend!!! Milder weather here in the Carolinas this week.....

Have a great stitching evening~~~



MartyG said...

Faye, great progress on your love is spoken here WIP. You will have this done in no time.

Joy said...

Congratulations on a wonderful give away!

Littlebit said...

Oh my goodness, Faye! What wonderful goodies you received! Congratulations! Love Spoken Here is just beautiful.

Margaret said...

Lucky you -- what a lovely prize! Love your La D Da progress - it's beautiful!

Karen said...

What a nice giveaway! Can't wait to see all the goodies you get with the GC.

Love your La D are moving right along with your challenge.

Enjoy the weekend....happy stitching....

Anonymous said...

Oh Faye, Congratulations. No one deserves it more than you. Love the items. Love that sampler, it is on my list in my stash of ones to do someday. Enjoy your gifts and the rest of your week.

Unknown said...

That was a fantastic giveaway you won - congratulations. Love Spoken Here is a beautiful sampler, and you are doing your normal gorgeous job of it.

Jackie's Stitches said...

What a great goodie package! Love Spoken Here is looking fabulous.

Karen said...

lucky girl you! what fun to come home too! :) and Love Spoken Here is looking good!!!

Catherine said...

Lucky, lucky you!! Can't wait to see what you pick with your gift card!

Great stitchy progress too!

Lesleyanne said...

A lovely gift received and lovely progress on your wip.

Lois said...

Oh my! What a gorgeous giveaway box of goodies! Love your WIP!

Siobhán said...

Lucky you on the win! Love the WIP!

Giovanna said...

What a great win, good for you! Lovely WIP too.

Nancy said...

What a wonderful package you won! Enjoy all of it! The bunny is adorable.

Daisy said...

Enjoy your gifts.
Very beautiful your progress.

Happy day

Carol said...

Gorgeous goodies from the generous Brenda--she is such a sweetie! Enjoy shopping with that gift certificate, Faye!

Katrina said...

Cute WIP and what a nice gift!!! The fabric is gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful bunch of goodies!! And I love the WIP...very sweet.

Happy Stitchin'

Bekca said...

What a gorgeous giveaway win! I love the punched bunny, it's so cute. I love your latest project too, keep up the great work. Happy stitching!

Michelle said...

Oh wow! What a spectacular win!!! And your WIP is looking beautiful, great progress!

Natalia said...

What a great and generous give away, Faye !!! You are a lucky girl :-)
Nice progress on your La-D-Da..

Nicole said...

Lucky you Faye!! That's one awesome giveaway you won!! Congrats!!

Love you La-D-Da progress too! It's so pretty! :)

Nan said...

Now that's a great package to receive in the mail. It couldn't have gone to anyone more deserving. Enjoy!

Yvonne..... said...

What a terrific package to come home to!! Fabric is GORGEOUS!! I know you will use it in a very special way!

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

Absolument magnifique !

Lynn B said...

Wow Faye you are a lucky lady, such wonderful prizes!

Lynn B

Loraine said...

Fabulous giveaway! Congrats you lucky girl!

Fiona said...

What a wonderful surprise that you came home to. Looking forward to seeing what new stash you get with your DSL gift certificate. Your WIP is coming along great and I'm looking forward to watching your progress.

Lynn said...

That is one incredible and very generous giveaway! That fabric is fabulous!!
Any ideas how you'll spend your GC?
Great progress on your La D Da!

Susan in SC said...

You really did get lots of goodies! I love the little rabbit pillow - so cute!